Welcome to A-Chan's Shrine to Zangulus! We are proud to boast a good connection with other Zangulus fans, and a good environment for fans of all ages of our favorite Slayers Bounty Hunter! ^_^ So what are you waiting for?! Click below to get in, and share the wealth!
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Man, oh man, you're still here?! Well, if you are, I guess you're here to look at my webrings or adoptions, or other.. well.. stuff.. eh? ^_^
Visit the Shrine to Zoamel Gustav!
From Zelda-Chan (oneechan ^_^)
This is Zangulus and Martina
My kawaii chibi Zangulus and Martina were adopted at...
This Guys of Anime Web Ring
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by A-Chan Zoana.
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Yup this is the ever-famous "Get Along" main theme from the Slayers TV series! If ya want it, you can download it by clicking here!