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JROTC Viking Battalion Home Page

A Proud Honor Unit With Distinction

Welcome to Monroe's Viking Battalion Home Page!

A little bit about JROTC

The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps was established in 1916 by the National Defense Act. Its mission is "to motivate young people to become better citizens."

JROTC is a high school course which is generally offered in place of physical education. It offers instruction in areas such as citizenship, American history, map-reading, first aid, communication, physical fitness, career choice, military-style drill exercises, and- above all- leadership. While it uses a form of military structure as the framework for its classes, there is no obligation to join the military after high school, or ever.

Frequently-asked Questions about JROTC

C/COL Katherine Keirns of JROTC Universe has been gracious enough to allow me to link to JROTC Ranks and JROTC Awards.

More about the Viking Battalion

Battalion Chain of Command, SY1998-99

Battalion News

Email: C/MAJ Nicola

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