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Full Name: Steve Bordon
Height: 6'2
Weight: 252 lbs.
Hometown: Venice Beach, California
Born: March 20, 1959
Debut: 1985
Signature Maneuver: Scorpion Death Lock, Scorpion Death Drop

The beginning

Steve Borden was working as a private trainer at Gold's Gym in Venice, California, and he also competed in body building contests when he along with Jim Hellwig (Ultimate Warrior) was discovered. The two were taught the basics of the sport by Ric Bassman, before they made their wrestling debut in November 1985 in the Californian independent scene.

In the independents Borden and Hellwig joined two other wrestler and formed Power Team USA. In early 1986, Power Team USA dissolved but Hellwig and Borden remained together and formed the Blade Runners. Hellwig took the name Rock while Borden took the name Flash. Later they moved on to the Universal Wrestling Federation, where they sided with Eddie Gilbert and Rick Steiner, Borden had by that time changed his in-ring name to Sting. Bill Watts and Eddie Gilbert were the ones responsible of UWF and since Hellwig kept having problems with them he left the federation.

Sting decided to stay with the UWF and together with Eddie Gilbert he won the UWF Tag Team Title, when they defeated the Fantastics (Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton) to capture the title on July 20th, 1986. Sting and Gilbert had many rematches with the Fantastic, and after a bout on August 17th, 1986, the title was held up, but Sting and Gilbert defeated the Fantastics in yet another rematch for the vacant title. But the Fantastics was still a thorn in the side for Sting and Gilbert and September 27th, 1986, the Fantastics regained the title and ended the feud.

But Sting wasn't finished with tag team wrestling so he teamed with Rick Steiner, and together they won the UWF Tag Team Title from the team of Chris Adams and Terry Taylor, April 12th, 1987. But just as the other two title regains, Sting and Rick Steiner weren't able to hold onto them for long, because the Lightning Express (Tim Horner and Brad Armstrong) relieved them for the title, May 17, 1987.

The partnership with Gilbert and Steiner also exploded shortly after the loss of the UWF Tag Team Title, the breakup resulted with Sting ending up as a face. At the same time the UWF were doing joint cards with the National Wrestling Alliance, which put Sting in the national spotlight. Sting wanted to get at the NWA World Champion, Ric Flair, but JJ Dillon, manager of the 4 Horsemen, instead sent the NWA US Champion, Lex Luger, to take out the big mouth, but the battles ended with no clear cut winner. But the feud got Sting to go with the NWA.


Sting was now a part of the second biggest federation at the moment, and the national attention made him sparkle. Though Sting and his partners Michael Hayes, and Jimmy Garvin lost to Rick Steiner, Eddie Gilbert, and Larry Zbyszko at the first NWA Pay-Per-View, Starrcade, November 26, 1987, Sting still wanted to go after the NWA World Champion, Ric Flair.

JJ Dillon didn't think that Sting had what it takes, so at one of the Stinger's matches in January 1988, Dillon came to the ring and made fun of Sting and even threw champagne in his face. Sting then dragged Dillon into the ring and beat the living daylights out of him. Flair then said OK to fight Sting at a TV taping, Sting really took it to Flair and even though Flair got away with the title, Sting had him in the Scorpion Deathlock for about 3 minutes. Flair was then carted off on a stretcher.

These incidents led to their match at Clash of the Champions I, March 27th, 1988. Sting put on one of his best performances in this match, and Flair was taken to the limit, when the time ran out, 45 minutes the two had fought each other without a winner. Sting and Lex Luger then teamed up at the 3rd Annual Jim Crockett, Sr. Memorial Tag Team Tournament Cup, and the team was a success they defeated Ivan Koloff and Dick Murdoch, Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane, and the Power of Pain to get to the final. In the final Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard waited, but Sting and Luger was able to defeat the experienced team and win the tournament.

Sting continued his feud with the 4 Horsemen, and he teamed with various partners trying to dethrone the Tag Team Champions, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, but never got the duke. The same thing can be said about his challenges for the US Title, which another horsemen held, Barry Windham.

In October 1988, Sting was asked, by NWA officials, to take the place of Dusty Rhodes in a six-man tag team match against the Varsity Club (Kevin Sullivan, Mike Rotundo, and Rick Steiner), Sting would tag with the Road Warriors. The Road Warriors wasn't pleased with the situation and refused to tag in Sting, who by accident was tagged in during the match. Sting cleaned house and he was about to put the Scorpion Deathlock on Rotundo, when the Road Warriors attacked him. This was the setup for a short feud with the Road Warriors, the feud died out after Starrcade, where Sting and Dusty Rhodes defeated the Road Warriors by disqualification.

March 31, 1989, Sting got a shot at the NWA TV Champion Mike Rotundo, who offered Sting $10,000 if he could beat him within 10 minutes. Sting then brought Lex Luger and Rick Steamboat to ring to stop interference from Kevin Sullivan and Steve Williams. Sting won the match and the title within 10 minutes, with a basic roll-up, but he never saw the money.

Sting defended the title against all comers, but his biggest challenge came in the shape of the Great Muta. Sting and Muta clashed at the Great American Bash, where they put of a great match. Sting was declared the winner of the match, but since Muta got his shoulder up before the three count the title was declared vacant. Later that night Sting and Muta got involved in the feud between Ric Flair and Terry Funk. Sting and Flair then decided to team up to get rid of Terry Funk and Muta.

Sting and Flair met Muta and Terry Funk in the Thunderdome Cage at Halloween Havoc. In the end of the match Flair had Funk in the figure-four leglock, while Sting continuously splashed Funk from the top rope. The match ended when Ole Anderson decked Gary Hart, which made Hart drop the towel, which ended the match.

The partnership between Sting and Flair wasn't over yet, Sting came to the rescue of Flair, who was attacked by Muta, the Dragon Master and Lex Luger. Sting was the recipient of a vicious chair shot from Luger and this lead to a series of matches between the two.

At Starrcade 1989, it was time for the first and only Iron Man Tournament, it was a special tournament where the four participants had to face each other, they received points for victory and draws. In his first match Sting went up against Luger, but Luger won the match, so it didn't look good for the Stinger. But in the second match against Muta, Sting rebounded and beat Muta, his third and final match against Flair was even better. Flair didn't stand a chance against a fired up Stinger, who by the victory won the tournament.

Flair and the Horsemen

Flair knew that his title was in danger, so he offered Sting to join the 4 Horsemen, which he accepted. But the WCW had other plans, because of Sting's victory in the Iron Man Tournament, they granted Sting a shot at Flair's World Title at WrestleWar '90. Sting accepted the match, but Flair gave Sting an ultimatum either give up the match or end your career, Sting tried to attack Flair, but the Horsemen prevented the attack and injured his left knee, this put Sting out of action for six months.

