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"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings
can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
William James

TO BECOME MORE POSITIVE, we need to focus on the positive
(think in positive terms). Positive thoughts (loving, caring, sharing)
yield positive results (health, wealth, happiness). Negative thoughts
(dislike, indifference, selfishness) yield negative results (misery,
disease, poverty, and isolation). Our minds work the way we trained
them to. Luckily, we have a conscious choice (willpower) to
reprogram minds that have been "damaged" by negative thinking.
There are several effective ways to focus on the positive and
bring you closer to a happier and more fulfilling life:


"An affirmation is a statement of positive fact.
It's always worded in the present and usually begins with 'I am.'
Affirmations are designed 'to make firm' positive things about yourself.
Affirmations may be truer in the future, but the fullness
of the affirmation is always claimed here and now.
Affirmations can be said anywhere, silently or out loud. The more
often they're used, the more real, true, solid and 'firm'
they become. Setting aside periods of time especially for affirmations
is valuable...Affirmations are very powerful when you repeat them in
front of a mirror while looking into your eyes. All the negative
thoughts and feelings that keep you from fulfilling your affirmation
will probably surface. Let them surface, and let them float away.
Beneath all that 'stuff' is a part of you that knows the truth of the
affirmation. Create your own affirmations to
suit your particular situations.
Remember to keep them a positive statement of the present.
'I am healthy, wealthy and happy,'
NOT 'I want to be healthy, wealthy and happy,' or 'Pretty soon,
with enough luck, I'll be healthy, wealthy and happy.'

Here are some affirmations to get you started.
Pilfer these, and then go on to create your own.

Affirmations others have used...

I am ready for Fortune as she wills (Dante)
I am in love with the world (Swift)
I am the maker of my fortune. I think of the Great
Spirit that rules this universe. (Tecumseh)
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
(William Ernest Henley)
Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better (Emile Coue)
I am the greatest (Muhammad Ali)

And here are some others you might try...

I feel warm and loving toward myself
I am worthy of all the good in my life
I am one with the universe, and I have more than I need
I always do the best I can with what I know and
always use everything for my advancement
I forgive myself unconditionally
I treat all problems as opportunities to grow in wisdom and love
I automatically and joyfully focus on the positive
I am creating and using affirmations to create a
joyful, abundant, fulfilling life."

"You can't afford the luxury of negative thought" by John Roger


Are you aware of all the good things and events that happen
to you and around you every day?
Your mind records all the information it receives from your senses
(like a VCR). You can focus on the positive by using "replay"
button on that special VCR of yours. By doing so (especially BEFORE
going to sleep), your thinking shifts into positive
gear, avoiding harmful negative thinking.

All you need for this fun mind-stimulation is about 10 minutes
of your time (before going to sleep), pen, and a notebook.
Sit or lay down on your bed or floor and relax. Think of the pleasant,
fulfilling events that happened to you or someone else around you.
It can be something you did, or something someone else did.

3 events that made me happy:
I surprised my wife with a bouquet of flowers.
My friend made me laugh.
I helped my coworkers with their project.

If you have a habit of doing things that make you and others around
you happy, this exercise will help you recall those events and assist
you in focusing on future "improvements" of your
behavior that bring you closer to your Driving Force
(Personal Mission Statement).

Tomorrow I will smile all day.
I will be helpful to everyone around me.

On the other hand, if you cannot recall
any happy events that day, this is a perfect chance to start
thinking of deliberately acting in accordance with your
Personal Mission Statement.
For example, plan to compliment other peoples' positive
characteristics, such as kindness and helpfulness. Smile,
and begin being more helpful and kind to others.
Say "Hello!" and "Thank you!"
Do something that will make you a better person -
in your own eyes and eyes of others. You will be surprised
how easily you'll be able to become aware of positivity
around you! Also watch how your good actions result in acts of
goodness from people around you! Enjoy yourself!

This daily exercise is simple, yet powerful.
In the morning, read what you wrote in the notebook before
going to sleep the night before, to be reminded to


  • "Focus all your attention on what you want.
    Be interested in it. Be 'obsessed' by it.
  • Visualize and imagine yourself doing or having
    whatever it is you desire.
  • Be enthusiastic about getting and having it.
  • Know exactly what you want.
    Write down a detailed description.
    Draw pictures. Make models.
  • Desire it above all else. Above everything else. Above all.
  • Have faith with involvement. Know you can have it, that
    it's already yours. Be involved with whatever
    you need to do to get it.
  • Do the work required.
    How do you know how much work is required?
    When you have it, that was enough.
    Until you've got it, it's not enough.
  • Give up all things opposing your goal.
  • Pretend you already have it.
  • Be thankful for what you already have."

"You can't afford the luxury of negative thought" by John Roger

4. HUMOR and LAUGHTER create almost instant wellness!
Go ahead...laugh and make others laugh daily!
Need something to make you laugh?