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Tintirosa's Mystical World of Jellicles
Hiyas! My name's Tintirosa, and I'll be your host through the wonderful world of the musical "Cats". If your have no idea what I'm talking about, read the following:
CATS Is the most succesful musical in history.
It has become the longest-runging production currently
playing on Broadway and the third longest-running show in Broadway history.
CATS has played all over the world and has also bocome
longest continuously-touring musical in American theathre history.
It's hard to imagine, then, that this production had a difficult birth and uncertain future.
The musical score and lyrics were composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with the inspiration of the book:
"Old Possum's book of practical cats"
By T. S. Eliot. If you have the chance to check out this book.
you'll see that the lyrics from the play and the poems are almost identical.
The story takes place in London, so if you see the video, you get a British accent
since many of the stars are british.
Once a year, a group of Cats known as Jellicles gather in a garbage dump,
waiting for their leader, Old Deuteronomy (yes, like the Bible Chapter)
to choose one of them to go to the Heaviside Layer and be born again into a new Jellicle life. During the show, you meet cats like Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, Mr.Mistoffelees, Victoria, Jemima, Jellylorum and Skimbleshanks.
Through song and dance they convey their story.
It is tempting to think "OK, So what? So a bunch of cats hang out without human. Who cares?"
Well, If you are just looking to see what your cat does when you aren't at home,
this isn't the place for you becouse the show involves much more.

Now, you know what CATS is, and if you like it,here is something for you:

Lyrics of the show
Some pics
Find pictures of your favourite character! (Soon to come)
Here is what I know about the Jellicles
World Productions
Cats is played in here and here and here...
About their names
What is the origin of Bombalurina's name? I know, do you?
CATS links
Links for other cats pages (they're all great)
Wordbook (for beginners)
Something you don't understand? Go here.
Soundclips and Midis
Download here! (Soon to Come)
Actors and other people
About Elaine Paige, Jacob Brent, Jo Gibb...
Differents between the London and American productions.
What's a Jellicle Cat?
Answer to question "What's a Jellicle cat?"
Did you know that...
Some worth noticing things...
What I think about CATS
Opinions about CATS
A Jellicle Library
CATS Fan Fics

Last update: August 3rd, 2000.

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