Sting was ready for action again at the Clash of the Champions XI, in June 1990, where he after Flair's match ran to the ring and confronted Flair. This was the setup for their match at the Great American Bash, because of the Horsemen's interference during the feud, the NWA decided that if Flair had to walk away with the title he had to win the match. Sting and Flair put on a great match, and in the end Flair was going for the figure-four leglock, when Sting caught him an inside cradle and scored the victory and the NWA World Title. After the match Sting stated that he thought that Flair was the greatest World Champion ever, thereby showing his respect for Flair.

In the coming months Sting defended his title against Flair and Sid Vicious, but then in late August a new challenger stopped by, he went by the name of Black Scorpion and claimed to be from Sting's past. Sting agreed to face the Black Scorpion at Clash of the Champions XII, where Sting dominated the match and he was about to unmask the Scorpion, when a man in a similar outfit showed up on the entrance ramp, but Sting was still able to defeat the Scorpion. During an interview Sting was attacked by Sid, to setup their match at Halloween Havoc, which Sting won.

But the feud with the Black Scorpion wasn't over, Sting fought the Scorpion at several occasions, but all the times another Scorpion would show up to play with Sting's mind. Sting decided that he would face the Scorpion at Starrcade in a cage to solve their problems. There were four Scorpions at ringside during the match, Sting won the match, only to be attacked by the Scorpions and Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. Sting managed to unmask the Scorpion to reveal that it was Ric Flair.

Sting wanted Flair to pay for his actions, so he agreed to a rematch with Flair, at January 11th, 1991. Flair regained the title by putting his feet on the ropes for leverage. Sting continued his feud with the Horsemen, both in singles competition and tag teams, but rarely he was able to walk away with the win.

Lex and Sting got a shot at the WCW Tag Team Champions, the Steiner Brothers, at SuperBrawl I. Even though they were friends the match was great. Sting and Lex had the Steiners beaten, when suddenly Nikita Koloff appeared, he was about to give Lex a Russian Sickle with a chain when Sting saved Lex by taking the full blow, Scott Steiner then pinned Sting to end the match. Sting was enraged and went back after Koloff and started brawling with him. This was start of a boring feud with Koloff, which dragged on for too long.

Lex Luger

After the feud with Koloff, Sting entered a one night tournament for the vacant WCW US Title, it became vacant when Lex Luger won the World Title, Lex how ever had turned heel in the process. Sting put on a great performance that night, first he defeated Arn Anderson, then the Diamond Studd before Sting in the final beat Steve Austin to capture the title. Sting was as usually for the US Champion, declared the number one contender for the World Title, but before the match was signed something strange happened.

At WCW Saturday Night, Sting received a gift, which turned out to be Abdullah the Butcher, who attacked Sting. After defeating Johnny B. Badd at Clash of the Champions XVI, Sting received his second gift in the shape of Cactus Jack, but Sting was ready for him. These incidents led to the "Chamber of Horrors" Cage match at Halloween Havoc 1991. Sting's time was able to win the match, but the night wasn't over for Sting yet. Later that night Rick Rude made his debut in WCW and challenged Sting for a match, which Sting accepted.

Sting and Rude should clash at Clash of the Champions XVII, but before the match, Sting received his third and final gift, which turned out to be Madusa in a very revealing outfit, Sting was surprised but suddenly Lex Luger showed up and clipped Sting's left knee. Sting was taken to hospital and was told that unless he defended his title, Rude would become Champion. Sting returned to the hospital and put up a valiant effort, but his injury was too much to handle and Rude won the match and the US Title.

At Starrcade 1991 a special event took place, namely the Battle Bowl, which was a tournament where wrestlers would be combined in tag teams and the winners would advance to a battle royal. Sting got Abdullah the Butcher as a partner but was able to advance. The combatants were split in two rings and the winners of the two rings would then clash. Luger won his ring, while Sting was having problems with Rude in his, but eventually Sting eliminated Rude, only to get a Rude Awakening for his efforts. Sting and Luger then clashed in the ring, Lex thought that Sting was easy pickings, but he found out that he couldn't hold the Stinger down, who eliminated Luger to win the Battle Bowl 1991.

With the victory at Starrcade, Sting was named the number one contender for the World Title, but the match wouldn't take place until February at SuperBrawl II, the match was a one sided affair where Sting dominated and eventually defeated Luger to win the WCW World Title. Rude then challenged Sting and even attacked him. Rude on the other hand wasn't able to defeat the Stinger.

The mastodon - Vader

But another challenger would come in the shape of 400 pounds on the man called Vader. During one of Vader's squash matches, Sting came down to confront Vader, because of his violent acts, Vader responded by a powerslam and left Sting laying in the ring. Sting and Vader then had matches all over the country, during a match in April, Vader caught Sting and slammed him to the mat, which resulted in Sting cracking two ribs and a bruised spleen, Vader then lost the match after he hit the referee.

Sting didn't return to the ring until Wrestle War, where he put on an excellent performance and showed that he was in peak physical condition. Upon his return Sting started feuding with old nemesis Cactus Jack, the two put up a great match Beach Blast in a Falls Count Anywhere Match, where Sting came out on top. Vader then strolled back as the number one contender.

At the Great American Bash, Sting and Vader finally clashed. In a truly great match, where Sting missed a Stinger Splash and was hammered with a vicious powerbomb for the three count, Vader was declared the new WCW World Champion. Sting was supposed to get a rematch at August 2nd, but strange things happened again. Sting came to the aid of Nikita Koloff, who was attacked by Rude and Cactus Jack, suddenly a man jumped over the railing, it was Jake Roberts. Jake attacked Sting and twice gave him a DDT on a steel chair.

The incident was only the start of their feud, the two fought all over the country, but we had to wait until Halloween Havoc before the feud ended. A giant wheel should tell under which rules the match should be fought, and the wheel landed on a Coal Miner's Glove Match. During the match Cactus Jack came to the ring with a ring, which was supposed to bite Sting, but ended up biting Jake Roberts, who lost the match and disappeared from the WCW.

The rest of 1992 Sting focused his energies on becoming number one contender for the WCW World Title, and to do that he had to win the King of Cable Tournament. First the Stinger defeated Brian Pillman and then Rick Rude before he faced Vader in the tournament final. Sting and Vader again put up a great match and showed just how good they worked together and Sting came out on top. Two days later Vader won the WCW World Title, so the feud heated up again.

