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My Name is Hunter. I am the most  handsomest Beagle in the world (at least that is what mom says). I am a very big boy:  17 inches and 40 pounds. (Beagles are only supposed to be 13" or 15". For more on Beagles, see my Cool Links below.)

I am also the most spoiled Beagle in the entire world, but that is OK because I had a rough first 3 years. Luckily, my forever family came and rescued me from the cages at the Humane Society a week before Christmas '98

Here are two pictures of my first Christmas with my family. I was really, really skinny. But that didn't last for long.  I really miss those days when dad would take me to the magic window - you know, the one where you trade them your funny looking paper for cheeseburgers. What do we need paper for anyway? I keep trying to tell them we should trade ALL of our paper for cheeseburgers!!!


 In addition to my new mom and dad, I also had an instant "big" sister named Jessie (the one in the wagon). She is a Jack Russell Terrier (JRT). She has her own web page too...

Anyway enough of her.... Want to see more of ME??? 

More of ME!!!  because I am the cutest!

Meet Jessie  My little sister

SHOPPING LINKS  Please help support my furry friends by shopping through these links!!!

P.S. Mom says she will update my site soon...... she promised!

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