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Mistress Victoria's Realm of Pain

Hello, and welcome to my hideous excuse for a web site. Now that spring is here, there's more time for the internet and slacking. It's that time of year when everyone's feeling great. :) I'm trying to add some Resident Evil crap, and some Carlos pics too. enjoy, and feel free to e-mail me or something. A fanfic page coming soon!

Don't take this chocobo, it ain't mine, and i didnt even ask if I could take it...

I'm an official Member of Fred Durst Obessers Anonymus!

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Last updated April 2nd, 2000. Star Wars, The X-Files or anything else do not belong to the page creator, and belong to their respective owners. Iron helps us play! None of the pictures on this page belong to the page creator, and were taken either with or without permission. The Webmistress has no indended infringement.
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You're listening to "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang. Put in your own disgusting lyrics. :)


Top Ten Star Wars Figures We'd Like to See
NEW!! Interactive Music Lyrics Pages
Top Ten X-Files Figures We'd Like to See
My half-assed attempt at a link page
Star Wars/Ewan McGregor Pics (yippie!)
My X-files Shipper Page & Pics
What's New at Victoria's
Star Wars Natalie Portamn Pics
My Gillian Anderson Page
NEW!!! Fanfic Page!!!!!!!!1
