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undefined 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

24thMichigan Volunteer Infantry

Company C

IBLogo IBLogo

This page is, as always, under construction:

Welcome to the 24thMichigan Vol. Inf. homepage.

Welcome to the 24thMichigan Vol. Inf. homepage. Welcome to the 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry,
Company C, re-enactors site.
The 24th Michigan was started 1998 to provide a venue for a completely represented Iron Brigade on the west coast.

Presently members portraying the 24th Michigan are in the greater San Francisco/San Joaquin area. This central location allows us to travel up and down the west coast to participate in Civil War and Living History events.
We current belong as part of the ACWA (American Civil War Association) in the greater Sacramento / San Francisco Area. Within the ACWA we are billeted together with the 2nd Wisconsin. Both units portray a segment of the Iron Brigade Guard.
Members of the 24th have, in the past as well as in the present, done research on different members of the original 24th Michigan. This is done in part to gain personal knowledge and having the ability to answer question from the general public. It is amazing how little is known about the Civil War in the general population. Is therefore important that we answer questions correctly and factual. You do not need to know anything about the 24th or the Iron Brigade upon joining this re-enactment group. We will teach you. That is half of the experience,

History Comes Alive.

If being involved with history intrigues you and taking part in a little living history experience is something you have been contemplating. Then come out to the next event (see Schedule) or e-mail on the link below.


Other Iron Brigade Units found on the West Coast are the following:

2nd Wisconsin (Northern Calif.),

6th Wisconsin (Southern Calif.),

7th Wisconsin (Washington)


19th Indiana (Oregon).


Updated schedule!

Reenacting Schedule For 2006

Roaring Camp, 1999

Iron Brigade at Fresno, 1999


Members of the 24th Mich, 2d Wisc, 6th Wisc, and 19th Ill together for an Iron Brigade presence on the battle field in California during Memorial Day weekend.

For more photos Click Here

Here are some links you should check out!

For a history of the 24th Michigan
The 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

Additional information and links to all units of the Iron Brigade and Reenactments on the West Coast.
The Iron Brigade of the West

For a history of the 42nd Wisconsin
The 42nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

Here is a link to a California Reenactment Organization, in Northern Cailfornia/Bay Area location.

The American Civil War Association

This photo was taken at Fort Point, San Francisco, Jan.1999. Members of the 24th posing with the 2d Wis. Company H

The Regimental Flag as it appears today
Visit the current reenactment schedule!

Enlist as a member of the 24th Michigan and be a part of the Iron Brigade!

General Gibbon

Iron Brigade

Visit links to other Michigan, Wisconsin, Iron Brigade Units, Honored Adversaries


other information on the

Civil War!

The Regimental Flag as it could have appeared when given to the 24th Michigan in the spring of 1864.

For those you want more information on ReEnacting or a Discussions pertaining to the subject of Civil War ReEnacting, check out the listings below.

Here is a link to a California Reenactment Organization, in Northern Cailfornia/Bay Area location.

The American Civil War Association

A site with basic information and discussion forums.

The Civil War Reenactors

For a reenactment unit listing, check out the

Virtual Recruiter

at these two locations.

Unit points of Contact; 1st Al. - 19th Va.
Unit points of Contact; 20th Il. - WV. Reen

Here are links to web page tools and etc...

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages


Special Thanks!

"Use of this Iron Brigade Emblem by Permission"
VisitCompany B, 19th Indiana Volunteers,our Swamp Hog Pards in Arms.
Again thanks for the use of the Iron Brigade emblem,The Featherbeds

Here are the number of visitors

since May 9th, 1999.

Email: 24th Mich. Vol. Inf.
Email: 42nd Wisc. Vol. Inf.

Last update January 4, 2004

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This Reenactor Ring site owned by 24th Mich. Vol. Inf.

24th Michigan Infantry Regiment