Welcome to The Graybrook Institute, a private educational endeavor created to advance the Christian world view and the historic Christian faith.
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Featuring essays from The Gauntlet, a newsletter challenging the dominant culture with the weapons of Christian truth.
Sound and Spirit: Life, Passion and Discernment in Contemporary Youth Music
Ethos, Part I: Living Out an Inevitable Idea
Ethos, Part II: A Strategic Retreat
Worshipping Gods of Their Own Making: America's Political Idolatry
Our Sunday Best: Seeking Excellence in Grooming and Worship
Theological Papers
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
Finessing the Gospel: News Too Good to Be True
A Graybrook Interactive Survey Who were the 20 most influential people of the 2nd millennium? Our
survey results are in and provide a unique opportunity
for some historical introspection. |
Editor - Garry J. Moes
P.O. Box 2066, Murphys, CA 95247
Copyright © 1999-2005
The Graybrook Institute
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