ForeverG ~ very sensitive page from my Romance Series and the first page that I used the fly out music window. Features many selections by Kenny G which can be played continuously even after leaving the page if left on the task bar.
 Friendship Across the Miles ~ from my Words with Meaning series. Light hearted poem by an unknown author given at Thanksgiving to numerous friends.This page contains 2 fly out windows with choices of music that can be played individually or continously. For fun a counter counting down the days until Christmas.
My Man ~ Victorian "emotion-provoking" page from my Romance series. Very effective use of muted loving couple background, powerful music, and sentimental text. Another page that pulls the viewer into it..
Resources ~ from my Uniquely Cat Personal Site. Much research presented with a nice melody by Bjorn Lynne.Topics include everything from movie reviews, games to web design tools and downloads.
Imagemap Interface ~ Beautiful script Waterfall interface from graphic artist Moyra http://moyra.com/jewels and script cursor butterflies floating around the page. Script for butterflies by Virtual Max.
Meet Cat ~ page of introduction.Contains a photo of me.
Chinese Images ~ Cultural beauty seen through photos. Page featuring images given to me by ICQ contact Alien over a period of several months. These images are gorgeous and there is something here to please everyone.
Anti-virus Update ~ Another page from my Words with Meaning series. Counter Countdown to my Birthday. Understated but still very visually pleasing to the eye.
Awards ~ Self-explanatory. Currently awards given to me. Seperate page also for Awards given to others by me.
Contact Cat - whimsical and creative. This has got to be one of the prettiest forms on the net. Artwork by Greg Olsen on a rose muted background.
Causes (Right Column Directory) ~ Creative. MUST SEE!

Made By Cat.
Cards by Irishmiss
Created March 2000. Updated November 2001
Page Copyright: Uniquely Cat ,January 1999, 2000, 2001.
This beautiful interface ~ 
(Graphic Artist~Moyra)
Butterfly Floaters Script ~ 