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Braille? On the drive through ATM??? WHY???

Some amusing answers for the age old question: Why is there braille on the ATM??

i dont know

um. to look important

This is an easy question. The blind person is in the back seat of a 4 door car. When the driver pulls up, he pulls up far enough for the blind person to be able to reach out to the machine. The driver doesn't punch in the numbers 'cause hte pin number is a very secret thing. Would you want someone to know your pin number to get all the money out of your bank account? I think not.

thats a good question....................... i'd like to know how they get there.......... DRIVE???????????

so that the blind person can still enter there pin number without anyone seeing it!! they just have to have someone else drive them to the machine!!

I thought this one was very logical.

because, under law, they have to. If a blind person did ever happen to walk up to one of those things, and know where everything was and use it, and they didnt' have brail, they could get their pants sued off. Same as when they put the caution, hot!! label on coffee...personally i thought coffee was supposed to be hot, and blind people can't drive, but that's society for ya....

for the people who walk through the teller, duh!!!!!!

Because ATM islands are general purpose and serve walk up customers too so some may be blind people? I DUNNO

so people like us can ask why . . . .

And now, my own personal thought on why we have braille on ATM. . . . now, I have to admit~ I pondered on this~ and am very proud of my conclusion.
They put braille on it cuz all ATM’s are made in a factory and you dont know which are going to be at the drive through, the mall, a store or any place else that blind people can access. So, you have to put them on all ATM’s just to be on the safe side.

So, howd I do??? Am I not a blonde anymore?????

Have your own theory??? click the e-mail link on the bottom and let us know what you have to say about it all.



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