National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
2 AM Tuesday, August 12, 1996, Josh Rocha had celebrated his birthday with friends and did not arrive on Monday as scheduled, but arrived at Michael's campsite at this time. There was no sign of Michael or his dog Matilda, yet all of his gear was there and the fire was fresh. A man, later identified aas Joseph Tine walked out of the woods carrying a .45 automatic from no apparent campsite to confront the young men asking who they were. They did not answer, asking him who he was instead. He also did not reply according to the young men except to ask if they were looking for "Mikey". No one called him Mikey, he would have considered in an insult. The young men waited six hours for Michael to return while Mr. Tine sat on a nearby tree stump cocking the pistol over and over again according to the young men. They also believe he was wearing Michael's boot's.
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It has become clear that the Tuolumne County Sheriff's Department is not understanding in the pain and suffering that a parent feels at the loss of a child. And this is quite understandable unless they have walked in the shoes of a parent who has lost a child. The Madden's are not people of any celebrity. They are not rich. They are just regular people like you and I. Who now have to suffer the unbearable pain of a child who has vanished and not be able to put any closure on it. A man who has a daughter missing said to me, "It's like getting shot in the heart and not dying." This is exactly how it feels. So as parents of missing young adults, we have to depend on the law enforcement agencies to help us deal with this, to give us information to help us process the feelings and heartaches. This law enforcement agency doesn't appear to be willing to do that for the Madden family. The Madden Family needs your help. Please don't bury your head in the sand and ignore this horrible fact and be glad it isn't you! Step up and be counted and help this family and be glad it is not your child we are fighting for. Email Mr. Madden now with your support and suggestions. Click onto the links for WATCHDOG'S MOST WANTED and CHILD QUEST. DO IT NOW. PLEASE!
No parent should ever have to suffer the way the Madden Family has suffered in the search for their son. Time was wasted by the Sheriff's Department and that is not something that we can tolerate when time is of the essence. Let's pray it isn't too late and Michael will be home soon.