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butterfly gif Strong Blond Swede ~ passionate medieval fantasy page from the original Krister site. It features the artwork of Jonathon Earl Bowser (Gweneviere & Forest Light), the music of Bjorn Lynne (Stranger On A Hill) . Dedicated to Krister, this is my favorite page.

butterfly gif Without You ~ sentimental romantic page from my Romance series. My second favorite page. Features an artwork background from Cloud Eight Stationery.This page is sure to pull you in the feeling of despair over longing for a lost love.

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ForeverG ~ very sensitive page from my Romance Series and the first page that I used the fly out music window. Features many selections by Kenny G which can be played continuously even after leaving the page if left on the task bar.

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Friendship Across the Miles ~ from my Words with Meaning series. Light hearted poem by an unknown author given at Thanksgiving to numerous friends.This page contains 2 fly out windows with choices of music that can be played individually or continously. For fun a counter counting down the days until Christmas.

butterfly gif My Man ~ Victorian "emotion-provoking" page from my Romance series. Very effective use of muted loving couple background, powerful music, and sentimental text. Another page that pulls the viewer into it..

butterfly gif Resources ~ from my Uniquely Cat Personal Site. Much research presented with a nice melody by Bjorn Lynne.Topics include everything from movie reviews, games to web design tools and downloads.

butterfly gif Imagemap Interface ~ Beautiful script Waterfall interface from graphic artist Moyra and script cursor butterflies floating around the page. Script for butterflies by Virtual Max.

butterfly gif Meet Cat ~ page of introduction.Contains a photo of me.

butterfly gif Chinese Images ~ Cultural beauty seen through photos. Page featuring images given to me by ICQ contact Alien over a period of several months. These images are gorgeous and there is something here to please everyone.

butterfly gif Anti-virus Update ~ Another page from my Words with Meaning series. Counter Countdown to my Birthday. Understated but still very visually pleasing to the eye.

butterfly gif Awards ~ Self-explanatory. Currently awards given to me. Seperate page also for Awards given to others by me.

butterfly gif Contact Cat - whimsical and creative. This has got to be one of the prettiest forms on the net. Artwork by Greg Olsen on a rose muted background.

butterfly gifCauses (Right Column Directory) ~ Creative. MUST SEE!


Made By Cat.
Cards by Irishmiss
Created March 2000. Updated November 2001
Page Copyright: Uniquely Cat ,January 1999, 2000, 2001.
This beautiful interface ~ moyra logo gif
(Graphic Artist~Moyra)
Butterfly Floaters Script ~ dynamicdrivelogo gif


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