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Country Harbour Mines
Guysborough County, Nova Scotia


This listing was done by Maureen Brown
Updated 2009.
The first two photographs of the cemetery courtesy of George Newbury.
Headstone photos courtesy of Maureen Brown.


HAYNE, G. Rufus Headstone Picture - Hayne
1904 - 1973
His wife Marjorie A.
1907 - 1989


HAYNE, Douglas Obituary for Douglas Hayne


HAYNE, Lewis M. Headstone Picture - HayneObituary for Lewis Hayne
1931 - 1996


FARNSWORTH, George H. Headstone Picture - Farnsworth
1933 --
His wife Donna O. Obituary for Donna Farnsworth
1939 - 1993


LAMARCHE, John P. Headstone Picture - LaMarche
1931 - 1996
His wife Idella G.
1930 - 1998 Obituary for Idella Lamarche


DORT, Leroy R. Headstone Picture - Dort Obituary for Leroy Dort
1917 - 1986
His wife Mary L. Obituary for Mary Dort
1924 - 2001
Son William A.
1955 - 1973


HUDSON, Walter Headstone Picture - Hudson
1883 - 1971
His wife Izetta
1887 - 1979


BERMAN, August G. Headstone Picture - Bergman
b. Nanpes, Finland
1908 - 1980
his wife Eileen B.
b. Country Harbour
1915 - 1991


STRAND, Carl E. Headstone Picture - Strand Obituary for Carl Strand
Dec. 16, 1903 - April 16, 2004
Born in Finland


HELIN, Roy G. Headstone Picture - Helin Obituary for Roy Gabriel Helin
Dec 8, 1951 - Apr 8, 1979
Brother: Ronald Gabriel Helin Obituary for Ronald Helin


HELIN, Walter G. Headstone Picture - Helin
1904 - 1964
Narpas, Finland


HUDSON, Sheldon R. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1927 - 1971
His wife Alice F. (Crooks)
1927 - 1992
Her 2nd husband, COX, Hugh Auldan Obituary for Hugh Auldan Cox


GAY, Eldon Percy Headstone Picture - Gay
1904 - 1970
His wife Alice Isabell
1920 - 2000


PATTON, A. Robert Headstone Picture - Patton
1940 -
Husband of Judy M. GAY
1942 - 2005


McKAY, Ralph B. Headstone Picture - McKay
1936 - 1987


PORTER, Ernest G. Headstone Picture - Porter Obituary for Ernest Porter
1900 - 1990
His wife Mildred
1884 - 1967


PORTER, Stanley Headstone Picture - Porter
1904 - 1976
His wife Margaret
1905 - 1982


HARRIS, Thelma K. Headstone Picture - Harris Obituary for Thelma K. Harris
Apr. 24, 1914 - May 27,1988


KEITH, George F. Headstone Picture - Keith
1908 - 1984


PORTER, Howard J. Headstone Picture - Porter
1931 --
His wife Leonetta W.
1935 --
Son H. Kenny Obituary for Kenny Porter
1960 - 1987


KEITH, Everett W. Headstone Picture - Keith Obituary for Everett Wallace Keith
1911 - 1998
His wife Dorothy M.
1916 --
m. Jan. 4, 1933


PORTER, Roy S. Headstone Picture - Porter
1928 - 1994
His wife Marie R. MAJOR
1930 - 2003


KEITH, Frederick L. Headstone Picture - Keith
1937 - 1992
His wife Geneva G.
1943 --


HAYNE, Leonard Headstone Picture - Hayne Obituary for Leonard Hayne
Nov. 15, 1934 - Oct. 14, 1997
His wife Nelsie Hayne/Kaiser
Oct. 1, 1939 - June 6, 2010


FENTON, Obediah Headstone Picture - Fenton
Aug. 28, 1885 - Oct. 7, 1972
Erma Obituary for Erma Fenton
Dec. 20, 1905 - July 19, 2008


FENTON, Edward Clarence Headstone Picture - Fenton Obituary for Edward Fenton
1903 - 1972


HODGSON, Katie Ellen (FENTON) Headstone Picture - Hodgson
1889 - 1989
Wife of Harvey


LANGILLE, Harvey M. Headstone Picture - Langille Obituary for Harvey Langille
1929 - 2002
Norma D. Fenton
1930 - 2003


