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October Color Focus: Orange

Tissue Ghosts

Have children roll up a kleenex into a ball.Then help them to wrap an opened kleenex around the ball and gather it around the ball and tie a string around the outside kleenex that is covering the kleenex ball.Have the children draw a ghost face onto the "head" of the ghost.Let them fly their ghosts around the room by tossing them into the air and then catching them when they "fly" back down.An extension to this activity is to take them outside and use them with the parachute.Put the ghosts in the parachute and have them wave the parachute and watch the ghosts fly.

Puzzle Piece Ghosts

Cut out a haunted house shape out of black construction paper.Have children paint several cardboard jigsaw puzzle pieces white,covering both sides completely.Have them place the puzzle pieces randomly on the haunted house cut-out.When paint on puzzle pieces are dry...use black marker to draw ghost faces on each puzzle piece. Very cute!You can write the word "Boo!" here and there on the house next to the ghosts with a white crayon for an added affect.

Spider Web Activity

Have the children sit in a circle. Start by giving one child a large ball of thick black yarn.Have the first child roll the ball of yarn across the circle to one of the other children in the circle.That child catches the ball of yarn and wraps a piece around their wrist and then rolls it across the circle to another child.Continue rolling the ball of yarn until all the children have a piece wrapped around their wrist and you have created a large black yarn spider web! Children really enjoy this activity..watching the spider web grow as they roll it to each new person in the circle.Lots of fun!!!

Footprint Ghosts

Paint each child's foot with white paint and have them stamp their footprint onto a dark colored paper(black looks great!)Turn their footprints upside down so that their heel is at the top of the paper and draw two ghost eyes onto the center of the heel.

Five Little Pumpkins

Five Little Pumpkins sitting on a gate

The first one said,"My it's getting late!"

The second one said,"There's witches in the air!"

The third one said,"I don't care!"

The fourth one said,"Let's run, run, run!"

The fifth one said,It's only Halloween fun!"

The Pumpkin On The Vine (tune: Farmer in the Dell)

The pumpkin on the vine,The pumpkin on the vine,

I picked the one that weighed a ton,And that'd the one that's mine.

I made two funny eyes,A mouth that's oversize

the other gook my mother took,For baking pumpkin pies.

The pumpkin on the vine,The pumpkin on the vine,

I picked the one that weighed a ton,And that's the one that's mine.

Dog Bone Skeletons

Have the children use white tempera paint to cover both sides of various sized "bone shaped" dog biscuits. Have them arrange and glue the "bones" on a dark sheet of construction paper. Have them glue the bones underneath a photo-copied paper skull.

Canned Pumpkin Painting

Use a can of pumpkin pie filling and let the kids finger paint with it. They love the texture and it is safe for them to eat. They really enjoy sticking their fingers in it.

Toilet Tissue Mummy

Let children wrap each other up in white toilet tissue until they are covered from head to toe like a "Mummy". The children really enjoy this activity. Be sure and buy plenty of toilet tissue!

***The "Featured Books" below can be purchased from through my web site. Click on book cover for additional info.

Featured Books:

A witch is assisted by a ghost, vampire, mummy, and bat when pulling her pumpkin off the vine, after which they all feast cheerfully on pumpkin pie. Fine for Halloween.

A reluctant trick-or-treater at first, Arthur discovers that Halloween isn't really so frightening after all. "The pictures are large, colorful, and packed with funnies."

Humorous full-color illustrations complement the popular finger rhyme about the adventures of five little pumpkins that are supposed to be sitting on a gate but instead enjoy a wild and wacky Halloween.

With a captivating and amusing storyline and brilliant illustrations, "Too Many Pumpkins" is a family favorite. It will delight the youngest reader and Mom and Dad will enjoy reading it over and over!

In a perennial Halloween favorite, a group of children meet two amiable mice who tend their growing pumpkin with such affection that it becomes the biggest one in memory.

Once upon a time there was a little old lady who was not afraid of anything. One windy autumn night, while walking in the woods, she encountered a noisy pair of shoes--and then pants, a shirt, and a pumpkin head--that gave her the scare of her life.

My Precious Kid Banner 2

Page in progress...come back soon for more Halloween ideas!