Well for this section of my webpage I want to dedicate it to all my HOMIES that I have met from On-line. Many of you may already know that I have been chatting for for like a year and a half and I have met like hella peeps from YOUNGLATINOS I like to meet peeps cause it's fun and very interesting to finally meet someone who you have chatted with for a while. That's why I want to take time to make Special Shoutouts to you guys that I have met along the way!!! =) I wish I could meet everyone but some of you guys are too damn far =( But who knows maybe some day I'll get to meet more of you =) Well here go my SHOUTOUTS some are from a Hella long time ago and some have been recent...I'm going to try to go in the order that I met everyone but most likely I'm going to mess up and forget some peeps but here goes...
PELON-XIV & SIR DYNO Well Pelon and Dyno were one of the first guys I met from here =) They were in SALINAS...I guess promoting Dyno's Cd and I met Pelon and kicked it for a while in the parking lot LoL....He gave me all kinds of flyers and posters from the DARKROOM FAMILIA but he didn't give me a cd =(...Sup wit that Carlos??? LoL j/k Both were Hella Koo and me and Pelon keep in touch every once in a while
G-WIZZ Well I met Johnny waaaaay back in Salinas at some rave heheh He's from Watsonville and he seemed to be a koo person
CREEPER-415 Me and Tony met the same day I met Johnny LoL he came from San Mateo (I Think) we kicked it in the parking lot and Dayum his friend was HELLA FINE!!!! LoL
GABESTER I also met Gabriel in Salinas heheh...He's from Stockton and we had a nice time together...we went to the movies and he also came to visit me in Fresno when I moved back here my 2nd year...He was sweet but he was moving too quickly for me. He was ready for a relationship but um like hello I had only seen him twice LoL. So I called things off and well I'm sad to say but I never called he back after that heheh
HouseJunkie & DaPiCoFDaCluB Both also know as House-o-Holic & CYbErhOuSe Dayum where do I start with these guys LoL...They are 2 of the funniest,craziest and coolest guys I have ever met!!! They are both from Visalia and they went to Salinas to meet me...Well actually Larry was going to meet me and I was supposed to hoop up Lennie wit one of my girlies but it did't happen LoL....Well we went to the BoardWalk in Santa Cruz and we had the greatest time =) I still keep it touch wit Larry but I dunno wut happened to Lennie but they still hella koo and me glad to call dem my buddies =)
BrownandProud & Joker These Guys came from the San Fernando Valley to visit familia sum where over here and stopped by here to drink it up wit me and mny friends.awww how swwet they were hella koo to kick it wit
SexxyLatino OMG!!!! dis boy was sooooo Cute heheh he used to come in Younglatinos a long time ago some of u might member Robert...he sure was sexxy!! LoL He came to my Pad in Fresno and we got to know eachother a whole lot better if u know wut I mean!!! LoL I miss him hope he comes to Fresno real soon =)
ibhi1 I met Elio here in Fresno...he was so sweet, when i first moved into my apt he lent me his webtv so I could chat (dis wuz b4 I had my puter hooked up to the internet)and he also bought me n my roomies so ice cream =)...too bad the we couldn't get the damn web connected and I was getting all frustrated cause I couldn't chat LoL Thanks for everything Fewlio!!!
Firme-hina I think this is the first girly I ever met from on-line it felt wierd hehe nah but she was cool and her baby was soooo cute...she came to kick it with Miro and me b4 she moved away
Pretty-MF-Sexy Me and dis girl kicked it on New Years Eve Together...we went to my friends pad and drank it up there heheh "Sergio" LoL
D-vine22 Awwww my sis I love her soooo much =) I met her back when we were making that "Yl Reunion" we been so close ever since then she like the older sis me never had =)....Ithink that me and my sis have the best on and off line friendship than anyone in Younglatinos....She is the sweetest kindest most caring person i have met and me proud to call her My SiS no one even compares to you sis I can't wait to party wit you again =*) Miss you!!
