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To Dunwuring

Merle & Gwen

I can see it in your eyes.What is Dunwuring? Well, when we retired we said we were done worrying and we meant it.

We live in Southern California and enjoy the near perfect weather. We like to go to the beach, especially Gwen who likes to shop in all the stores there with her daughter Debbie. Gwen still likes to take long walks most every morning. While she is doing that I seem to spend too much time on this computer. Monday at noon time is my bowling league and that I really enjoy. After twenty years of marriage I still consider us as newlyweds.

Between us we have five grown "kids", seven grandkids, and seven great grandkids.

Here is where we live.

The sign on the rear gate says "BACKDOOR GUESTS ARE THE BEST" so come on in and visit awhile

Gwen's Family page

Merle's Family page

GrandKids page

Great GrandKids page

My Alaskan Vacation

A Walk Down Memory Lane

" Christmas 2001

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