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"Faraway" by Alexander Rives

"Science is the search for truth - it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, to do harm to others. We need to have the spirit of science in international affairs, to make the conduct of international affairs the effort to find the right solution, the just solution of international problems, not the effort by each nation to get the better of other nations, to do harm to them when it is possible." - Linus Pauling

1. The Art of Alexander Rives

2. Amazing Space: an Easy to use, made-for-kids site.
Lessons on the Hubble telescope, stars in general,
the history of telescopes and more.

3. National Geographic Virtual Solar System: Discover the wonders of our solar system in a spectacular 3-D environment. Take a flyby tour of the sun and each planet in its orbit, observe planets and extraterrestrial weather patterns up close, and more.

4. Space Shuttle Clickable Map
Everything you want to know about the Space Shuttle
in an easy to navigate site.

5. Hands-On Universe: Using the Internet, students
investigate the Universe while applying tools and
concepts from science, math and technology.

6. Astronomy.Rocks! Part of the Learning.Rocks!
Series of webpages for the promotion of science education.
Targeted to late elem. school levels, but will appeal to all ages.

7. British Astronomical Association:
Campaign for Dark Skies:
Learn about the affect of Light Pollution.

8. StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers!

9. To Sleep or Not to Sleep ...
Astronauts are helping us learn about sleep during their space flights.

10. Science Magazine

11. Space Telescope Science Institute:
Hubble Space Telescope & More

12. Johnson Space Center: Kids Shortcuts to LOTS of great LINKS!


14. The JASON Project

15. The Mars Millennium Project:
An official White House Millennium Council Youth Initiative
challenges students across the nation to design a community
yet to be imagined - for the planet Mars!

16. Center for History of Physics - Home Page

17. Nancy 4 Caves

18. Educational Resource Center: This site has links that will help students, parents and teachers access a universe of information from the web.

19. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA Celebrating Over 30 Years of Service. Check out the great satellite pictures!

20. DNA - A Revolution at 50
In the 50 years since Francis Crick and James D. Watson discovered the double-helix structure of DNA, genetics has transformed the world. This special section includes an interactive feature with graphics, audio and a time line.

21. Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a project to make a map of the entire universe.

22. The Why Files - This site explores the science behind the news such as why planes crash, how new diseases break out, and why athletes shouldn't use drugs.

23. Sunspots! Great Galaxies, Batman! What are they?

24. Space Station Picture of The Day - This is an experimental service by Science@NASA. We plan to maintain this site for the duration of ISS Expedition 6 (until early May '03). If you like it, we may be able to continue beyond that time. Let us know.

25. Robot Blood! Astronauts onboard the International Space Station are studying strange fluids that might one day flow in the veins of robots and help buildings resist earthquakes.

26. Research - Geography, Weather & Population

27. Atmospheric Optics
Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form.

28. Dictionary of Units of Measurement
Americans probably use a greater variety of units of measurement than anyone else in the world.

29. Great Images in NASA - This site is a collection of over a thousand images of significant historical interest scanned at high-resolution in several sizes. This collection is intended for the media, publishers, and the general public looking for high-quality photographs.

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