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~*Chapter Seven*~

The Moffatt family sat at the kitchen table during dinner.... well all but Scott.

"Boys do you have any idea where Scott is?" Frank asked his three triplet sons.

"No.... he was kinda upset earlier though." Dave replied chewing his salad in the side of his mouth.

Sheila and Frank automatically looked at Clint.

Clint rolled his eyes, "What?" he asked.

"Where is Scott?" Sheila asked him.

"I dunno. He's probably at Matt's house." Clint replied. Matt was Scott's good friend.

"Why was he upset?" Frank asked.

Bob felt guilty, he knew Scott was still upset about him and Kali, "Its my fault." Bob said and got up and ran out of the house.

Frank and Sheila once again turned to Clint.

Clint sighed, "Bob and Kali are going out and Scott is upset because he likes Kali." He said.

Frank nodded, "I'll have to have a talk with them later."


Bob walked out of the house and began walking to a tree that he and his brothers used to talk under. As he approached the tree he saw Scott sitting under it sobbing lightly.

"Oh my god.... Scott, I am so sorry." Bob said. He hated seeing Scott cry.

"Just leave me alone Bob." Scott replied trying to hide his face and his tears.

Bob felt hurt, "Scott I just want-" he began.

"Bob! Are u gonna leave or do I have to?" Scott asked getting frustrated with his little brother.

Bob backed away, "Sorry..." He said quietly and walked off.

Scott pulled his knees to his chest and stared at the sky as a fresh set of tears filled his eyes.

*~next chapter...->*~