White Cross:
LANGILLE, Baby Dustin Headstone Picture - Langille
May 20, 1988


HALLETT, Laurie C. Headstone Picture - Hallett
1926 - 1992
His wife Doris A. SMILEY Obituary for Doris Hallett
1932 - 2002
Daughter Lori A.
1972 --


ROBAR, Stirling Arthur Headstone Picture - Robar
1916 - 1983


ROBAR, Blanche Margaret Headstone Picture - Robar
1885 - 1976


FOX, Thomas E.
1890 - 1962


FENTON, John C. Headstone Picture - Fenton
1861 - 1953
His wife Margaret GRIFFIN
1864 - 1951


HAYNE, John A. Headstone Picture - Hayne
1913 - 1995
His wife Elsie J. Obituary for Elsie Hayne
1914 - 1999


HODGSON, Murray W. Headstone Picture - Hodgson
1892 - 1964
His wife Helen Grace
1901 - 1961


HODGSON, Marshall M. Headstone Picture - Hodgson
d. June 23, 1945


HAYNE, Jerry Kenneth Headstone Picture - Hayne
1944 - 1987


ARSENAULT, Margaret J. Headstone Picture - Arsenault
1918 - 1971


HAYNE, Frederick Headstone Picture - Hayne Obituary for Frederick Murray Hayne
1889 - 1950
Eliza Edna
1889 - 1963


HAYNE, Francis H. Headstone Picture - Hayne
1925 --
His wife Greta F. Obituary for Greta Frances Hayne
1927 - 1990


JONES, George T. Headstone Picture - Jones
1917 - 1974
His wife Florence Hodgson
1924 --


HODGSON, Wilmer S. Headstone Picture - Hodgson
1926 --
His wife Mamie I.
1920 - 1997
Baby Marie
1947 - 1948


MASON, Levison S. Headstone Picture - Mason
1888 - 1969
His wife Grace E.
1898 - 1954


HENDERSON, Felix David Headstone Picture - Henderson
1880 - 1958
Sarah Ann
1888 - 1969


HAWKE, Lloyd E. Headstone Picture - Haeke
1913 --
Millie D.
1918 - 1968


1919 - 1980


RUMLEY, Olive Headstone Picture - Rumley
1875 - 1950


HALLETT, Lawrence A. Headstone Picture - Hallett Headstone Picture - Hallett
Feb. 20, 1898 - Mar. 2, 1967
His wife Lillian M.
May 25, 1908 - Sept. 2, 1985


ROMANS, Jean (FENTON) Headstone Picture - Romans
1913 - 1995


MASON, Vernon G. Headstone Picture - Mason Obituary for Vernon Mason
1931 - 1992
His wife Maxine B. HALLETT
1937 - 1994


MASON, C.K. Headstone Picture - Mason
Sept. 17-18, 1965
Son of Maxine & Vernon


GALLEN, William E. Headstone Picture - Gallen Obituary for William Gallen
1927 - 2005
Wife Alma B. Hallett Obituary for Alma Gallen
1928 - 2005


HUDSON, Charles G. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1901 - 1974
His wife Doris M.
1920 --


HUDSON, G. Dyson Headstone Picture - Hudson
1892 - 1948
Kathryn T.
1907 - 1976


FENTON, Charles A. Headstone Picture - Fenton
1873 - 1945
His wife Stella M.
1883 - 1991
Son Ira Louis
1927 - 1972


MASON, Falconer A. Headstone Picture - Mason
1896 - 1970
His wife May N.
1904 - 1985


SAMUELS, Thelma Headstone Picture - Samuels
1912 - 1962


GAY, Jane Headstone Picture - Gay
1884 - 1960


JOHNSTON, Nellie P. Headstone Picture - Johnston Obituary for Nellie P. Johnston
1906 - 1990
Daugher Zora P.
1934 --


White Cross: Headstone Picture - Gay


MASON, James H. Headstone Picture - Mason
1827 - 1911
MASON, Charles
1834 - 1920

MASON, Eliza S.
1836 - 1854


MASON, Arthur W. Headstone Picture - Mason
Aug. 7, 1881 - Jan. 26, 1928
Son of Henry & Margaret


HUDSON, Sarah E. MASON Headstone Picture - Hudson
Mar. 21, 1894 - 26 years
Wife of S.D. HUDSON


