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Sailor Moon R Villains

Welcome to the Sailor Moon R Villains. Here you will find the Aliens, Ail and Ann, (Ail+ann.. Aliens.. hehe) They were from the first Arc of Sailor Moon R. The second arc was the Black Moon Family.

[Ail][Ann][Doom Tree][Rubeus][Petz][Karaberas][Cooan][Beruche][Esmeroodo][Wiseman]
[Prince Demando][Saffiru][Black Lady]

Sailor Moon R Villains.. The First Arc!


Ail! (Allan)

(NoTE: I will refer to Ail as Allan.. it just works better) Allan is the male Alien that which comes in the first arc of Sailor Moon R. He is usually the one who thinks things through, sort of like Ami. His minions are known as Cardians. After Ann picks one to use, he will then play his flute to summon them forth. It would then proceed and suck the energy out of someone for the "Doom Tree"
As a human, he attended Usagi's Junior High, along with Ann. When he first saw Usagi, he fell immediately in love with her. Ann became very jealous of this!



Ann is the female alien which comes in the First arc of Sailor Moon R. She is a very stubborn person, and is easily made jealous. As an Alien, she was the one who picked the cardian, then Allan would summon them. She usually made the orders to the Cardian, which it obeyed.
As a human, she went under the name, Natsumi Ginga. Like Allan, she too fell in love with someone at first sight. It was Mamoru! She was constantly competing with Usagi for his love. Usagi tried to become Ann's friend, but she could care less. As I said, she was extremely jealous, because Allan was in love with Usagi. Even though she contradicted herself, because she made Allan jealous because she liked Mamoru.
Both Alan and Ann were healed by Usagi at the End of the First Arc! (See the Doom Tree Below)


The Doom Tree/Tree of Life

The Doom Tree was the Queen Metallia for the Aliens. This is what Ail and Ann stole negative energy for. They were born from the Tree, but they were the only two survivors. If the tree died, so did Ail and Ann! They fed it so much negative energy.. but it really needed some love!
In the end, the Tree killed Ann, because of her anger and hatred. This is when it is known as the Tree of Life. Sailor Moon uses 'Moon Princess Halation' to heal it, and Ail and Ann have a new chance to start over!

Sailor Moon R: The Second Arc!


In the Future, the 30th Century, Neo-Queen Serenity ruled. She wanted a cleansed land, named Crystal Tokyo. Not all wanted to be cleansed, and those people fled the planet to Nemesis. The eventually became the Black Moon Family!



Rubeus was in charge of the Four sisters. His main goal, along with the sisters, was to capture Rabbit. (Chibiusa) He failed many times, and Wiseman just needed the Sailor Scouts destroyed. When all the scouts were healed.. he finally caught Chibiusa in his spacecraft. Sailor Moon and company caught up with him. They were sadly loosing the battle, but Chibiusa pulled a main energy crystal out, damaging the ship. Rubeus then set it to self-destruct. Usagi was knocked out, so the scouts had no way off! They would die with Rubeus! Sailor Moon cam to, and the got off the ship. Emerald came to Rubeus to rub in the fact that he was going to die. He begged for help, but she left him to die in the blast.


Petz! (Prizma)

Petz is the eldest of the Four Sisters. Each sister was equal to a sailor scout. Petz was equal to Sailor Jupiter. She had a big temper. She was the last to be healed, and before hand, Diamond gave her a power stick, and she kinda went crazy with it. Her power is "Dark Thunder."

We later find out that she was in love with Saffiru.


Karaberas! (Avery)

Karaberas is the second eldest and is equal to Sailor Venus. She whined and didn't get much done, and she especially argued with Petz a lot. Even though all the sisters are fashion-conscious, she is even more picky. She has no power, but uses a whip for an attack. She was the third to be healed.


Cooan! (Catsy)

Cooan is the youngest of the sisters, and he equal is Sailor Mars. She had a thing for Rubeus, and wanted to rule with him, and become his queen. I personally do not like her tutu outfit.. Someone Call the.. *FASHION POLICE!!* LoL She uses "Dark Fire" as her attack. She was the first to be healed.


Beruche! (Birdy)

Birdy is second youngest of the sisters. She is equal to the Scout, Mercury! She is more of the silent one. She lets her Yumas take care of her work. Like Ami, Beruche is very smart. She is good at chess, and almost beat Ami! She uses "Dark Water" as her attack. She was the second to be healed.


Esmeroodo! (Emerald)

Esmeroodo is a very arrogant and stuck-up person. She took over when Rubeus left. She wanted to gather the "Nega-Points." There were dark energy points all over the place in the past. Her job was to recover them. She used figurines of herself (Selfish!)

She failed many-a-time, so Demando called her back. Esmeroodo always hoped to become his queen, but the Prince had feelings for Neo-Queen Serenity. Esmeroodo was angered by this. She asked Wiseman to tell her future. He said she would rule with the Prince. He made a negative tiara, which turned her to a dragon. Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon defeated her.. and we never see her again!



Wiseman was the "leader" of the Black Moon family. Demando thought he was in charge.. but we later find out the real truth. Demando just wanted revenge for Earth's cold banishment, but Wiseman wanted to open the Black Gate to rule the world!

He has killed: Esmeroodo, Demando and Saffiru. He also turned Chibiusa to the dark side. With the help of Black Lady, Wiseman opened the gate. But Chibiusa returned to her normal state, and with Neo-Queen Serenity, they used their crystals to defeat him!

In the Manga, it is even worse. Wiseman is actually the planet Nemesis! He becomes the planets true form, but like the anime, he is defeated! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Prince Demando! (Diamond)

Prince Demando is the ruler of Nemesis. He tried to get Neo-Queen Serenity to be his queen, but she refused, so he attacked the kingdom. He and Saffiru had been banished from Earth, so he wanted to take it over and live there again. He wanted to capture Chibiusa (Rabbit) for her energy. He then saw Sailor Moon, and tried to convince her to become his Queen. He even used his "third eye" to brainwash her, but she snapped out of it and told him about the Wiseman's ways.

Wiseman kills Diamond later on. He was about to blast Sailor Moon, but Demando blocks it for her. He used all of his power to shatter the Wiseman, but her then died in Usagi's arms.


Saffiru! (Saphire)

Saffiru is Demando's younger brother. He and Esmeroodo agreed that they both loved Demando and hated Sailor Moon. Otherwise, they argued a lot. Saffiru always wanted to know what Wiseman really was. He once heard that Wiseman was using them as pawns, and tried to tell Demando.

Saffiru was killed by Wiseman. This is when Demando began to see Wiseman's true plan. Saffiru loved Petz dearly.


Black Lady! (Wicked Lady)

Wicked Lady is the evil form of Chibiusa. Wiseman captured her, and brainwashed her. She believed that no one really loved or cared for her.

Later, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen make her realize she is loved!


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