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What's New? Any additions and/or changes will be recorded on this page. I will feel incredibly loved if people are so dedicated as to check this page on a daily basis, anxiously awaiting new additions.

September 28, 2000: Ahem. Yes, I am still alive. Just, rather busy, but I suppose that goes without saying considering I have not updated this site in over seven months. It's that whole real life thing that I just can't seem to shake.

Oh well. The reason why I am not adding any humors in this update is because my computer (which holds my humor bank) is currently under the weather and is not letting me log on to the 'Net. I am typing these words from the computer at work.

I am updating to inform all of you that my website will soon be changing hands. My fellow writer and computer extraordinaire has offered to host my site on his. Glad to help him out and pleased at the idea of a commercial-less humor place, I have agreed to move my site to his. In time, Aaron's Innernet Humor Place will be hosted on Forrest Spade's EchoFiles. I will still manage it: I am merely changing servers.

I'll keep ya'll posted as any changes occur.

February 15, 2000: Well, I finally added more documents. Granted, it was a mere five and pales in comparison to my fanatical twenty document update last December, but all the same it is something.

I've also added the WebRing to my humor page which should make it a little easier to find other Clean Sites if you don't like mine. ;-)

Happy browsing!

January 21, 2000: Just doing some house cleaning. I don't have time right now to add more documents, so I just removed the Updated New titles next to the sections I updated last month. Considering all the documents I updated last time, I may put off another update until next month due to my return to school.

I have also added a few new advertisements to the main page. I found and decided to include them because for every review I write for Epinions that gets over a hundred reads, I get thirty bucks. So please, read my reviews. The only stickler is, you need to be signed up with them to read my reviews. Though it's free to sign up, some of ya'll may not be that willing to give out your e-mail address.

Anyway, I'm planning another major update sometime next month to give me time to get into this semester.

December 14, 1999: I have no life whatsoever. I just finished adding twenty new documents (how's that for dedication) to this web page, along with three new categories. I added the "Redneck" page for which I've been saving up a while now, and I also plugged in the "Religious" and "Christmas" pages I've also been working on. I also tossed a couple almost Christmasy, but not quite, documents into "Poetry" and "Computers," both being take-offs from "`Twas the Night Before Christmas" (that's a popular spin-off). That's about it. Incidentally, my count has now surpassed one hundred documents, and I would be thrilled were I not so tired. You'll notice the date is the fourteenth; well it's actually the fifteenth, my birthday. I really have no life.

But for those who love this webpage and are reading it frequently, you benefit for my unsociality, and I give you my humble thanks. thanks. And I'll type to ya'll later.

December 8, 1999: Just put the finishing touches on a whole TWO NEW DOCUMENTS!!!! Don't have much time for much more. Merry Christmas. Hope I have enough time to put up the plethora the Christmas related documents.

October 31, 1999: Whew. Just finished adding another five documents with seven new links. Well, it's just after four in the morning. Actually, it's just after five in the morning, but we're going back to standard time tonight, so I get to sleep an extra hour! Woohoo! good night.

October 26, 1999: No new humors. Not yet at least. Just added the guestbook to my site. Also added the disclaimer because of the time Angelfire decided to advertise "Playboy" on my site. Not too appropriate for a clean humor page; and that was why I originally removed the ad from the top of the page, in case anyone noticed, or cared. Oh well. I'll add some more humors later. It's getting close to finals time again, so I can't devote too much time to this page. Sorry.
October 6, 1999: Another addition of five more documents. Also, moved a few items that were - to me at least - better suited in the "Humor Lists" section that were originally in the "Miscellaneous" section. That's about it for now.

September 15, 1999: Added two more documents to "The Battle of the Sexes" page making my total documents at seventy-four. Now must sprint to class.

September 4, 1999: Just finished (9:51 PM) adding a whole two documents to my webpage. What took two hours was messing with the whole place and making the fonts bigger for ease of reading. I didn't adjust any of the humor documents themselves (seeing that there is now seventy-two of them), but the mainpages should look a little nicer. I also played with a few other little things throughout the page, like adding my e-mail address to the "Poetry" page (which didn't have my address, in case you didn't notice, because I used the wrong type of page which didn't allow my address, causing me to completely re-do the page from scratch, thus forcing Netscape to freeze just before finishing the page, and of course I hadn't saved and had to start again), so I hope ya'll appreciate my Job-esc patience working on this page. Now, I'm going to bed.

August 21, 1999: I have added three new documents. I am happy to finally have a couple additions to my poetry page (which is growing about as fast as Jean-Luc Picard's barber bill) as well as a few new additions to my Links page. The two poems are computer related, which is why they have been linked in both folders, but they have not been counted twice, in case any a' ya'll care. That's about it for now.

August 12, 1999: No new documents, I'm afraid. What I have done, though, is go through all the subfolders and re-do all the title graphics. I'm being sympathetic to all of you out there who have slower modems/computers (i.e.- me) and created new graphics without the embossed background of the title page graphic.