Sting and Vader fought each other on many occasions, but the most memorable and brutal encounter was at SuperBrawl III in a Strap Match. Vader won the match but it wasn't without injuries, he sustained a lacerated back and a ruptured artery in his ear that required hospitalisation, but Sting was also bleeding because of the tough match. But Sting and Vader wasn't finished yet.

In March Sting and the rest of the WCW crew took off to England, where Sting defeated Vader to capture the WCW World Title for a second time, March 11. But Vader got the last laugh, when he defeated Sting on March 17 in Dublin, Ireland. Sting then aligned himself with the British Bulldog to take on Vader and Sid Vicious, but it was Sting and Vicious who started going after each other. Sting finally overcame Vicious at Halloween Havoc.

The Ravishing One

Sting then with various partners went after the Nasty Boys, without much success. Rick Rude then came back knocking on the door. February 1994, Sting, Dustin Rhodes, and Brian Pillman took on Paul Orndorff, Steve Austin, and Rick Rude in a six man cage match. After Pillman got the pin on Austin, Sting was trying to leave the cage when Rude slammed the door on his face. Rude then put his patented "Rude Awakening" neckbreaker on Sting and left him laying. Sting, incensed, requested a WCW International Title match with Rude but Rude refused, saying that he would never give Sting a title shot.

In March of 1994 the WCW took on a tour to England, where a European Cup Tournament was held. Sting was one of the favourites and he lived up to it by defeating Kane of the Harlem Heat, Ron Simmons, and Steve Austin, before he stood over against old rival Vader in the final. Sting won the final and was declared the winner of the European Cup.

During WCW Saturday Night, a female fan came out and wanted Rude's autograph. Rude, with ego soaring, signed the piece of paper unaware that it was a contract for WCW Spring Stampede for a title match between himself and Sting. When Rude found out later what had happened, he was more than mad. This incident showed some uncharacteristic deviousness on the part of Sting. So, with the match signed, Rude had no choice but to battle Sting at Spring Stampede. However, an unexpected visitor showed up right before the match. It was Harley Race. On behalf of Vader, he challenged the winner of the match to meet Vader in a title bout. Sting gave his answer in the form of a right hand. As for the match itself, it was a pretty good encounter that ended when Vader and Race came back out. They tried to hit Sting with a chair but hit Rude instead. Sting quickly covered Rude for the win and the WCW International Title.

May 1, Rude regained the title in Japan but injured his neck doing so. This put him out of his Slamboree '94 match up with Vader. WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkle wanted to give back the title to Sting, if he would take Rude's place against Vader. Sting refused to accept the belt unless he could defeat Vader. Bockwinkle agreed and Sting went on to face and defeated Vader to regain the title.

Sting in Limbo

By June of 1994, WCW decided that there should be one world champion. So they signed Sting to face then WCW World Champion Ric Flair in a unification bout at a Clash Of The Champions event. Showing up unexpectedly was Sherri Martel, who had face paint on similar to Sting's. Everyone thought that she was on Sting's side but it turned out to be a ploy all along as she help Ric Flair win the match and unify both belts. The WCW had signed Hulk Hogan in 1994, and that sent Sting out of the World Title picture.

Sting injured his left eye in a match against Flair, when Sherri scratched Sting in the eye, this put Sting out of action for three weeks. In September 1994, Sting accepted a triangle match against Vader and The Guardian Angel to determine a top contender for Hulk Hogan's title. Sting, after giving a supreme effort, lost the match due to outside interference, a masked man came in and clipped Sting in his bad left knee, causing him to lose. Anyway, Sting made an appearance at Halloween Havoc '94 after the cage match between Hogan and Flair. Hogan was attacked by The Butcher, Kevin Sullivan, and Avalanche. Sting came in to save him and would help him on and off his feud with "The Three Faces Of Fear".

Sting used the first part of 1995 feuding with two useless wrestlers in the shape of Avalanche and Big Bubba Rogers, in these matches Sting carried the two to some OK matches. A Tournament for the vacant US Title was the next part of the Stinger's life, first he defeated Arn Anderson, and Paul Orndorff before he had to carry some dead weight in the shape of Meng in the final. Sting of course won the match and the WCW US Title for a second time. Sting then proceeded to battle Meng for months with the same result.

Fooled by the Horsemen

November 13th Sting lost his title to Kensuke Sasaki, and was not able to regain it in rematches. In the Horsemen ranks strange were happening, Flair was getting attacked by Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. Flair asked Sting for help, but he didn't trust him, eventually Sting helped Flair but he never should have done it. At Halloween Havoc Sting and Flair was supposed to take on Anderson and Pillman, but Flair didn't show up, because of an attack. Flair, pretending to be injured, came out to "help" Sting. When Flair was tagged in, the trap was sprung the Horsemen laid out the Stinger.

But Sting rebounded, two weeks after he wrestled Flair on Nitro, Sting put on the Scorpion Deathlock and refused to release it. Lex Luger then came to the ring and talked some sense into Sting, who released the hold. Luger had returned to WCW earlier in 1995, and he was welcomed back by Sting, but not by Hogan who didn't have high thoughts for Luger. After the incident Hogan accused Sting for being a traitor and challenged him for a match at Nitro, November 20th.

This was the time, when Hogan for the first time wrestled in black clothes, due to the Giant shaving of his famous moustache. Sting and Hogan at his mercy in the Scorpion Deathlock, when the Dungeon of Doom came out and caused the end of the match. Sting then settled his score with Flair at World War 3, where Sting came out on top.

At Starrcade '95 it was time for a the Triangle Match between Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Sting. The match ended when both Luger and Sting were counted out of the ring. The controversial part of the match was when Sting was trying to get back into the ring, Luger held on to him!!! Needless to say, it caused some friction and led insiders to believe that they were headed for another feud. That never materialised as Sting and Lex went on to win the WCW World Tag Team Championship in January, 1996, from the Harlem Heat.

Their five month reign was marked with controversy and confusion as Sting began to question Luger's true motives. In the end, Luger proved that he was on the level with Sting despite his shallowness. Sting and Luger were during their regain able to hold on to the title, despite challenges from teams like the Blue Bloods, and the Road Warriors. June 24, the Harlem Heat was able to win back the title.

Sting mistrusted

In June Scott Hall and Kevin Nash returned to WCW and claimed that they were taking over. Sting was the first one to stand up to Hall, but nothing more happened until Bash at the Beach. Sting, Luger, and Randy Savage were going to face Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, and their mystery partner. Luger was knocked out in the first minute by Sting when he executed a Stinger Splash that had Luger in the pileup. The worst was yet to come though as Hulk Hogan betrayed WCW and formed the New World Order with Hall and Nash, when he came to ring and dropped his big leg on Randy Savage.

