Unicity, above all else, is built upon the strong foundation of Openness without regard to any apparent barriers attributed to Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Social, or Economic Strata, Gender, or Age.
Street address
Unicity, Inc., 4145 West Harvard Avenue, Fresno CA
Office phone
1-559-277-2731 Voice
FAX number
1-630-578-1653 Fax
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* © 2000, Unicity, Inc., All rights reserved.[Unicity, Inc. is a Not-for-Profit, Religious & Educational Organization Representing Hindi, Buddhist,Taoist, Judaic, Christian, Muslim, and Indigenous or Natural Mystic, Wisdom Orders equally and without bias, prejudice, or discrimination based on Race, Color, Creed, Nation of Origin, Social or Economic Strata, Physical Condition, Gender, or Age.]