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Derik's Home Page


   About Me

  • Click the "Talk" button to talk to me...
    1. My Video Samples:
      Search dnfelectric to see all my videos

        The Sites I Visit Most Often Are:

      1. My Business Card
      2. My Pictures
      3. My Friend's Page - Investigative Services
      4. TV Listings
      5. My Church
      6. HTML Codes - Free
      7. Listing for Movies
      8. Graduation Honors
      9. National Geographics
      10. Al and Mamie Ketter's Gospel Music Page
        To see Podcasts or shop at their store

      Thank's for visiting my page. Please come again. Send me email if you have questions or pointers about my site.

      Here is more                                                                        about Derik...

      He loves riding his Motorcycle when the traffic get's really heavy.
      He teaches computer basics as well as computer programming. He teaches many different drawing and desktop publishing programs. He can design a database to run your company or a spreadsheet to calculate your bills. He can make your business cards as well as your brochures.
      As an NCO in the Army, he has been trained in how to teach.
      He plays the guitar and has been playing for over 30 years.
      You are in good hands with Derik Ferrante.
      Feel free to send him an email with any question you may have.

        Cat got ahold of your fingers, send me mail