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UPDATE: JANURARY 04, 2002 - Still in the updation process. It wouldn't be so slow had it not been for all ym schoolwork. :-p

But so far; I ahve updated a few things. Most of all; my archives ahve been updated. It was time to put my own artwork here on my own site. (Makes sense doesn't it. ;)) Also; the new ehading above you has been created by me also. It's a rich tapestry of PHotoshoppe editting and cut an' paste. Also, notice the aniamted Shen Sprites near the archives. I amde em too (Witht he help of CrystalBandicoot) to add mroe deocration to this joint.

As for archives; Lioness Bandicoot's ahs been updated again; with mroe of her great art. :) (Chekc it out.) I'm still working on the others; thanks for your aptience.

I'm still updating here; so please be aptient. Thanks. I'll have more done ASAP; and promise that I wills till update this site. Thanks for all your patience.

Poll of the Month Results: The Winner for msot anticipated PS2 game out a alndslide 'Final Fantasy X'. A great game no doubt. ^__^ Players will love this game no prob. ^__^ Definitely worth playing. You heard right! Final Fantasy all the way. ^__^.

get this gear!
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Crashcorner Member Files

Shazi's Pics

Shazi's Pics: Archive 2

Shazi's Pics: Archive 3


Kiorie's Pics

Kiorie's Pics: Archive 2

Crashcrazed's Pics

Crash 3:16's Pics

Haran's Pics (UPLOADED: Feb. 6, 02)

Haran's Pics : Archive 2 (UPLOADED: Feb. 6. 02)

Haran's Pics : Archive 3 (UPLOADED: Feb. 6, 02)

T Rex's Pics

T Rex's Pics: Archive 2

Crystal Bandicoot's Pics

Crystal Bandicoot's Pics: Archive 2

Coco's pics

Saskia's Pics

Saskia's Pics: Archive 2

N. Gin's Pics

Lioness Bandicoot's Pics (UPDATED Janurary,4, 02)

N. Gina's Pics (UPLOADED: Feb. 1, 02)


(This way please ---->)

My Files

My Crashcorner Pics

My Crashcorner Pics: Archive 2

My Crashcorner Pics: Archive 3

My Crashcorner Pics: Archive 4

Miscellaneous Pictures

Demonarc's Wrath Video Game

Nude Char Drawings

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Video Game Series MIDIs

Video Game Series MIDIs 2

Video Game Series MIDIs 3

Sharon Drawing Contest Entries

CrashWorld Tiger Wolf Chars

Fan Fic Movie Posters

Jim Russo's Art

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