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Hello and welcome to Jims Cat House. If you are a cat owner you will love my web page. If you don't own a cat by the time you finish viewing my web site you will be ready to get one. I set up this site to meet other cat lovers as myself, and to help web viewers find the very best cat sites on the web. I tried to make this site informative as well as interesting. I think everyone will find something here they will enjoy.

I have the web site set up in four parts the first part "Cat and Kitten links" is just that. It will take you to some of the best cat pages on the web. Second page is my "Message Board". I invite you to leave a message or question If I can't answer it maybe one of the other web viewers can. The third page is for photo's. Do you have a great Cat or Kitten Photo? send it in and I will post in the photo album. Last but not least Jim's Misc page.

11/22/63 - 12/19/97

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