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The Woodnlady

... ABOUT ME...

Well guys here comes the really boring stuff. You know where people tell you about theirselves and their dogs... My name is Claudia but most people around these parts call me the "Wood"! No I am not a puppet and No I do not have a wooden heart. Heard them all I think. But before I got the webtv I use to be a crafter. I love to work outside using a saw and sander and creating something I can evidentually bring indoors and paint. Now you know why they call me the woodnlady.


I am more than old enough to belong to the Woods-Pile Gang, which you can link to below. But when my daughter said to me "Mom you need a computer" I thought she was nuts. I know nothing about the computer world and what goes on out there. So we compromised, like mother and daughters sometimes do, and I got a Webtv just to see if I would like it. GUESS WHAT? I love it.

MY Web Friends

One of the first things that amazed me was how quickly a fellow "webbie" would come to my aide. I remember posting in a Webtv Newsgroup right after I first got the webtv. I asked for help. I got over 150 responses (in my e-mail) offerring their help. I was floored. I wrote everyone of them and thanked them for their kind offer. I met my best buddies during this exchange of mail. I met Jodi in Georgia who has become so very special to me. I met Myrna another California girl who is always there for me too. I now have coffee most mornings with my friend Pat from Oklahoma...It is rare that she is not already on waiting for me to join her in a cup and conversation. BTW if you can avoid it don't drink Pats coffee.LOL I have Sara in North Carolina and ya'll would just love her to death.She keeps me constantly entertained. I could go on and on about all my webtv and "puter" buds but there is only so much space allowed. You know who you are and I love you all.

Now My Dogs

I have two very special dogs and they are brothers. They are suppose to be chihuahua breed,yeah right. One does look very much like the "Taco Bell" dog only heavier and the other is very dark brown and long hair like the terrier breed. They are my babies. Oh yeah,almost forgot. My hubby rates right up there with them.Not sure what breed he is yet even after 30 years. A breed of his own that is for sure.

Signature Help

One of the things I really enjoy about the webtv is the ability to make your e-mail page fit your personalality.I love to do the different html codes in my signature box for my e-mail. Most of my friends know that they never know what my mail will look like the next time they receive it. I really enjoy helping other people with their own signature boxes. SO.....PLEASE IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP with their e-mail decor do not hesitate to send me your questions via my e-mail link below. One of my friends always writes and tells me to take my nerve pills because she is ready to learn something new. LOL

*This part is as little update from when I first started this page. I have several other pages and will try and give you a link to most of them. Most all pages refer to the Woods-pile gang and that is pretty much what my friends and I have started calling ourselves. There will be a link to the gang page and by all means you will want to read about us and how we got started. Who knows you may want to pop into our chatroom and join us sometimes. So lets see if I can link you to the other pages.

This arrow will take you to the gangs f-key savers and can keep you busy so beware.

Then you can read all about us and how we got started at this link.

Click here for the gangs story.

Now I have also made a snowglobe page which I hope you enjoy.

Globes here

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My other pages.
