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Village of Irenke
(Levels 2-3)

The resident Cleric and Paladin of Mithras setup a small office within the inn and proceed to recruit adventurers for a secret misson. At least 13 adventurers are lined up. The party queues up as well and they are quizzed about their merits, types of monsters slayed or encountered, profession, etc.

The party learns that there are possible cult activities around the town of Irenke, and are offered to assist in stamping out such activities and protecting the town.

The cleric expresses how one can never trust "Traldies" as they are always harboring evil in their pegan ways.

Adventuring Party

  • Adventuring Party
    1. Mihai Iagar (Clr3) - Mihai is a true man of his word, concerned with taking the correct path under his own direction.
    2. Moric Silverleaf (Ftr1/Wiz2) - Hmmm... An elf. Cast spells. Good with the arrow too. Hmmm...
    3. Valerius Kalamanous (Rgr2) - Giant man that attempts to be a friend to animals and enemy to humanoids. Proven that he can take one for the party.

Session I (Feb 22)

The party is provided steeds and sets out to down the Duke's Road without incident.

They reach the town, check into the inn, buy breakfast, and head off to a moathouse that was noted by the residents of Irenke. Upon arrival they encounter wildlife residing in the ruins of the moathouse and a local banditry gang residing there.

Further exploration, they discover zombines and a lone ogre within the dungeons, but little else.

Directors: Zendrolian Pendalius (Art1/Pal1), Constantian Lucius (Clr2)
Casting Members: Mihai (Clr2), Moric (Ftr1/Wiz1)
Extras: Jargi (Rog2), Targa (Ftr2), Lathias (Rgr2)

  • Accomplishments
    • Reached Irenke and discovered Moathouse.
  • Notable Events
    • Interviewed two town members.
    • Explored Moasthouse
  • Encounters
    • Zombies (12)
    • Green Slime
    • Giant Tick (1)
    • Giant Lizard (1)
    • Bandits
    • Ogre (1)

Session II (Mar 01)

The party brings the some bandits to the prison and later sets out to the moathouse. There, the Vyalian Ranger Lathias scouts the area searching for enemies. Lathias finds recent tracks and encounters six patrols from unknown creatures. With the assistance of Lathias, the party ingeniously sets up an ambush along the trail.

The party ambushes, two mythological beastmen (gnolls), four crossbowmen and two leaders: Justinian and Licinius. One beastman stealthily escapes into the forest. Smooth-talking Jargi dies in the battle after taking two crossbow bolts.

The party attempts interrogate the three surviving prisoners, and later brings them to justice. Afterwards, the party cashes in on their loot, and arranges to have their magical items identified through the local merchants in the town.

Directors: Zendrolian Pendalius (Art1/Pal1), Constantian Lucius (Clr2)
Casting Members: Mihai (Clr2), Moric (Ftr1/Wiz1)
Extras: Jargi (Rog2), Targa (Ftr2), Lathias (Rgr2)

  • Accomplishments
    • Captured Leader of Moathouse Operation.
  • Notable Events
    • Ambushed Troop.
    • Interrogation
  • Encounters
    • Justianian (Ftr4)
    • Licinius Calaphates (Clr5)
    • Crossbowmen (4)
    • Giant Lizard (1)
    • Gnolls (1)

Session II (Mar 07)

The party makes preparations to penetrate into the Moathouse after making arrangements with the druid Janos to investigate disturbances in the Wufwolde Hills in exchange for healing [1 month].


Along the path, the party notices that Moric disappears into the shadows, and eventually located after Moric gesticulates and shouts at the party. Suspecting the his black magical ring, Moric unsuccessfully tries to remove the ring. The party continues along the path, and encounters some rather huge, ravenous, and hungry frogs. After dispatching the frogs the party continues to explore every inch of the Moathouse.

Through continued exploration, the party discovers trapped prisoners - Darokinian merchants - and also discovers a secret door within a pillar, where a ladder extends downward. The party continues their exploration into catacombs inhabited by ghouls. From this point, the party continues and discovers the location of the remaining cultists.

The Battle

Moric opens one door and is attacked by six quarrels. Through experimentation the party discovers that these are not some trap but rather, intelligent beings firing crossbows. The party plots to vanquish these crossbowmen. The party looks for an alternative route, and does not find any after limited exploration. The party returns to the door, and along the way they notice some humanoid creature runs away down another hall.

As the party prepares for an attack, the side door opens and squadron of mythological beastmen (gnolls) appears on the other side. The party attacks the gnolls before Torba, the gnoll leader can negoiate with the party. The gnolls in response, then draw their weapons. The battle ensues. The crossbowmen soon join in the battle.

Through creative usage of spells - Color Spray and Sound Burst - the party disables most of the gnolls and crossbowmen. The party quickly overcomes the opponents, but not before one gnoll blows a horn. Soon thereafter, as the party is cleaning up, a squadron of bugbears appear, but are quickly dispatched. Baltag, the bugbear leader pleads for a truce, but the party deals no quarter. Seeing eminent death, Baltag attempts a cul-de-sac on the helpless ranger Valerius, and succeeds. Valerius dies.

Directors: Zendrolian Pendalius (Art1/Pal2), Constantian Lucius (Clr3)
Casting Members: Mihai (Clr3), Moric (Ftr1/Wiz2), Valerius (Rgr2)
Extras: Targa (Ftr3)

  • Accomplishments
    • Destroyed Moathouse Operation Forces.
  • Notable Events
    • Rescued Prisioners (Darokin merchants).
    • Accepted Mission to Resolve Wufwolde Hills incident
    • Discovered Supplies and Used Cloaks as Disguise
  • Encounters
    • Monstrous Denizens
      • Frogs, Giant (4)
      • Frogs, Giant Dire (2)
      • Snake, Huge Viper
      • Ghouls (6)
    • Leaders and Militia
      • Honoratus (Clr2)
      • Fortunatus, Sergeant (Frt2)
      • Crossbowmen (6)
    • Beastmen (Gnoll) Squadron
      • Gnolls (10)
      • Torba, gnoll leader
    • Bugbear Squadron
      • Bugbears (10)
      • Baltag, bugbear leader


The Canon of local Church of Karameikos, Tiberius, gives out an invitation for a meeting to the players. For the player's good deeds, the party is granted several vials of holy water, healing potions, and other potions that may come in handy in the party's quest against evil. This is unusual as Tiberius is known to be a no non-sense type of guy, and never gives out gifts.

Both Zendrolian and Constantian praise the party's good deeds and efforts. Constantian makes a prayer in the party's name, and Zendrolian hands out writs for 500 royals (gold pieces) that is redeemable at any office of the Order of the Griffen.

The local druid Janos, does not seem pleased by the local current events, as this will undoubtedly bring more priestly types into the village to "purge the village of evil". Nevertheless, he congratulates the adventurers, and reminds them of the quest they promised to perform for the healing he offered earlier.

After receiving rewards, the adventurers Mihai and Simion voyage back to the fair city of Specularum, and continue the investigation of the Veiled Society and murders. Mihai informs that he needs to take a small pilgrimage to discover the deeper meaning of Halav. Targa tags along until the player characters reach reach Kelvin. The party arranges for a Mithrathian priest to bring their fallen comrade back to life.