This poses two definite advantages. Quicker download time, as the size is over half as large, thus over twice as fast download time. Also, if I ever want to change the title page graphic, this will be done more easily and quickly. You will note, though, I did not change the "What's New?" and "Links" pages' title graphics because their's had a different background to them and I hold them in a different status than the subfolders.

At any rate, keep checking back. I will be adding more, of course. I just don't have time today.

July 30, 1999: Whew. Added twelve documents to the Jokes, Misc. and Computers Pages, putting us at sixty-seven documents. I'm attempting to catch up for the fact that I haven't updated this thing in over a month. Sorry. Got caught up in that whole school thing.

June 24, 1999: Just finished adding another whole TWO DOCUMENTS! I didn't have time for much else because I spent another hour adding Window titles to all the categories that didn't, which were all of them save the mainpage and all the documents, which have reached fifty-five. Cool. Keep checking back!

June 12, 1999: I know it's been slow going adding all the two hundred documents to the page, but let's face it: it's not gonna happen overnight. And fifty-three humor documents online isn't all that bad, especially for the person who is just finding this page. Nifty, huh?

But allow me to say this: Hawaii (namely, Kauai) was beyond cool. I'm in the process of scanning my pictures and getting them on their own Kauai pics webpage. Once that is completed, I'll start work on my next project. My "About Me" page. That may take a while seeing as how I'm incredibly introverted and expressive (yes, that is possible). Keep punching back!

May 18, 1999: Just added "Humor Lists" to the growing categories of humor shtuff. As of now, it's entirely comprised of documents in an attempt to de-clutter the "Miscellaneous Shtuff" page and hopefully it will work. I also added a document right back into the Misc. page, so we're back up and running to re-clutter that page.

At any rate, I'm going to be leaving for Hawaii for a week long trip so you won't hear much from me for the rest of the month once Friday, May 21st rolls around. I am not taking my computer with me. This is a vacation.

May 14, 1999: Well, with finals pressing I haven't had a whole lot of time in the world, so consider these two additions as just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about this site. Once summer hits, I might have enough time to add a more resonable amount of documents to this site. Depends on how much I want to delve into the real world.

May 1, 1999: Just added four documents to the page. Haven't had much time for more additions than that. But, more will come, so keep checking back.

April 20, 1999: Slowing down, finally. Broke forty documents tonight (or should I say, this morning) with my two additions and am feeling pretty good about that. I am having a little more trouble finding humorous poems than I thought I would, so I am opening the boards to poetry submissions. While I had not originally intended to have open submissions until I have all my material posted (which, again, is over two hundred), I have very few poems. So if you (and make sure it's yours) have anything you don't mind having posted on my site, feel free to e-mail it to me. Just remember I reserve the right to decline and/or edit the poem at my discretion. Don't worry, though. Any edits to your work will pass by you for approval before posting.

At any rate, my "About Me" page may be a little while in the making. Time is fleeting as the college year grows shorter. But, some things to keep an eye out in the future for are three new categories that I have planned: first, a Redneck page, and then toward the end of the year a Christmas page and possibly a Y2K page. So keep in touch.

April 16, 1999: Not too profuse are the additions today. Added a mere two documents to the site. Also fixed a background error in the BOTS section and added a link to My "First Dollar" in the mainpage [Gotcha, Jessey! ;-] which is a real milestone in my receiving of e-mails.

My next project (in case any `a ya'll care) is to add an "About Me" page to this site. I have this crazy idea that somebody, somewhere out there cares about who I am, what I look like, where I live, what extra special condiment I like on my hamburgers (tarter sauce), and in what unique way I drive my manual transmission CRX (barefoot). So with that in mind, I'll turn my attention to that page, which I'll probably end up titling "Aaron Steinmetz: Everything I'm Willing to Tell You." Betcha can't wait, huh?

April 14, 1999: GRAND OPENING!!!!! 'Aaron's Innernet Humor Place is now available to the public at large! ENJOY!!!!

Well, spent three hours adding another 10 documents online, fixing some pitiful grammatical mistakes in my text and adding a new link, further proving my lack of a life, but also showing my dedication to this project. I'm taking advantage of me now before the steam runs out and I get bored with this page, so enjoy it while you can. For now, I'm going to bed.

April 13, 1999: Finished 'Battle of the Sexes' page with three new additions. Current total, 21 documents. Waiting 'til 25 to start webpage 'cause webmaster a nasty procrastinator, and also has to go to work.

Back from work, and added two more documents making the grand total 23 documents. Will break to have dinner now, for the sole purpose of survival, but will return probably.

Good dinner. Finished adding another 3 documents, which puts me at 26 docs. Going to officially open webpage tomorrow.

April 12, 1999: Finished core pages of site (i.e. - 'What's New?' page and 'Links' page with all categories including the below-mentioned 18 documents. Will continue adding documents until around 20 or 25 are completed and online, or until die of monitor-radiation poisoning. Whichever comes first.

April 10, 1999: Have been working five days straight, each night collapsing around 2 or 3AM. Currently, 18 documents online.

April 6, 1999: Started creating site. Worked until around 4AM. Got five hours sleep. Woke up and continued working. Kissed life goodbye.