MASON, Henry Headstone Picture - Mason Headstone Picture - Mason
b. May 9, 1840 - d. May 28, 1898
His wife Margaret ENZOR
Aug. 20, 1836 - Mar. 14, 1915


SMITH, Alexander Headstone Picture - Smith
d. July 23, 1898 - 60 years


SMITH, Alexander Headstone Picture - Smith
1924 - 1950


MASON, Capt. W. E. Headstone Picture - Mason
Mar. 15, 1908 - 84 years
John C.
d. July 20, 1908 - 82 years


MASON, William Headstone Picture - Mason
d. Nov. 15, 1849 - 54 years
His wife Sarah HODGSON
d. Apr. 15, 1881 - 82 years


JOHNSTON, Samuel S. Headstone Picture - Johnston
d. Feb. 26, 1893 - 92 years
His wife Margaret C.
d. Mar. 17, 1897 - 78 years


DICKIE, A. Stanley Headstone Picture - Dickie
June 15, 1885 - Sept. 3, 1909
Dec. 12, 1876 - Feb. 2, 1910


GAY, M. Ellen
Jan. 31, 1879 - Feb. 16, 1905
Wife of Onesimus


Oct. 25, 1842 - Oct. 13, 1897
His wife Mary J.
Mar. 3, 1846 - Apr. 22, 1835


DICKIE, Edward I.
Apr. 15, 1872 - June 20, 1894


MODISTOCK, William Headstone Picture - Modistock
July 10, 1869 - 61 years


HAYNE William
1856 - 1937 (Stone is broken)
His wife Viola
1869 - 1900
Son Arthur


MASON, Mary Ann
d. Jan. 6,1893 - 68 years
Wife of John G.


HURLEY, James Headstone Picture - Hurley
Dec. 23, 1865 - 27 years
Sister Sarah Jane
d. Jan. 11, 1866 - 22 years


MASON, William H. Headstone Picture - Mason
Apr. 15, 1891 - 26 years
Son of Henry & Margaret


SUTHERLAND, Peter Headstone Picture - Sutherland
Feb. 4, 1881 - 76 years
His wife Johannah
Jan. 12, 1890 - 75 years


ARCHIBALD, Charles Headstone Picture - Archibald
Apr. 18, 1853 - 62 years


SALSMAN, George H. Headstone Picture - Salsman
1873 - 1915
His wife Margaret Ann
Feb. 21, 1947 - 77 years
His parents Ruben H. Headstone Picture - Salsman
1827 - 1895
Wife Julia
1838 - 1899


MANSON, Jean Headstone Picture - MansonManson Stone
July 26, 1852 - 60 years
Wife of Alex.


WARNER, John W. Headstone Picture - Warner
1867 - 1934
His wife Stella Mae Obituary for Stella Warner
1878 - 1958


WARNER, W. Edward Headstone Picture - Warner Obituary for William Warner
1901 - 1983
His wife Helen Merle REEVES
1902 - 1977
Son Earl
1934 - 1946


WARNER, John Allen Headstone Picture - Warner Obituary for John Warner
Apr. 9, 1912 - Apr. 23, 1982
His wife Anne Obituary for Anne Warner
Mar. 24, 1916 - 2002


SMITH, Gertrude H. Headstone Picture - Smith Obituary for Gertrude H. Smith
1888 - 1982


KEITH, Fred Headstone Picture - Keith
1873 - 1919
Daughter Carrie
1906 - 1911


MASON, Albert Headstone Picture - Mason
1847 - 1930
His wife Victoria A. HORTON
1860 - 1946


HAYNE, John Robert Headstone Picture - Hayne
May 23, 1934 - May 23, 1934

Warrena Gale
June 16, 1935 - Sept. 21, 1935
Children of John & Elsie


STUART, Effie Louise HODGSON Headstone Picture - Stuart
d. Apr. 11, 1915 - 24 years
Wife of George


HUDSON, Stanley W. Headstone Picture - Hudson
b. 1931 - d. Dec. 20, 1965


HUDSON, Billy Headstone Picture - Hudson
1876 - 1945


HUDSON, William Headstone Picture - Hudson
1876 - 1945
Stella May
1897 - 1979


MASON, Sarah Jane Headstone Picture - Mason
d. Mar. 20, 1904 - 77 years 7 months
Wife of James A.


