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Eleventh Commandment is a Los Angeles social group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Jews in their twenties and early thirties. We are currently a group of about 60, and we are growing rapidly. We have events approximately every two months.
Upcoming Events:

We will have an event in April; check back for details which will probably be posted by late March.
  Contact Eleventh Commandment at for details, directions and to rsvp.  


Some Previous Events:

Swirl, Sniff, Taste—On Saturday February 9th we had our 2nd annual wine tasting party!
We had a Shabbat pot-luck dinner at a member's house in Malibu on Jan. 25.
We had a Channukah party, gift exchange and pot luck dinner on Sunday, December 16, 2001 in West Hollywood.
We attended a workshop and dinner at USC Hillel abour Jewish and Gay identity on October 6th.
Last spring we had a bowling event and a movie night.

Links of interest to LA based LGBT Jewish twenty/early thirty-somethings:
  Congreation Kol Ami
Congregation Beth Chayim Chadashim
Twice Blessed: Jewish GLBT Archives, Housed at USC
World Congress of GLB Jewish Organizations
Listing of Israeli/Jewish/Gay Sites
Don't forget to contact Eleventh Commandment to receive e-mail announcements about upcoming events. Include your phone number to get a phone call letting you know about future Eleventh Commandment activities.

Clicking on the image to the
left will take you to the
Matthew Shepard site.

  Click on the image to the
left to check out other sites in the Queer Ring.