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Dojo Essentials

AIKI NO KURAI is not only a teaching of martial arts, but a lesson of nature itself.

- Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido
The most important thing in aikido training is to look at yourself, your innermost soul.
- O Sensei
Aikido is not meant to be an abstract theory of spiritual values, but a practical training that sthrengthens your courage, your internal serenity and your ability to relate to others. It is meant to change your mental attitude so that you do not revert to aggression and violence under stress but instead continue to behave in a fashion that prevents or stops conflict. Aikido is meant to give you the courage of your conviction
There is no superior martial art. Therefore, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless and add that to what is specifically your own.
If no structure is superior all the time, one must choose
the structure that is superior at the moment.

In order to attain self-confidence, one must master the technique.
When the mind is so at peace that it can calmly function in the face of death, then we can say that the individual has achieve the mastery of self and inner peace.
The level of coordination that it takes to work weapons is fives times greater than anything empty hand. Since coordination is universal, when we return back to empty hand, we are five times more coordinated.
To move fast, you must think fast. One must feel fast, the ability to convince ones brain that one is unusualy fast.
When a fighter uses the same rhythm, he establishes a routine, which is a type of telegraphing, that leaves him more susceptible to counters & attacks.
If ones goal is just to achieve a particular rank or belt or with the idea of becoming his instructor's top student, then he is oppossing his self-growth.
In training, you have to simulate the stimuli of an actual encounter as closely as possible. This refines techniques and eliminates your fear.
My technique is your technique, my movement is a result of your movement.

- Bruce Lee, Master of Jeet Kune Do
In aikido;
Nage - one who throws
Uke - one who receives the throw
Ukemi - the art of being an uke

Those who excel at taking ukemi will most likely excel in technique also, for they will be able to absorb the knowledge through their bodies of how a properly executed technique feels, as well as absorbing the knowledge through their minds.
If uke has no sense of the effects of the technique, no resilience or no responsiveness to nage's movements or if he is fearful or awkward at falling, nage will not be able to study the technique effectively.