here are the answers. look them up, add 5 points to them (ex:all 10+5=50 pts.) and look at the bottem of the page and see how well you did.



3)alexander james mclean


5)sunglasses & hats

6)sprained his ankle

7)every body (backstreets back)

8)west palm beach, FL


10)lay down beside me

0-10: you dont know him that well, try to learn more and come back later.

11-20: almost there, you can get a medal just for trying.

21-30: you are doing great but not quite there. you get a trophy for a good job. 31-40: you are so close to winning. here is a trophy for doing a great job. 40-50 : you have won!! you know all your stuff. here is a trophy for the best job yet!!

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