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know what we want.  The unconscious mind is  consistently processing information in such a way that move us in particular directions.  Even at the unconscious level, the mind is distorting,  deleting, and generalizing.  So before the mind can work efficiently, we must get clear about our outcomes we expect to reach.  When the mind has a defined target, it can focus, direct, refocus, and redirect until it reaches its intended goal.  If it doesn't have a defined target, its energy is squandered.  It's like a person with the worlds greatest chain saw who has no idea why he is in the forest.

Have you ever tried to put a jigsaw puzzle together without seeing a picture of what it represents?  That's what it's like when you try to put your life together without knowing your outcomes.  When you know your outcomes you give your mind a clear picture of which kinds of information being received by the nervous system need high priority.  You give your brain the clear messages it needs to be effective.  Make knowledge born!

There are people--we all know some of them--who always seem lost in perpetual confusion.  They try one thing then another.  They go one way and then retreat in opposite directions.  They usually defend there actions as "for real this time".  However they seem to always do the same thing over again.  Their problem is simple: they don't know what they want.  You can't hit a target if you don't know what it is.

By being civilized with knowledge of self it is no reason for us to not live the type of life we desire.  The problem for some of us is that we spend so much time building on high powered sciences we don't put enough imphasis on the basic principles of prosperity.
grab a sheet of paper and pencil and create your future.  Think as if you were one of the 23 scientists.  Don't  even start  unless you have allotted some time to do this exercise.

Now find or create a place where you can relax and be undisturbed.  Spend at least an hour to do this.  You'll agree that your future is worth the time.  Your going to learn how to set goals and determine outcomes.  Your going to make a map of the roads you want to travel in your life.  Your going to figure out where you want to go and how you expect to get there.  Do the knowledge: Do not put any limitations on what's possible.  You are the makers and owners of the planet.  It's your world!  Remember,  If you don't design your life.  Your life will be the result of someone else's design without your best interest in mind. Next page

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