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If you have a Youngstown site, come show your support for Youngstown and join the ring! Please read the requirements carefully. I am not too strict about letting people in....but....recently I have noticed that some people haven't been following instructions carefully. Sooooo.....I outlined it for you guys to help both me and you. Please read the requirements before proceeding!


1. It must be a Youngstown related site.
2. Please keep java scripts, applets, etc. at a minimum.
3. Please put the html code on a page where it is visible, whether it is on your splash page or your links/webring page.
4. Be sure that you have the PROPER html code. (which is down below) This means that it is an absolute MUST that you have replaced all the necessary information (site id, e-mail address, name) in the html code.
5. Must have content. It can't just be a link page.
6. If I can't see the code on your page within 2 weeks you will be removed from the queue.
7. Must have a passion for Youngstown! (hehe)

Submit site to pedal to the steel.
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

NOTICE: We collect personal information on this site.  To learn more about how we use your information click here.

CODE: This code is the most important part of the webring. In order for you to join the ring, please copy and paste the code into your webpage. After you have filled out the form and copied and pasted the code, please e-mail me the exact link on which the code is to appear. Please don't forget to replace your ring numbers to the ring id you were given and also to replace the stuff in capitals [name, emailaddress, and idhere] with yours. If you are still having trouble inserting the code, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

To manage your site please go here:

Site ID No:

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