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In Memory of Samantha Dawn Sekera

Jan. 9, 1984 - June 20, 1999

"When the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever." -The Crow

We are also deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Matthew David Zolnier, age 21 on April 5th 2004. We'll always remember you.

We Love You Sam! Sign the guestbook.

A plaque has been placed in the rock at San Ramon High. There is a little memorial, if you are campus you might want to take a look. It is over by the girls locker room, and small gym...

We Love You Sam...

Samantha died on Sunday, June 20th 1999. She was camping with a friend when she went for a walk with a 17 year old guy, they came to a rocky area and both fell into a swollen part of the Trinity river. The boy managed to get to shore, but Samantha drowned, her body was found a little after 1 am. in Trinity lake. She was 15 years old.

Click Here to See an Article that was in the local paper about it...

A new Section has been added, it has all the poems and quotes that you have sent me. Click on the link to go there...

To See Sam's Obituary click below Sam's Obituary

Please Sign The Guestbook...

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There have been over 1000!! entries, please keep signing even if you already have, they are nice to read. Also, to see if the page has been updated press "Reload" for the latest version. Last Update: 4/15/04

The Sam Sekera Memorial Scholarship Fund has been moved!!

The Sekera Family would like to Thank You for your love and compassion in the passing of Samantha. A memorial trust fund has been established in the Honor and Memory of Samantha Sekera.

If desired, donations may be made to:

The Samantha Sekera Memorial Scholarship Fund

Washington Mutual Bank

account number 0179-0001610689-5

Please Sign The Guestbook...

If you want to here a midi of "One Sweet Day" By Mariah Carey, press the play button on the box.

I NEED PICTURES! If you have pictures of Sam please scan them and send them to me.I want to add them to the site for a change. ASAP! Thanks to Kelly Day for the new additions :)

If you want to email Mrs. Sekera (Sam's Mom) her Email address is click on the mailbox to send her mail.