Panchito Hermanoooooo...awwww I met him the same night met my sis he went over to her pad all drunk n shit we headed for the Universal City Walk and I can't believe that he mad it home safely...he also came to visit me in Fresno when we got ready to go to the carshow =)
Player-XIII Robert heheh wut can I say bout Robert =)....I had a great time seeing him both times I went to chino to see my sis...The first time we met he came to my see me at my sis's house before we left Chino. Me and him went cruzing down Whittier and aww he was so sweet he sang to me "I'm still here" in his Explorer and when we got to the restaurant me and him went to choose some oldies to listen to then we said our good-byes =)...the second time I seen him was at his pad and me my sis and Miro kicked it wit him and his homies and drank it up =0) Robert is a real sweetie but he does live up to his name he THE BIGGEST PLAYER I know heheh Ladies don't be fooled lol j/k Robert
ChicanoX3 To this day this guy still has my heart =*)...he came to see me in April and also brought my sis along wit him...we Spent some good time together...even though we are broken up now I still Love him wit all my heart...things just didn't work out... we had our ups and downs...but I wish him all the best in life...I miss You Mijo Muahhhhh
Triggerhappy I met Danny the 2nd time I went to visit my sis...he is so sweet and such a gentleman...I had a great time kicking it wit him and his homies, we drank, we laughed and had a good time i'm glad I got a chance to meet him =)
LiL_BaBy_BoY I met Powder a.k.a Mike at Trigger's pad...ughhh me was so mad at how they treated him cause he was really nice and they just had him opening bottles and cleaning up there pad...Me tried standing up for him butit didn't help but powder was so cute n rally shy when he got around me heheh
True-Kasanova Joe went with my sis n his friend HENRY to pick me and Miro up....both were h ella koo and we drank it up at my sis's pad...Damn I wish "Oh Henry" wouldn't of left so early but he got sick =( heheh maybe next time huh Joe =)
Silent-X4 WhoA!!!! this guy is a cutie heheh He from Salas and lives not to far from my primas pad =)..(which is good for me) LoL during the summer me and him got really close and became good friends...He confided alot of personal things wit me and i'm glad we got to become close friends...too bad everytime we see eachother things have to be rushed...we never get to say bye =(
La_LoCa_GiGGles MisTy iS soooo Cool =) when i met her we kicked it at her homies pad and watched some "Dark RooM" movie LoL her and her friend were a trip and I can't wait to party wit her again
Homie-N-Cali Awww Dis here is My Gay Homie hehe he so sweeet I don't care wut peeps gotta say bout gay people he very nice and friendly and me glad we met...him n his man at the time came to vist me in Miro in Fresno and later on that night we went cruising for guys!!! LoL dat was wierd though going cruising wit guys and on a man hunt LoL he still koo in my book =)
eXpLcIt-CoNtEnT I met Jesus this summer but we didn't spend much time together...i went to his pad and he was kicking it outside wit his doggie heheh...he a cutie too bad he so young or else.....nah neveamind LoL...I always like messing wit him heheh
La-SmoKe_DaWg Tru-Rican & Droopyv2 I met all these fools during the summer...Robbie had gone over to Maria's pad to visit so I got a chance to meet both of them...they were hella quit though i think they got too shy around me...afterwards we went to droopys pad and kicked it for a while
Deevine19 I met Sandra Last weekend (Oct 9) me and Miro called her up and asked her if she wanted to go to a "paisa dance" LoL we us and she did..It was sooo Koo we had soo much fun yayyy Me got to see Fito Olivares & Los Angeles Azules heheh
Well that's the end of my lil list of peeps I have met from YL and I would like to meet more when i get the chance but there hasn't been an opportunity yet =*( well it's been great meeting all you guys...it;s a trip to find out how sum people are wayyyy different in person than they are "on-line" Lol so don't let these internet Freaks fool you heheh