I'm so screwed! school is going to murder me! I mean I have exams soon, I have two big projects due soon... I'm gonna die!!! What am I gonna do?? God dammit someone help me!!! So anyway, I was thinking all futuristically lately. What I wanna do when I turn 18 is a) get an ASLAN (fromt he narnia books) tattoo b) grow my hair out and dye it dark brown c) Collect expensive swords and hang them over the couch in my first house :) That sounds good right? I wonder how long it takes to grow hair thats shoulder length to your ass? Thats how long I want mine... There was this lady at the tivoli with long curly blonde hair down to her ass and i was SO jealous... Oh god I couldve died... I wanted it so bad...
I've been writing on my REAL journal a lot. I don't have enough enery to change my site. Don't feel like it. I think it looks bland to most people. Like... just white and grey mostly. I try to splash in some red. Those are the sexiest colours to me. Red, Black and Grey. They all look good on people if theyre trying to look seductive or something. Today was Hanna's seventeenth birthday party. Brodie put make up on me and it looked absolutely retarded... It was okay tho, cuz i got to wash it off and face people make-up-less for the firstt ime. It wasnt that bad... I lost my blood red lipstick there, but its okay. I'm sure hanna will find it and return it to me!! So anyway, I think my hurting from Jan 5th is over now.

  Looking for a host!