After his team lost to the nWo at Bash At The Beach, Sting and Lex Luger concentrated their efforts towards ending Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan's new organisation before it got off the ground. Unfortunately, that effort would turn in a bizarre chapter in the career of Sting.

At Fall Brawl '96, Sting and Lex Luger were scheduled to team with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson for the War Games. About a week before on WCW Monday Nitro, Lex Luger was assaulted by "Sting" and the nWo. Or so it would seem. Nonetheless, the nWo did what it wanted to do and that was put Team WCW in disarray before Fall Brawl. Luger and Co. was convinced that Sting had gone nWo. In fact, WCW had been convinced that Sting had defected.

Anyway, Sting returns from a tour of New Japan to find out that Luger doesn't believe him and that he had turned traitor. Later on in the match, the real Sting shows up and cleans house of the bogus Sting and the rest of the nWo. But, after assaulting the nWo, Sting leaves the cage, more or less saying "you finish them yourselves". Needless to say, the nWo won when Luger passed out from a "Scorpion Deathlock" and a front face lock by Hogan. This was Sting's last match for a long time.

The "Crow" Sting

The next night, Sting came out to address the crowd and told WCW to "stick it" and declared himself a "free agent". The nWo did what they wanted to do and that was to cause dissension in WCW. Sting disappeared for a few weeks and resurfaces with his "Crow" persona sitting in the rafters and doing drop ins, whenever the nWo thought too much of themselves.

The nWo Sting was wrestling, when the real Sting came out smacked the living daylights out of the fake. The nWo then came to ring and asked him to join them. Sting responded by saying "There's only one thing for sure with the Stinger, and that's that nothing is sure", then he left. Wrestlers who accused Sting for betrayal, paid for it, including Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner, Jim Duggan, and Lex Luger. Many thought that Sting had joined the nWo, and when Randy Savage returned to WCW in January 1997, Sting sided with him, shortly after Savage joined the nWo.

At WCW Uncensored the questions were finally answered, when Sting whipped the nWo again by himself, he laid out Hall, Nash, Savage, and Hogan, Sting pointed his bat at Hogan and made clear, who he wanted. But this was only the first of many Superman attacks against the nWo. WCW tried to get Sting back on their side by offering him contracts to wrestle different opponents, but not Hogan, but JJ Dillon and Gene Okerlund, where so stupid that they couldn't understand what Sting wanted, even if the fans yelled Hogan's name and Sting took a sign with Hogan's name on it.

Eventually a match was signed for Starrcade, December 28th. Sting showed some ring rust, but he still delivered a passable performance. In the end Hogan dropped his leg on Sting and the referee counted 1-2-3, rather quick, Bret Hart came to the ring and claimed the count was too fast and then decked the referee. The match continued Sting got Hogan in the Scorpion Deathlock, and it was more than Hogan could handle. Sting became WCW World Champion for a third time.

The following night at Nitro, Sting and Hogan clashed again, with almost the same ending. Then at Thunder, January 8th, JJ Dillon stripped Sting of the title, because of the controversial way he won it. A new match between Sting and Hogan was going to be at SuperBrawl to find out, who had the right to call himself WCW World Champion. Sting defeated Hogan again. This time Randy Savage hit Hogan with a spray can to secure Sting the win and the WCW World Championship.

Sting then sided with Randy Savage to breakup the nWo. At Uncensored Sting defeated Scott Hall, and in a cage match between Savage and Hogan, the Disciple interfered, Sting then dropped down to the ring to help Savage. But Savage turned on Sting and hit him with a pile driver. The feud with Savage boiled up and down, because Savage injured his knee and it looked like he would have to miss the showdown with Sting. So Sting used two Nitro's to battle Kevin Nash, who on both occasions came close to the victory, only to get it screwed up by Hogan's interference.

Savage chose to participate in the match. Sting was dominating the match, when suddenly Hogan showed his ugly face, but instead of going after Sting he shoved Savage from the top rope. Later in the match Kevin Nash showed up and blasted Sting with a Jackknife Powerbomb and dragged Savage on top of Sting, and that ended Sting's WCW World Title regain.

Sting wants revenge on Kevin Nash for his actions, so he has joined forces with the Giant to challenge the WCW Tag Team Champions, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, to a match. Sting was in for a surprise at Nitro, May 11th, his tag team partner the Giant turned nWo, Hogan's fraction, looks like Sting is having problems at Slamboree.

At Thunder, May 14th, the Giant stated that when he and Sting wins the WCW Tag Team Title, Sting have to decide if he is nWo or an enemy. Will a Blade Runner come to save Sting?

Sting and the Giant won the WCW Tag Team Title from Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, when Hall brained Nash with the title belt. As the Pay-Per-View ended, the Giant asked Sting to choose side. After the pay-per-view went of the air, Sting showed the bird to the Giant and Hall. The next day at Nitro, Sting made his decision, by spitting the Giant in the face, a fight then started with Sting on the receiving end, but Kevin Nash came to the rescue.

At Nitro, May 25th, Sting and Lex Luger had a match against the Giant and the bogus Sting, after the real Sting had disposed the bogus Sting, the Wolfpac offered Sting a place in their group. Sting was hesitant, but before we could get his answer the program went of the air. After the show went of the air, Sting accepted the shirt and gave the Wolfpac signs to the rest of the members, and with that the Wolfpac and Sting stand strong. On Thunder they didn't say anything about Sting joining the Wolfpac and that he still had to make his decision.

At Nitro, June 2nd, we finally got our answer, as if we didn't know. After a match between Nash/Luger and Giant/Hogan, Sting came down from the rafters, first he revealed a black and white nWo shirt, when Hogan and the Giant were happy Sting attacked knocking Hogan down and slamming the Giant. Sting then went on to tear the nWo shirt up and reveal a black and red Wolfpac shirt, which means that Sting has joined the Wolfpac as if we didn't know.

The Giant wasn't too pleased with Sting's decision, so at Thunder, he declared Brian Adams as his new tag team partner and champion. Later that night the Giant and Adams lost a match to Lex Luger and Diamond Dallas Page, when Sting showed up with red face paint and distracted the Giant. JJ Dillon ordered a match at the Great American Bash between Sting and the Giant, where the winner would be declared to be the legitimate Tag Champ and will have the right to name his partner as the other half of the Championship team.

At Nitro, June 8th, Sting had an interview, where he again showed up with red face paint, he also gave a big howl before the interview, just as we were used to for almost two years ago. For me it looks like Sting will return to his old gimmick sooner or later.

