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Franchesca's Poetry

Surfing the web in search for a beginning and a connection?

The transgendered world lead me
to sisters
expressing their feelings in various forms.

Recently my creative side
has taken to poetry.

These represent my finished projects.
Another step into discovery.
I am very proud of them since writing
in any form was such a task!

Enough already.

If you want to pass these poems
on to a dear friend
I only ask that you give
credit its do.
These represent
hours of emotional discovery.
Tears. Joy. Laughter.
Thank you sweet sister.

Write me and share some of you with me.

Gotta Have It

Have one
Need one more
Make that three
Blue one
Yellow one
Make that four

Changed my mind
Make that five!
Red one
Gold one
Green One
They are all mine!


Woman trapped within
Wanting perfect skin
Ruby lips I do want
Adornd eyes with colored powder
Shout all the louder

Courtesan and friend
Dressed up
Looking thin

Rounded breasts
Girlish thighs
Manicured nails that mesmerize
Hosed legs I do desire
Within me a woman's fire

Gentle Touch

Release me from a manly world
Close that door
Remove work's costume
Place your soft hands

Satin I do need
Silk feels good underneath
Perfumed skin to enjoy
Your caress employ

Share my thoughts
Delight in me
I'm your friend
Your words I heed

Sweet and dear
My words hear
Teach me your secrets
Do not fear

Womanhood yearns
Truth so much
From you I'll learn
A gentle touch