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The silence brings the breath of peace
Each moment sacred beyond the reach
Of all that threatens to break the calm
The water so deep goes on and on

He loves this life, feels one with the earth
As he sits and is still, he feels rebirth
He lives again as it starts with a whisper
Nothing is hurried, he can grow without fear

The beauty enriches him, he feels so proud
To view such miracles , that he be aloud
His line barely grazes the water's surface
Its not about the fish, thats not the purpose

He just feels so close to his roots and his heart
Seems nothing is far from him here, nor apart
There are memories old and new ones that heal
He sits and he smiles for the joy he can feel

A garden too he loves to plant and see grow
And always is aware you will get what you sow
He tends it carefully and waters the seeds
It give him fulfillment of his own creative needs

My friend is a treasure, a man who is one
Who can get joy out of the wind and the sun
On land and on water when his spirit is free
He will grow in his understanding of who he will be

Copyright rosecan June, 2001

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