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Training Outline

Training Outline

Kettle {NAME*}
a. a good attitude and willingness to, listen.....learn

b. know basic rules page right away and pass a test on such

c. know and demonstrate Karta and Tower positions 

d. you may not fur as a kettel or white silk (except personal Master/Mistress or Ubar/Ubara if City kolar)and must kneel in Tower

e study the webpages and meet with the trainer as assigned

f. you should never travel at this stage unless with Owner,,,would be too easy to get into

g. list at least 8 things that need to be done as will be doing them as soon as you get ~wt~

The slave will be tested on the above to get white silks....this can usually be done by a training slave alone. The training slave can inform the Owner that the slave has passed....unless the Owner really wants to watch...but they usually do not at this stage.

White Silk in training {NAME}~wt~ or {NAME-t} are now white may now start talking more..but politely and start to learn to will be tested...a training slave may test you on drinks, silks, positions and med contents,,,but a serve drink and simple med must be witnessed in public in front of your Master/Mistress or Ubar/Ubara or Kajirea Co-ordinator....

a. know all the basics steps of a serve....and be able to serve all the basic drinks and at least one food heat...know all the following at least....kalana.....mead....ale......paga......blackwine..... kalda ....water, bosk milk and juice

b. recite all the silks and requirements for each and restrictions of each

c. do a simple med serve and show knowledge on med kit contents

d. know at least 5 more positions.....nadu.......kolar or position of female submission and three more of your choice.....

e. you may not fur as a kettel or white silk (except personal Master/Mistress or Ubar/Ubara if City kolar)and must kneel in Tower 

f study the webpages and meet with the trainer as assigned

g. again is not good to travel and most rooms will not let you ask to be sure

h. you will have to be tested in the furs also before getting yellow by your owner or Ubar or an assigned Member.....winks

The slave will be tested on the above to get Yellow silks...good

Yellow Silks {NAME}~Y~
Now you are yellow silk....congradulations again,,,,warm smile
all testing for reds will be done in public before your Master/Mistress or Ubar/Ubara....or Kajirea Co-ordinator

a. know your foods and be tested on them....4 meats.... 2 breads....4 fruits.....2 milk/cheese...and sullage

b. be able to serve all drinks well and with heat...including bazi tea (but that is not heated as much as regular serves)and be tested on it

c. have and perform at least 1 dances in public..and has must be good

d. know all the slave positions,,,,you will be tested on 5 more at the trainers decision so is best to know then all(they will not include...Nadu.....Karta...or Tower)

e. complex med serve.....including broken bones and deep cuts and bruses

The slave will be tested on the above to get red silks.....good luck lil ones

Red Silks{NAME}~R~
congratulations again....*happy smiles* are now red silk

Warning!!!!..... do not stop learning and act respectful at all times....if you do not....your red silks will be striped matter how good you are until you learn to behave.....a red silk girl/boy must be a good example at all times to the new lil ones and help to help and teach them....if not he/she no longer deserves to have red silks!!

If you wish to be a will have to learn even more and show a willingness and ability to teach.

good luck lil ones and serve from your belly and heart,,,smile

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