At the Great American Bash, Sting went up against the Giant, and they put on an excellent show, but the Giant couldn't stop the Stinger who won the match and the right to name his tag team partner as WCW Tag Team Champion. At Nitro, June 15 Sting teased who his partner would be, but in the end he picked the leader of the Wolfpac, Kevin Nash, together they took on Harlem Heat, but they were not able stop the champions. Sting has teamed with Lex Luger lately, because Nash has problems with his back.

Bret Hart

Nitro, July 20, Sting and Kevin Nash lost the WCW Tag Team Title to the team of Scott Hall and the Giant, during the match Bret Hart came to the ring and distracted Sting, who then got pinned and thereby lost the title. Thankfully this will be the start of a program with Bret Hart and a chance for both of them to shine in the spotlight.

At Nitro, July 27, Bret Hart claimed to be Sting's friend, but when Sting fought Scott Hall, Bret wanted to attack Sting, but Sting saw the attack coming and instead delivered a low blow to Bret, who then bailed after he escaped a Scorpion Deathlock attempt.

Bret Hart isn't the only thing on Sting's mind also Goldberg want to get some of the Stinger. At Nitro, August 3, Goldberg stated that he wanted to go everyone, including Sting to get the Giant, this brought out Sting, who questioned Goldberg's sanity. Sting and Lex Luger were supposed to face Scott Hall and the Giant for the WCW Tag Team Titles, but Luger was knocked down, this got Bret Hart to say that he would team with Sting. When it was time for the match, Sting came down from the rafters with the white and black face paint and a baseball bat, during the match Bret whacked Scott Hall with the bat, but who knows who he wanted to hit. Sting then pinned Hall but the referee reversed the decision. Bret then walked away with both belts, but he got the crow image of Sting back. But at Thunder two days later Sting was back in his red and black gimmick, I wonder where the WCW wants to go with this.

Sting hasn't had much luck since his feud with Bret Hart started, at Road Wild he was eliminated and at Nitro, August 10, Sting and Kevin Nash only defeated the Giant and Scott Hall via disqualification. Since Lex Luger has won the US Title from Bret Hart it will be interesting to see what the WCW wants to do with the Sting vs Bret feud.

Sting has recently signed a three year extension with the WCW. The newly signed deal was for over $1 million a year, and one of the conditions of the contract was that he would not have to work on Thursdays, which means we will not be seeing him on Thunder. At Nitro, August 31, Sting and Lex Luger took on the team of Bret Hart and Hollywood Hogan, during the match Hogan started whipping Sting with his belt, but Bret stopped him and the two started arguing. Have Bret Hart spoken the truth all along, is he really Sting's friend, Naah I don't think so, but it is kind of interesting the way WCW develops this feud.

The next week Diamond Dallas Dallas took the offer to join the Wolfpack as a threat and stated that he didn't trust Nash, because of his past in nWo, neither could he understand how Sting and Lex Luger could do it. This brought out the three members of the Wolfpack, Luger tried to persuade DDP, but to no avail. Sting then suggested a tag match pitting himself and Luger against DDP and Rowdy Piper, which was accepted. Later Bret went to the ring and shortly he was followed by Curt Hennig, Stevie Ray and Vincent. Sting then showed up with a baseball bat in hand and chased away the thugs. He handed the bat to Hart then turned his back on him, an old ploy from the "Crow" character days, Hart didn't do it though. Sting then left leaving Hart in the ring. Sting and Luger lost the tag match by disqualification, when Nash came to the ring and Jackknifed DDP. Sting entered the War Games Match at Fall Brawl but wasn't able to get the duke.

At Nitro, September 14, Sting got to tangle with Goldberg in the main event, Sting hit Goldberg with everything he got, but it had no effect, this frustrated Sting, but eventually he got Goldberg in the Scorpion Deathlock, but then Hogan came to the ring and kicked Sting in the head, Goldberg then hit the Spear and Jackhammer for the win. Bret Hart then came to the ring and told what had happened, Goldberg then helped Sting to his feat.

The next week at Nitro, Sting paid Bret Hart back, Bret was being punked by Scott Steiner and Buff Bagwell, when Sting came to the rescue. At Nitro, September 28, Hogan challenged both Bret and Sting to a match, which Bret, on his own and Sting's behalf, accepted. During the match between Bret and Hogan, Sting came to the ring, when Hogan started working on Bret's "injured" knee, which got Hogan to back off. Sting then took Bret's spot in the match, and had Hogan in the Scorpion Deathlock, when Bret hit Sting with a DDT and then put him in the Sharpshooter. Hogan and Hart continued to work over Sting until they had had their laugh.

At Nitro, October 5, Sting was out for revenge, when he found Bret Hart he beat the daylights out of him, until security got him to back off. Later Sting and Bret squared off in the main event, they fought all over the place, using tables, trash cans, chairs, and metal poles, Bret worked on Sting's leg. The end came when Sting put the Scorpion Deathlock on Bret, and then released the hold and walked away with a bad leg. At Thunder, Bret challenged Sting to a match at Halloween Havoc.

The next week at Nitro, Sting accepted the challenge, but also called out Bret and Hogan for a match the same night, this brought out the Ultimate Warrior, who wanted relive the old team with Sting, which he of course accepted. During the match Sting made all the work, suddenly the ring was full with nWo Hollywood's henchmen, but the ring filled with smoke after it cleared away, Sting stood in the ring with two baseball bats and together with the Warrior, he ran out the thugs.

At Nitro, October 19, Bret issued a challenge to Sting, since the only way Bret could get the respect of the fans was to kick Sting's butt. Sting came to the ring and completely dominated Bret until he missed a move, Bret then had the advantage, but Sting got Bret in the Scorpion Deathlock. Bret made it to the ropes, but Sting refused to let go, this brought down referees, which had no effect. Then Stevie Ray and Vincent attacked but Sting held on, until he suddenly creamed his attackers. Bret then made a run for it, but Sting went after him as the show went off the air. At Thunder Sting was on the way to defeat the Giant when the rest of the nWo thugs hit the ring and started working on Sting's leg, Rick Steiner then threw a bat to Sting, who cleared the ring.

At Halloween Havoc, Sting and Bret classhed in a good entounter. Hart used his illegal tactics to keep the advantage and Sting fought all that he could, with the crowd behind him. Bret used the bat that Sting had brought to the ring to score the victory. After the match Sting was put on a stretcher and carted away. Since Halloween Havoc Sting has been out due to personal problems, he hasn't been on TV, but have wrestled at house shows. He wrestled on January 3 with the red and black facepaint, but then disappeared again until January 23, where he appeared with the crow image and defeated Bret Hart.

