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undefined Perfect Vision Inc.

Perfect Vision is an entertainment company. It ranges from webdesign, music publishing, songwriting, books, and much more.
Perfect Vision was created in 1998. The company was originally callled The Thomas Bloomsfield Company (which is still in existence), but since I was creating webpages, I decided to name it Perfect Vision. The name came about when I was watching MTV News and there was a story on the Spice Girls. The Spice Girls had a song called "Perfect Vision." I thought it sounded good and it fit my persona, so I decided to name my company after that song. And the rest (as the tired clichè goes) is history.

Welcome To My World
A page about me and my favorite artists, hobbies, etc. Includes my own radio station and music reviews. Basically, just a page about me and what I like.

Cinderella Movie Page
A page about the 1997 made-for-television movie "Cinderella," starring Brandy, Whoopi Goldberg, and Whitney Houston and others. Contains lyrics, pictures, score and Quicktime movie clips from the movie.

Foreverjanet- The Janet Jackson Website
A page about my favorite artist Janet Jackson. It contains the latest news, pictures, multimedia, sounds, exclusives, JAN FAN POLL™, contests and much more. Constantly updated.

The Kelis Fan Site
The largest, biggest, and most comprehensive Kelis fan site on the internet. Includes exclusive photos, lyrics, features, polls, an online Kelis street team, contests, among other things.

Currently, Foreverjanet is being revamped for the third time. It will premiere this summer entitled ForeverjanetV3. Also, Welcome To My World will recieve a restoration in the upcoming months, so be sure to look out for that.

Thanks for visiting this site. Be sure to come back and check for all the latest updates and news about the company. If you would like to know more about me, feel free to visit Welcome To My World. Goodbye.

-Devon (Perfect Vision Inc. CEO)

©2000, 1999 Perfect Vision Inc.