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Hello, welcome, and all that stuff. This as you can see from the above banner is my Maho Tsukai Tai page. Yes I'm repeating it. This is a hilarious anime about a magic (as in witches and sorcery, not the card game) club.I got hooked on it recently and has only seen the OVA's so don't kill me if I get anything wrong...because I'll feel bad. As always questions, comments, and the like go to

Lovely...your still here to the right there are the links....

The Image Gallery is small but it will grow in time. Don't worry. The Introduction is finished, and I'll try to get the characters done fast. Miscellaneous will always be there with unsorted stuff like, lyrics, fan fiction (wanna submit anyone?), wallpaper made by yours truly, etc....

~ ~ ~Maho Tsukai Tai~ ~ ~

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.........................Image Gallery


.........................Main Page


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