HUDSON, Garfield E. Headstone Picture - Hudson
d. Apr. 26, 1902 - 22 years
Son of John H. & Effie


HUDSON, John H. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1843 - 1929
His wife Effie A. GUNN
1847 - 1925


JORDAN, Lucy Hartshorne Headstone Picture - Hartshorne
Child of Rev. Abraham & Elizabeth JORDAN
d. Nov. 16, 1854 - 13 months


ROBAR, John R. Headstone Picture - Robar
1876 - 1924
Daughter Flossie M.
1922 - 1923


GUNN, Donald Headstone Picture - Gunn
b. Reay, Scotland
D Oct. 30, 1891 - 82 years
His wife Margaret McKAY Headstone Picture - Gunn
d. Mar. 2,1912 - 99 years


GUNN, Margaret Headstone Picture - Gunn
d. Feb. 12, 1908 - 63 years


MONK, Alexander Headstone Picture - Monk
1865 - Oct. 25, 1901 - 36 years
Son of Edward & Jane


HUDSON, Parker L. Headstone Picture - Hudson Obituary Parker Hudson
Aug. 5, 1879 - Dec. 20, 1906
29 years 4 months
Son of Jairus & Agnes


EDWARDS, Marie E. Headstone Picture - Edwards
Daughter of Rev. D. & Lottie
d. Mar. 12, 1905 - 1 year 9 months


WORTH, Martha Ann Headstone Picture - Worth
d. Feb. 16, 1903 - 43 years
Wife of Benjamin


CLYBURN, John Henry Headstone Picture - Clyburn
1848 - 1896
His wife Anne Jane JOHNSTON
1844 - 1929
Erected by Daughter Ada Bell


MASON, James A. Headstone Picture - Mason
Apr. 13, 1904 - 19 years 6 months
Son of Leander & Mary


HUDSON, Freeman Headstone Picture - Hudson
1845 - 1902
His wife Eliza
1849 - 1939


HUDSON, Oswald Edward Headstone Picture - Hudson
1897 - 1959


HUDSON, Norman Headstone Picture - Hudson
1885 - 1977
His wife Amanda E.
1880 - 1961


HUDSON, Louise A. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1885 - 1941


HUDSON, Charlotte Headstone Picture - Hudson
1934 - 1940


HUDSON, Arthur S. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1886 - 1968
Mamie A.
1901 - 1977


HODGSON, Edward J. Headstone Picture - Hodgson
1864 - 1944
His wife Mary J.
1869 - 1947


BAILEY, Jessie Irene Headstone Picture - Bailey
1896 - 1967


HUDSON, Harold V. Headstone Picture - HudsonObituary for Harold V. Hudson
1886 - 1973
His wife Sarah Fisher Hudson
1891 - 1963


HUDSON, Claude H. Headstone Picture - Hudson
b. June 6, 1922
Reported Missing Jan. 13, 1945


HUDSON, Samuel Lewis Headstone Picture - Hudson
1847 - 1934
His wife Ellen
1847 - 1911


HUDSON, Lewis L. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1884 - 1962


GLENCROSS, Delores S. Dolly Headstone Picture - Glencross
1886 - 1972


GLENCROSS, Parker M. Headstone Picture - Glencross
1894 - 1966


GLENCROSS, George Gary Headstone Picture - Glencross
1935 - 1996


Joan Marie Headstone Picture - ?


GLENCROSS, Flossie Headstone Picture - Glencross Obituary for Flossie Glencross
d. Mar. 23,1916 - 22 years


GLENCROSS, George Headstone Picture - Glencross
1854 - 1937
His wife Sarah
1859 - 1957


BURTON, Bertha M. Headstone Picture - Burton
d. 1977


HUDSON, Percy R. Headstone Picture - Hudson
Apr. 20, 1900 - Apr. 23, 1966


HUDSON, Gordon Headstone Picture - Hudson
1874 - 1967
His wife Minnie E.
1887 - 1951


HUDSON, Leslie G. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1911 - 1986
His wife Beulah DUKESHIRE Obituary for Beulah Dukeshire
1911 -2006


HUDSON, John R. Headstone Picture - Hudson
d. 1956
Lindsay A.
d. 1971
Their sister Jessie
d. 1956