Back in Black

On March 29, at Nitro from Toronto the black and white crow Sting was spotted in the rafters duirng an interview with Ric Flair. The rest of the week the announcers hyped that Sting would have a special message at the next Nitro.

And so the prophecy came true, after a four way dance between Hogan, Goldberg, Flair, and DDP, Sting descended from the ceiling and pointed at a screen, here Randy Savage announced that at Spring Stampede a four way dance would take place between Sting, Hogan, Flair, and DDP with Savage as the special referee.

At Spring Stampede Sting made his long awaited return to the ring on TV. Everybody was fighting everybody. When Flair had Sting in the figure four leglock and Sting had escaped to the ropes Savage heaved them back to the centre off the ring, where Savage nailed Flair with an Elbow Drop. When Flair got up he was nailed with Diamond Cutter from DDP, who won the match.

The next day at Nitro, Sting stated that it was good to be back in black, but also that he was the franchise player in WCW and wanted a shot at the World title and called the reigning champion DDP out. Later Page stated that Sting deserved a shot, but not right now since Page had other things to attend to. This didn't sit well with Sting and he then challenged Flair to a match, since Page was ducking him. Sting took on Flair in a match which saw interference from Arn Anderson, but luckily Savage helped Sting, and after blasting Flair with the Scorpion Deathdrop Sting scored the victory.

At Nitro, April 26, Sting finally got what he wanted - a title shot at DDP, thanks to commissioner Piper. Sting dominated the match and took Page from pillar to post and won the match and the WCW World Title, when he pinned DDP after a Scorpion Deathdrop. After the fight a match between Sting and Goldberg was penciled in for Slamboree. But Kevin Nash who was scheduled to get the shot against DDP, then challenged Sting, Goldberg and DDP to a four way dance later that night, which was accepted.

During the match bodies were flying everywhere, when Goldberg had the match won, Randy Savage interfered and threw in some brass knuckles into Diamond Dallas Page, who nailed Kevin Nash to take the win, thereby ending Sting's fifth World Title regain. On the May 3 episode of Nitro, Ric Flair taunted both Sting and Goldberg, this got both men out to respond to the accusations, Sting ended up shoving Flair to the ground, but eventually Sting and Goldberg butted heads, until security separated the two.

The Steiner Brothers

At Slamboree, Sting took on Goldberg in their much anticipated match. Goldberg had the control in the start of the match, but Sting quickly gained it, when he started working on Goldberg's leg, which was heavily braced. Sting nailed Goldberg with 2 Stinger Splashes, but Goldberg caught him in the third attempt. Suddenly Bret Hart made his precense felt as he came to the ring and nailed Goldberg with a chair, he was quickly followed by the Steiner Brothers quickly followed and started beating Sting. They then started working on Goldberg and the match was declared a double disqualification.

At Nitro, May 17, Rick Steiner challenged anyone to go up against him. Sting then showed his face and a brawl was underway. The match was pretty hard fought, but Scott Steiner came to the ring. The Steiner Brothers had Sting surrounded, but Lex Luger made his way down to scare off the Steiners. Before Sting made his return to the ring, he broke off all relations with Luger, because of his antics, so this can only lead to a feud.

The feud with the Steiner Brothers continued at Nitro, May 24. When the Steiner Brothers were about to take Buff Bagwell out of action, the Sting Monster truck arrived, Lex Luger was driving the truck, but he was wearing a Sting mask. When the brotherly duo was looking towards the ring, they saw the real Sting.

As announced at Thunder, May 27, Sting took on Rick Steiner in a cage match for the TV Title at Nitro, May 31. Tank Abbot served as the special referee, who had his share of problems with Steiner at Thunder. The match quickly went in seesaw mode and Abbot even applauded a Sting dropkick. Later in the match Sting went for his famous Stinger splash, but Abbot pulled Steiner away and then attacked Sting. Abbot then left as Steiner taped Sting to the top rope, Steiner then continued his assault on Sting as Nitro went off the air.

After listening to Randy Savage's whining about no one wants to go up against him, Sting stepped up to the plate, and after Savage had accepted, Sting stated that the Madness was on viagra. When the match took place Savage's women interfered all that they could. Savage gained the initiative, when he threw powder in Sting's eyes, but Sting bounced back, until the Steiner Brothers attacked. Lex Luger then came to the ring with a baseball bat and scared the heels off.

Sting went up against Rick Steiner at the Great American Bash, June 13. It was a anything goes match, where falls counted anywhere. Sting dominated most of the match, but Steiners brawling ability got them backstage, where Sting was attacked by Scott Steiner and Tank Abott's dogs. Security saved Sting.

The next night at Nitro, Sting got his first taste of revenge against Rick Steiner. During a match between Steiner and Hak, Sting emerged from a hummer and beat Steiner senseless with a baseball bat and also threw him through the side of mobile home. Sting then went to the ring and stated "riddle me this, riddle me that, who is afraid of the big black bat?" He then knocked Steiner down again and then hoisted him up on his shoulder and took him out of the arena. Later in the show Sting came to the rescue of Kevin Nash, when he was under attack from Randy Savage and Sid.

Problems with Nash

The next week on Nitro, Sting came to the aid of Psychosis and Kidman, who were being pummelled by Savage and Sid. Kevin Nash then came to the ring and asked Sting about the hummer incident from last week, since Nash also had a bad experience with a hummer, Sting told Nash that he didn't have anything to do with Kevin's incident, but Nash didn't seem certain. Sting's match with Sid saw plenty of interference from Savage and his women, the match was ruled a disqualification victory to Sting after Savage interference. Lex Luger then came to Sting's aid.

Kevin Nash has continued his accusations against Sting driving the hummer, which crashed into the limousine, in which Nash was. At Nitro, June 28, Nash got more to back it up, as he saw "Sting" sitting in a hummer. Sting was involved in the mind games between Savage and Nash at Thunder, here "Sting" used a baseball bat on Nash and took of with Savage and his entourage.

At Nitro, Nash was being laid out by Randy Savage, Sid, and the fake Sting. The real Sting then cleared the ring of villains and helped Nash to his feet. Kevin then blasted Sting with the Jackknife Powerbomb, since he thought that Sting was a part of the attack. At Bash at the Beach - Sting and Kevin Nash were not getting along, but their infighting wasn't the reason for their loss, since Gorgeous George low blowed Nash, who shortly after was pinned.

