(a work in process)
MAY 14, 2003 -- Father Benedict Groeschel on the war, at the Catholic League’s excellent web site
The Catholic League has taken no position on the Iraqi conflict, but it has taken a position on the way the pope’s words on the war have been exploited by anti-war activists.
It should come as no surprise that the pope is viscerally anti-war. But it is a grave error to label him a pacifist. Pope John Paul II has said repeatedly that war cannot be decided upon "except as the very last option." What he has not said, though such words have been attributed to him, is that there is no legal or moral justification for the war (some Vatican officials have said as much, but not the Holy Father). In any event, it is striking how many new friends the Pontiff has these days.
Jessica Lange is anti-war and pro-abortion. The NARAL enthusiast found it useful to praise the pope for his position on the war. What she failed to mention was that when the pope told a gathering of world leaders to say "No To War" on January 13, he began by admonishing them to say "No To Death"; he specifically cited "the incomparable dignity of every human being, beginning with that of unborn children." But Jessica chose not to hear that.
Actor Michael Moore was quoted as saying, "The pope even came right out and said it: This war in Iraq is not a just war and, thus, it is a sin." But the pope never said this is not a just war, never mind a sinful exercise. Susan Sarandon, another fair-weather Catholic, invoked the pope’s name in making her pitch against the war. And even the notoriously anti-Catholic magazine, the Nation, cited the authority of the bishops in making their case against the war.
The reaction of Catholic dissidents and those who claim Catholic status was even more comical. The National Catholic Reporter never tires of railing against papal authority; ditto for Call to Action, an organization of Catholic malcontents. Yet both lauded the pope for his leadership on the war. Even that inveterate Catholic basher Frances Kissling spoke of the "humanitarian" vision of the Vatican and the "religious authority of the pope." This makes us wonder — will she now convert to Catholicism?
We’ll call these people sincere when they stop exploiting the pope’s words on the war and start showing real and consistent respect for his teachings on all subjects.
APRIL 10, 2003 - They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I’ll just these do the talking today:
And lest we forget what started all this in the first place:
March 28, 2003 - I'm relieved to discover that maybe I'm not completely disagreeing with the Pope after all. (Whew!) At least according to the nice folks at Catholic Just War, who kindly pointed out to me that the media does not exactly exercise prudence and accuracy when it comes to reporting the Pope's statements.
He DID say that he would have preferred that we settle it without a war, but he did NOT say that the war was "immoral" or "unjust," and certainly hasn't equated Bush with Hussein. In fact, he's clearly stated that the repsonsibility for this war lies with Saddam Hussein, and that the way to end it is for S.H. to disarm - doesn't exactly sound like he's "supporting the anti-war activists" to me!
So - looks like I'm off the hook (for now) - thanks, Lord! (and Catholic Just War!)
March 25, 2003 update - In case you can't tell by the articles I've been linking, my views have somewhat shifted, to where even though I don't know if we should have gone into Iraq, now that we're there I think we need to rally around and support our country and our troops. So I guess now I'm pro-this war, if not pro-war in general.
Which makes me feel pretty uncomfortable as it makes me wonder if I'm at odds with the Pope. But as I understand it from the good folks at Catholic Just War, it's okay to disagree in this issue as it's not an article of faith. So dear Holy Father, I love you but (gulp) I support my country in this war.
Sorry!!! But I just can't believe you are really in agreement with the likes of Michael Moore and the Dixie Chicks.
March 17, 2003 - When I returned to the Catholic Church, I also switched to the Republican Party, because they seemed most in line with Catholic teaching.
It's just not possible to tolerate the pro-abortion policies of the Democrat Party in recent years – they've been so aggressive about legalizing abortion pretty much up till the moment of birth, and maybe beyond.
However, now it is the Republicans who seem to be opposing Catholic teaching, by refusing to acknowledge the increasing calls from the Pope to stop (a) capital punishment and (b) the impending war.
Anyone who disagrees with them is a "left wing crackpot" and is lumped in with the likes of Susan Sarandon.
If you're really following Catholic teaching, there are times when you're going to be aligned with the Right, times when you'll be aligned with the Left, and times when the Left and the Right will both denounce you.
Let me make it clear - I'm not anti-American and I'm not anti-Bush. Saddam Hussein is a bad guy and no denying he should be removed from power. I'm just not convinced that war is the best way to go about it.
It's the EASIEST and FASTEST way. Dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was the easiest and fastest way to end World War II. But does that mean it was the RIGHT way? Was it the way God would have preferred us to do it?
I don't know. And since I don't know, I look at it this way. It all comes down to a choice. Who do you trust? Whose voice are you listening to?
Me, I think I'll stick with the Pope; he's done a pretty good job so far.