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"Never give them what they expect!"


My Tattoo And Joker

The Animated Series Joker And Joker From "Batman Beyond-Return Of The Joker"

Welcome to my page. My name is Rob, but you can call me Jokester. As you can see, I'm a Joker fan, but this isn't about my grinning friend: it's about me.

This page is stll a work in progress. Let me start by telling you about myself...

Cesar Romero As Joker, Shogun Warriors Raydeen, Great Mazinga, & Dragun

I was born in San Diego in 1967 and have been a plague on mankind ever since.


I grew up in a hell hole called Chino (A suburb of San Bernardino) awakening to the smell of cow crap every morning...

** Yum Yum **

Linda Carter As Wonder Woman,Lee Majors As Colonel Steve Austin:The Six Million Dollar Man

I was your typicall geeky kid...I was into that stupid '60's Batman T.V. show (Just to see Joker), Shogun Warriors, Godzilla, Wonder Woman (Mmmmm...Lynda Carter...), The Six Million Dollar Man, and STAR WARS.

Comic-Con '76 STAR WARS Howard Chaykin Poster

By My sophmore year in high school, I was running track and playing baseball...That is until one night I was riding my 10-speed and a fire hydrant jumped in front of me and I tore my knee apart...I graduated in 1985...Did some college...But mostly worked so I could pursue my toy collecting...

In 1990 I moved to San Diego...I've met a lot of great people since I've been there (And some not so great...those of whom can go yourselves!!!). I've worked in everything from retail to massage therapy, so I guess you can call me a JOKER of all trades!!!


In April of 2003, I moved to Sin City (that's right, Las Vegas, Baby!!!) to be with my Gina - Girl. Gina is a physical therapist who works with disabled children, and one hell of an awesome drummer!!! I believe there is no one better when it comes to putting a smile on anyones' face than her! Even though she likes that '80's hair band music (Gak!!!), I still love you, baby!!!

Gina as a Disco Queen...She's My Harley Quinn!

And these are her children, Tori and Kenny. Tori is your typical teenage girl...And Kenny...What can I say about the kid? He's a crackup!!! I love these guys!!!

Tori As Paul Stanley, And Kenny As Ace Frehley At Kenny's Graduation Party

And our animals...Sadie, the golden with a thousand nick names...and Lola, the dumb one!

Fatty Fat Dog And Dis Lil' Lola

I mentioned before that my main hobby is toy collecting...

Mostly Joker...

Some Of My Loose Joker Collection


Kenners Vintage STAR WARS Figures In Hasbro's POTF II Packages(And A Couple Of Customized Ones Too!)

Speaking of customizing figures, I am really proud of these pieces...for obvious reasons!!!

Custom J0-K3R Droid

Custom Jedi Master Rob-Guy & Commander Ker Figures

My Ultimate Lightsaber

I also collect other toys from here and there...

My hero is Homer Simpson...I don't know why, I just find him hilarious!!!



I also enjoy reading a daily comic strip "The Duplex" by Glenn McCoy

Eno Camino And Fang



My best friend Steve (Who just happens to like Batman...Go Figure...) and his woman Jennifer...


Here's The "Cute" Couple Taking A Breather...


Live in the "Orange Curtain" (That's Orange County to the layman) and they got married on August 19th, 2000. And guess what??? I WAS THE BEST MAN!!! Ohhhhh was that fun!!!

** HA HA HA!!! **

Seriously, I wish them all the best.


First up is Justin, or Rutt, or Blank (Hopefully just a name, and not shooting them!!!)...Or Sponge Bob Small (Or Ripped) Pants. He worked with me at that damned "Toy Store" and was one of the few people I could stomach there....He was Mr. R.O.T.C., so he's the most organized and responsible one of the gang...

Rutt Wishing He Was Right Where He Wants To Be!

Silent Mike (a take on the name Silent Bob, Mike is a Kevin Smith fan) is up next, one of the biggest Star Trek (yuck!) Trekkers that I know. This guy is into everything from Transformers: Armada to Dragonball Z! Doesn't "Dragonball Z" sound like a S.T.D. you get from overseas? "What happened Mike?" "Aww, I went to the Phillipines and caught Dragonball Z..." Mike now lives in Sin City, but will always be an integral member of the San Diego Crew!!!

Mike honoring me at my Birthday Party by wearing a George Luca$ Costume.

Chris is Justins best friend, and a good friend to us, so he is being included. He's only around part time, being a squid....I mean professional Navy guy....what are they called??? Anyways, Chris is out protecting this great nation of ours from all threats, foriegn or domestic...Wait! Did I say threats? I meant BEERS!!!

Chris At Our New Years Eve Party...

Mike & Heather, the married ones. Mike, a.k.a. Demon, is a blood member of the KISS Army....If it has to do with KISS it has to do with Demon! He's got KISS tatoos, KISS toys, KISS stuff everywhere in his home. I think a KISS bomb exploded there!!! Heather, his Domino, is just a very nice girl, a great Mom to three very wonderful daughters, Jasmine, Rebecca, and Raven and would gladly taxi you all around if you wanted to go on toy runs!!! I also want to thank them for showing awesome hospitality whenever Gina and I visit!!!

Heather & Sadie...Sith Lords and Demon Fett - Bounty Hunter

Ben...Ben - Jammin'...Mr. "I'm Chinese, Dammit!" This cat can break a cinderblock with his forehead and will kick your ass playing the "Dead Or Alive" videogames. If it's a fighting game, Ben - Jammin' has mastered it!!! Ben digs everything from Bruce Lee movies to Anime (ain't that right, pal?!?). He's a good friend, and I miss him, and hope he gets that job as a video game tester...

Ben Showing His Mastery Of Dinner Utensils...

Oh yeah...And then there's...

Being A Poser...


Yeah, I saved myself for last...But who else out of this group can finish off the page better than me???

Oh...I guess he can...



If you like the page so far, E-Mail me and let me know at

Thank You!!!