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Lyrics and arrangement by Bandit
Dedicated to Deb ~ My New York Dream Girl

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
Come play with me in the sun
New York Dream Girl, be my lady
You know you are the only one.

One day I met a beautiful lady
She loved to call me hon...
Before too long she was my baby
But I had to talk to her from here in the sun
Soon I started calling her Darlin'...
That always sent her hollerin'...
I loved her very much...
Just wanted to feel her touch.

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
Come play with me in the sun
New York Dream Girl, be my lady
You know you are the only one.

She sent me her picture
I kept it close to my heart
She is a beautiful lady
I knew we would never part
She made me very happy
I was ready to give my life a new start
To give up everything to be with her
Was all that I could feel in my heart.

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
Come play with me in the sun
New York Dream Girl, be my lady
You know you are the only one.

Then the tragic day come
When she told me she found someone
She broke my heart
Don't know where to start
I loved her so much
Can't stop thinking of her and all the fun we had
Life doesn't feel good anymore
It really makes me sad.

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
Come play with me in the sun
New York Dream Girl, be my lady
You know you are the only one.

Now I must get on with my life
I was ready to make New York Dream Girl my wife
She's going to marry someone else
I wish them all the best
I just fight back the tears
And get on with my life without her
I know for a while it will hurt
What made me love her was the way she liked to flirt
And all the little funny things she said
This really, really hurts.

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
I really need you in my life
New York Dream Girl, be my lady
I really wanted to make you my wife.

New York Dream Girl, be my lady
Come play with me in the sun
Come play with me in the sun....