Ric Flair and the Presidency

The next night at Nitro, Sting came to the rescue of Dean Malenko, who was being stomped to the ground by Flair and his entourage. Sting then challenged Ric Flair to a match for the Presidency of the WCW, which Flair accepted if Sting could defeat David Flair. Sting defeated David in a matter of seconds and would go on to take on Ric at the next Nitro. In the show Sid also challenged Sting, but Sting also stopped Sid's interference in the main event between Hogan and Savage.

At Nitro, July 19, Sting took on Flair for the Presidency of the WCW. Of course Sting dominated due to Flair's back injury, but Flair's entourage made it hard for Sting to gain the victory. First Sting took care of referee Charles Robinson, then Arn Anderson who had pulled another referee out of the ring. Sid Vicious then attacked Sting, which brought the initiative to Flair. Sting rebounded and quickly got Flair in the Scorpion Deathlock, the referee was knocked out, so Eric Bischoff entered the ring and declared Sting for the new President. Sid again entered and put Bischoff through a powerbomb, but Hogan made the save. Sting later came to the rescue of Hogan, who was under attack by Kevin Nash and Sid, Rick Steiner however stopped him, before Goldberg made the save.

At Nitro, July 26, Sting started the evening by coming to the rescue of Hogan, who was under attack by Kevin Nash, Sid, and Rick Steiner. Later Sting came to the ring and stated that he would be the partner of Hogan to take on Nash and a partner of his choice in the main event. Sting and Hogan locked up with Kevin Nash and Sid in a battle that quickly went into seesaw mode. After the referee was knocked out Rick Steiner made his presence felt as he whacked both Sting and Hogan with a chair, so that Nash could pin Hogan. Goldberg then wanted to save the day, but Steiner also stopped him courtesy of three chair shots.

At Nitro, July 2, the President set-up a match pitting himself and Goldberg against Sid and Rick Steiner. As Sting was waiting for his answer Sid and Rick Steiner attacked Goldberg, Sting came to the rescue, but at that time the heels had locked Goldberg in a storage room. Of course Sid and Steiner had the advantage over Sting, but eventually Goldberg freed himself and scared the heels away. During the evening Eric Bischoff announced that Sting's lawyers have been meeting with WCW lawyers to finish up the paperwork and return control back to WCW. Sting and Goldberg then took on Sid and Steiner, but it didn't take long before Steiner got disqualified for using a chair. Hogan then stopped Steiner, but Nash came down and powerbombed Hogan through a table.

At Nitro, August 9, it was announced that Sting had handed the Presidency of the company back to WCW. Later in the show Sting and Goldberg came to the rescue of Hogan, who was under attack by Kevin Nash, Sid, and Rick Steiner. After Hogan had put his career on the line at Road Wild in his match against Kevin Nash, Sting convinced Nash to do the same, but only if the good guys could defeat the bad guys later in the evening. When it was time for the match Hogan showed up in the red and yellow to a huge pop. The faces dominated for most of the match, when the referee went down Steiner came into the ring with a chair, but it was Hogan who ended up braining his opponents. Sting then put an unconscious Nash in the Scorpion Deathlock to secure the win.

At Road Wild - August 14, Sting clashed with Sid. The match quickly went to the outside, but as the two combatants returned to the ring Sid was in command. The match continued with Sid in the drivers seat, but when Vicious went for a top rope maneuver, Sting brought him down with a superplex. Sting then followed up with two Stinger Splashed, but as he went for the third Sid caught him by the neck and downed him with a chokeslam to gain the victory.

Nitro, August 16, Sting came to the rescue of the wrestlers, who were being manhandled by Sid. Hogan also came to the ring to hog the spotlight, but granted Sting a shot at the title at the next Nitro. Later in the show Hogan went up against Sid, but Rick Steiner interfered, this brought Sting to the ring, who took out Sid, while Hogan took care of Steiner.

During an interview at Nitro, August 23, Lex Luger made his way out and the two friends hugged. Luger questioned Hogan's motives to give Sting a shot at the title, but Sting would hear none off it. Hogan and Sting fought a back and forth match, which saw Hogan miss the Big Legdrop, Sting then started to nail Hogan with Stinger splashes, but on his second try he got a boot to the face and on the third attempt Hogan moved. Sid and Rick Steiner then ran in, but Goldberg and Luger made the save. Hogan then shook hands with Goldberg and Sting, but not Luger. Hogan then stated with Goldberg and Luger as witnesses, that he would give Sting another shot at the title.

At Nitro, August 30, Lex Luger came with more evidence that Hogan can't be trusted as he showed a picture of Hogan near the hummer, which crashed into Kevin Nash some months before. Sting didn't knew who to trust, as Hogan stated that the picture didn't prove anything and that he wouldn't stab Sting in the back. But this started an argument between the two and Diamond Dallas Page then sucker punched Hogan, but they continued to argue, until security separated the two. After Hogan and Goldberg's win against the Triad footage was shown of Sting entering Hogan's locker room, where Randy Savage and Gorgeous George were waiting.

Sting and Luger confronted Hogan in his locker room on Nitro, September 6, Bret Hart was also present. Sting wanted five minutes of Hogan's time, when the lights went out and when they came back on Sting was down, accusations then ran rampant in the locker room. Later Hogan and Goldberg were taking on Rick Steiner, Sid, and DDP in a steel cage match, when Sting and Luger headed down to the ring. Sting helped Hogan and Goldberg, even though Luger was protesting. After the match Luger entered the ring and started arguing with Sting and Hogan, Lex then took a shot at Sting, who fired back as the show went off the air.

Come Fall Brawl, Sting stated that if Luger interfered in his match with Hogan, he would smack him in the face. Before the match Bret Hart came to ringside and started to talk trash and point fingers at Hogan. The match went back and forth, Hogan took the initiative when Sting missed his third Stinger Splash, this got DDP to the ring, he took out the referee and nailed Hogan with a Diamond Cutter. Page then put Sting's arm over Hogan, but he kicked out. Bret Hart took care of Page, but Sid made his way to the ring, but Hogan quickly took care of him. Lex Luger with a baseball bat was the next, Hogan also took care of him, but Sting got a hold of the bat and used it to nail Hogan with. Sting then delivered the Scorpion Death Drop to win the match and the WCW World Title, a victory Hogan has owed Sting for quite some time. After the match Sting and Luger hugged.

The next night at Nitro, Ric Flair tried to talk trash about Sting, which of course brought the man and Luger to the ring. They offered Flair to leave unharmed, but the old foolish wrestler came back, so Sting and Luger started to beat him up, this brought Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart to the rescue. The two faces then challenged Sting and Luger to a tag team match. The match was ok, but soon ended with the four superstars in the ring at the same time, this brought Diamond Dallas Page to the ring with a baseball bat, but Hogan took care of him. Bret had Sting in the Sharpshooter at the time, but Luger used the bat to whack Bret in the face. Sting then covered Bret to win the match. Sting, Luger, and DDP then made their way out together.

