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Welcome to Field of Stars!

      Hello and welcome to my rather humble site. The name is Syra, a devoted Weiss Kreuz fan, general hazard, and recently added, site administrator for what I hope to become the premier site for finding Weiss Kreuz fanfics.

      I've been a fan of anime for a couple years now and about 6 months ago, I was introduced to Weiss Kreuz. I was drawn to it immediately and because I suffer from a deplorable lack of the anime myself, I turned to the next best source: fanfics. After much searching, I found that there are quite a few Weiss Kreuz fanfics out there on the web if you look in the right places. Unfortunately, I there wasn't any one site I could go to and be able to find a large, well organised collection of fanfics.

      Out of that thought grew the basis for this site. My goal is for this site to eventually house every Weiss Kreuz fanfic I can get my hands on in a way that makes it easy for other fans to find exactly the fanfic they are looking for.

       This site is still under construction (as you can probably tell...) so please be patient with any small errors. This page, although no longer in its infacy, is still being revised and improved regularly. The archives themselves are in a perpetual state of revision as more and more fanfics are added. Check back soon for more updates and changes. Feedback is always appreciated! ^.^


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All design and creation for Field of Stars: A Weiss Kreuz Fanfic Archive done by Syra
All stories copyright of their respective authors
© 2000