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The Caverns of Shannara

Hi all, I'm back! ^.^ After being away for so long, feeling sufficiently guilty, and with the prompting of many emails that I unfortunately never responded to, I have finally returned and this site has undergone major renovation. Hopefully the new layout is easier on the eye because of its simpler design. The first version was done way back when I first began designing web pages, so hopefully by now, the design has come along a bit and you'll all like it a little better. I hope you all enjoy the site. Have a magical journey.

Visitors through the Caverns of Shannara ought to know that there are sometimes spoilers within these pages, but I will try to indicate where the spoilers are so you won't stumble across them as you journey across. ^.^

Thank you very much to all the visitors who have helped make The Caverns of Shannara a thriving site! We couldn't have done it without you!

As always this site is dedicated to the incomparable Terry Brooks.

I really must say these horrible ads annoy me to no avail.

Last Updated 9.11.03.


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