Sting took on Chris Benoit at Nitro, September 22. The two fought a good match, after the referee went down, Benoit struck with a piledriver, but there was no referee to deliver the three slaps in the canvas. Benoit then delivered a bridge suplex, but this left him open for an attack by Luger with a baseball bat. Sting then had no problems pinning Benoit. Ric Flair then ran in and attacked Luger and Sting, but DDP came to the rescue, Hulk Hogan then saved Flair. During the match featuring DDP against Ric Flair, Page was caught in the Figure Four Leglock, this got Sting to the ring, but he tasted the same move until Luger nailed Flair with a baseball bat, which lead to the disqualification. Hogan went to save Flair again from the Sting, Luger, and Page, but this time he was not as lucky, as Sting blasted him on his leg several times with a baseball bat.

As Nitro started, Sting attacked Hogan with kicks to the knee. This however wasn't enough for the Stinger as he also attacked Hogan, when he was receiving medical attention, with a baseball bat. Later in the show Sting, Total Package and DDP took on Bret Hart and Ric Flair took on in a match, which also was scheduled to involve Hulk Hogan, but due to Sting's attack he was taken to hospital. The Total Package used a baseball bat to choke out Bret, and then proceeded to whack Flair with it for the disqualification. The heels continued their punishment of the faces, until Hogan came to the rescue.

Sting and Total Package teamed up on Nitro, October 4, to take on Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. It was a weird match as Page ran to the ring to take out Flair, but Ric countered. Total Package thought he had Flair in the Torture Rack, but it was Page, so Hogan could finish off Sting with the Big Leg Drop.

October 18, at Nitro Bret Hart was whining, Sting then showed up with new music and a new haircut. The Stinger then challenged Bret to a match. Later Sting and Bret butted heads in the back, until security separated them. When the two finally got it on in the ring, they delivered a great match. Hart was on his way to victory, but fortunately the Total Package came to the ring with a baseball bat, Hart fought off the Total Package at first, but when he started going at it with Sting again, the Total Package whacked him with the bat. Sting could then easily slap on the Scorpion Deathlock to secure the victory. Later Sting wanted to help the Total Package, in his match against Goldberg, but Bret went after him and trapped him in the Sharpshooter, until the Total Package made the save, but Goldberg the finished off the Total Package.

At Halloween Havoc, Hogan indeed had a surprise for us all, first his music played and he didn't come out. Sting then made his entrance and Hogan's music again blasted through the speakers and this time he came to the ring in street clothes. He then got in Sting's face and then laid down, so that the Stinger could pin him. Later Sting came out and challenged anyone to come out and take him on, since he was looking for a fight. Goldberg answered the challenge, the two had a short but intense fight, which ended with Goldberg winning the WCW World Title.

Titles Held

  • July 20, 1986, Sting and Eddie Gilbert defeated the Fantastics (Tommy Rogers and Bobby Fulton) to win the Universal Wrestling Federation Tag Team Title.
    After a match with the Fantastics the title is held up, August 17, 1986.


  • In the rematch for the vacant UWF Tag Team Title, Sting and Eddie Gilbert defeated the Fantastics, August 31, 1986.
    The Fantastics won the title, September 27, 1986.


  • April 12, 1987, together with Rick Steiner, Sting defeated Terry Taylor and Chris Adams to win the UWF Tag Team Title.
    The Lightning Express (Tim Horner and Brad Armstrong) defeated Sting and Rick Steiner, May 17, 1987.


  • Sting defeated Mike Rotundo to win the NWA TV Title, March 31, 1989.
    The title was held up after a match with the Great Muta, July 23, 1989.


  • At the Great American Bash, July 7, 1990, Sting defeated Ric Flair to win the NWA World Title.
    Ric Flair regained the title, January 11, 1991.


  • Sting defated Steve Austin in a tournament final to win the vacant WCW US Title, August 25, 1991.
    Rick Rude defeated Sting to win the title at Clash of the Champions XVII, November 19, 1991.


  • Sting defeated Lex Luger to win the WCW World Title at SuperBrawl II, February 29, 1992.
    Big Van Vader defeated Sting at the Great American Bash to lift the title, July 12, 1992.


  • March 11, 1993, Sting won the WCW World Title by defeating Vader in London, England.
    March 17, 1993, Vader won the title for a third time by defeating Sting in Dublin, Ireland.


  • At Spring Stampede 1994 Sting defeated Rick Rude to win the WCW International Title, April 17, 1994.
    May 1, 1994, Rick Rude defeated Sting.


  • Sting defeated Vader to win back the WCW International Title, May 22, 1994.
    At Clash of the Champions XXVII, June 23, 1994, Ric Flair defeated Sting to unify the WCW World Title and the WCW International Title.
  • At the Great American Bash, June 18, 1995, Sting defeated Meng in a tournament for the vacant WCW US Title.
    Kensuke Sasaki defeated Sting to lift the title, November 13, 1995.


  • Sting and Lex Luger defeated Harlem Heat to win the WCW Tag Team Title, January 22, 1996.
    Harlem Heat regained the title, June 24, 1996.


  • Sting defeated Hollywood Hogan at Starrcade 1997 to win the WCW World Title, December 28, 1997.
    The title was held up because of the controversey in the match, January 8, 1998.


  • At SuperBrawl VIII, February 22, 1998, Sting defeated Hollywood Hogan to retain the vacant WCW World Title.
    Randy Savage defeated Sting to capture the title, with a helping Jackknife Powerbomb from Kevin Nash, Spring Stampede, April 19, 1998.


  • Slamboree, May 17, 1998. Sting and the Giant defeated Scott Hall and Kevin Nash to win the WCW Tag Team Title.
    Sting defeated the Giant at the Great American Bash, June 14, and by that he had to decide who should be his tag team partner and WCW Tag Team Champion. At Nitro, June 15, Sting picked Kevin Nash as his partner.
    Nitro, July 20, 1998, Scott Hall and the Giant defeated Sting and Kevin Nash, who was distracted by Bret Hart.


  • Sting defeated Diamond Dallas Page to capture the WCW World Title, Nitro, April 26, 1999.
    Sting lost the title the same night to DDP in a four way dance, where also Goldberg and Kevin Nash participated.


  • Sting won his sixth WCW World Title by defeating Hulk Hogan at Fall Brawl, September 12, 1999.
    Goldberg defeated Sting at Halloween Havoc, October 24, 1999.

Credit: Freak Speaks
