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Why pay $250-$600 for a TV Descrambler When You Can
Build Your Own TV Descrambler
Get All The Channels FREE!

For educational purposes only. Void where prohibited by law!

Build A Cable TV Descrambler Yourself!

Home Made Cable Descrambler
Questions and Answers

What is a Descrambler?

A descrambler is a device that restores the picture and sound of a scrambled channel.

Are Descramblers legal?

YES! Descramblers are 100% legal. If your cable TV company can rent the box to you, then you can own the box yourself. It is legal for you to purchase and it is legal for you to own your own cable TV descrambler. When you buy or build a cable descrambler box, it is your responsibility to inform the cable TV company that you are accessing their signal.

Why build your own Cable TV Descrambler?

Most people own several television sets, and they pay for viewing premium channels, but have only one descrambler. They can only watch the premium channel on one TV, unless they rent additional descramblers for every TV in their home from their local cable company. This can get expensive! So, rather than rent additional descramblers they simply build their own with our plans for less than an average of $12.00 per unit (parts prices may vary). Now they can connect a descrambler to every television in their home and have the convenience of watching all pay cable channels whenever they wish.

Is it hard to build a Descrambler?

NO, not at all! The plans include the Radio Shack® part numbers and a detailed description along with a diagram to show you exactly how to assemble the unit. If you can follow seven simple steps and turn a screwdriver, then you can build your own cable TV descrambler. Why should I buy the plans from you? We have the most complete and up-to-date information on building your own Cable TV Descrambler on the market today. Not only do we provide you with a description of the parts needed, but we also supply you with a Radio Shack® parts list, so you can walk into your local Radio Shack®, and walk out with the parts. Also included with your packet is a detailed diagram on exactly how to build the unit.

There are no special tools, skills, or knowledge needed! I think you will agree that building your own Cable TV Descrambler is much more convenient and inexpensive than paying the hundreds of dollars a year in rental fees to your local cable company. With the equipment rental or purchase fees being as high as they are, the average household can only afford a descrambler for one television set, if at all. With these plans you can build as many units as you like. We will provide you with all the information needed.

Parts Needed - Please Check Your Electronic Store:
1. non metallic (plastic) screw driver
2. drill to make hole
3. soldering gun and solder
4. 75pf-100pf Variable Capacitor
5. 12" no. 12 solid copper wire
6. 12" RG59 coaxial cable
7. 1- 1/4 watt resistor 2.2k ohm (part # 271-1325)
8. 1- Radio S#@Ck mini box (part # 270-235)
9. F61a chassis-type connectors (part # 278-212)

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By Cable Descrambler Hobby Projects, Inc.
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