HINES, Walter G. Headstone Picture - Hines Headstone Picture - Hines Obituary for Walter Gordon Hines
1913 - 1991
His wife Elsie HUDSON
1914 - 2002


REEVES, Roland Joseph Headstone Picture - Reeves Obituary for Roland Joseph Reeves
May 13, 1979 - Apr. 18, 1981


HUDSON, Josephine E. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1906 - 1982


HODGSON, Harry Headstone Picture - Hodgson
Jan. 26, 1906 - May 30, 1972
His wife Helen
July 22, 1918 --
Brother Roland H. Headstone Picture - Hodgson
1900 - 1969


MUNROE, Clayton J. Headstone Picture - Munroe
1923 -
Wife Ethel F. Hudson
1916 - 1998 Obituary for Ethel Munroe


HAYNE, Frederick M. Headstone Picture - Hayne
1911 - 1996
Wife Annie L. Obituary for Annie Hayne
1914 - 1999


HAYNE, Edward M. Headstone Picture - Hayne
May 8, 1929
Jan. 21, 2001
Jan. 7, 1928
Aug. 15, 2002


HAYNE, James "Critch" Headstone Picture - Hayne Obituary for Critch Hayne
1921 - 2004
Wife Evelyn P.
1921 - 1999 Obituary for Evelyn Hayne
Married Mar. 2, 1940


HUDSON, Charles G.
1901 - 1974
Doris M. Obituary for Doris Marguerite Hudson
1920 - 1999


HAYNE, Malcolm Eugene Headstone Picture - Hayne Obituary for Malcolm Eugene Hayne
Mar. 12, 1946 - Mar. 9, 2001


HAYNE-SHEPPARD Tracy Lynn Headstone Picture - Hayne-sheppard Obituary for Tracy Lynn-Hayne_Sheppard
1969 - 2004
Daughter of Francis & Greta Hayne


SILVER, John A. Headstone Picture - Silver Obituary for John A. Silver
1906 - 2003
Wife Elsie M.
1921 -


SPONAGLE, Pearl Headstone Picture - Sponagle Obituary for Reta Pearl Sponagle
Sept. 6, 1925 - Sept. 8, 2002


FENTON, Perry Headstone Picture - Fenton Obituary for Perry Fenton
1931 - 2004


MYERS, George O. Headstone Picture - Myers
1932 -
Leona C. Obituary for Leona Myers
1935 - 2001


HUDSON, Bert Alexander Headstone Picture - Hudson
1919 - 2001


GILLIS, Lillian G. Helin Headstone Picture - Gillis, Helin Obituary for Lillian Gillis
1922 - 2001


HENDSBEE, Nena Karlese Headstone Picture - Hendsbee Obituary for Karlese Hendsbee
Aug. 25, 1978 - Jan. 31, 2006


HUDSON, Samuel S. Headstone Picture - Hudson
1899 - 1963
Wife Isabella S.
1910 - 1997


HUDSON, Horace Headstone Picture - Hudson
1876 - 1951
Wife Georgina
1876 - 1944


WALSH, Lowell E. Headstone Picture - Walsh
1923 -
Garnita B. Obituary for Garnita Walsh
1938 - 2005
On back: Headstone Picture - Walsh
Sons - Frank J.
Robert E.
Daughters - Karen A.
"Bunny" Pauline M.


FENTON, Bessie Headstone Picture - Fenton
At Rest


White Cross:
HUDSON, John A. Headstone Picture - Hudson
Wife Jane (Hallett)


KEITH, Gary E. Obituary for Gary Keith
1940 - 2008
Joan M. Lewis


GLENCROSS, Eric Anthony
1944 - 2007


HUDSON, John Lewis
1937 - 2007
Constance M.
1938 -


HINES, Gordon E.
1938 -
Wife Helen W. Flick
1944 -


BRYDEN, Shirley Irene Obituary for Shirley Bryden


MacLEOD, James Vernon "Pard" Obituary for James Vernon MacLeod


Red Bar

PORTER, Murdoch Obituary for Murdoch Porter


Three GAY Children Obituary for Gay Children


GAY, Lloyd Parker Obituary for Lloyd Parker Gay


HUDSON, Arnold Edison Obituary for Arnold Hudson


HALLETT, Garfield Alexander Obituary for Garfield Hallett

Red Bar

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