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Kim's Trip and Photos!

Julie's Review

Nicole's Experience

Kim's Trip and Photos!


Click on the thumbnails to see the whole photo! All photos by Kim

Well, was it worth it? Even after a harrowing trip back in a major snowstorm that hit Detroit the morning after, yeah, I'd have to say it was. I got to see Alexei! The bus trip on the way, at least, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It even arrived in Detroit early (when does THAT ever happen?). Julie was right there to pick me up and after I checked into my hotel we went straight to the Palace. 

Convinced that our seats weren't the best we decided to see if better ones might be available since I had to pick up mine anyway. When I inquired about it at the ticket window the woman gave me a rather incredulous look and then told me that my seat was on the front row. WHAT??? I couldn't believe it!!!! No wonder she had looked at me so funny. She was probably wondering what I would consider a "better" seat. That meant Julie and I both had great seats and as soon as we were allowed in the arena we went to check them out. My seat, in fact, was perfect. Right beside the judges on the K&C end (exactly the same place I was in for the Masters, Laurie). Wheeeeee!!!!

Julie and got something to eat and entertained ourselves by watching all the skaters come and go in the K&C area. First Irina, Maria, Todd, Kurt, Brian, and then yes, finally, Alexei. He apparently had just gotten there because he was still wearing his jacket and had sunglasses atop his head (later when he took off the jacket he had on "my" gray sweater that he is so fond of wearing these days and gray pants). We watched as he greeted and chatted with the other skaters. He seemed very relaxed and in good spirits. 

By this time it was getting time for the comp to start so I got in my seat and proceeded to get my camera ready. It wasn't long before a nicely dressed gentleman came up and informed me that no "professional" cameras would be permitted during the event. OH, NO!!!! The first glitch and it was a big one. As luck would have it I had brought my smaller lens with me too and asked if I could use it. He looked at it for a few seconds and nodded that it would be OK. Whew! Major relief! Sitting on the front row and NO pictures of Alexei? I woulda DIED. The smaller lens wouldn't be as good but it would have to do (and it was SO fortuitous that I had it with me at all-I was "this close" to not bringing it along but "something" told me I should anyway). At least I would have "some" kind of images of Alexei preserved on film.

When the comp started I made a real effort to watch the other skaters but it was tough because Alexei stood in the K&C area the entire time except for when he went to change into his Gladiator costume. He was so distracting to me that I almost wished he would go backstage so I could concentrate on the skating (NOT! LOL). 

I did manage to pay attention to certain skaters. I watched Kristi intently because I had never seen her skate live before as I did Sasha Cohen (whose skating I am adoring more and more) and, of course, Michelle. I enjoyed Irina's program a lot too. A little note about Todd's program. He debuted a new number skated to Christopher Columbus and in the middle of the program he laid down on the ice and ROLLED a couple of times. He was right in front of me at the time and if the camera caught me during the TV coverage you will notice that I had a big grin on my face. I was thinking about all the criticism Alexei had been receiving lately about his writhing and rolling on the ice and here Todd was doing it too (had a good laugh about it later with Fran).

As the time drew closer and closer for Alexei to skate I was wrestling with a little dilemma in my mind. The day before I had come across a cute little snowman with skates on (carrying a "North Pole" sign and a bucket of snowballs too) at a store and bought it on a whim thinking I might throw it on the ice after Alexei skated. I didn't anticipate being close enough to hand it to him. So there I was watching the skating and debating all the while what I should do. Should I throw it? Should I call to Alexei and hope he comes over (yeah, these are the kinds of things I fret about)? I finally decided I would risk embarrassment and make an attempt to hand it to him. I had brought along a card for him too and thought if he came over I would give that to him as well. That settled it was finally time for Alexei to skate....

Yes, I'll finally get to the "good stuff" next.

As the final group warmed up Alexei initially came out without the knives which made me wonder if he planned to skate with them. He landed several triple jumps including a toe, loop, and gorgeous axel right in front of me. Halfway through he retrieved the knives from the boards (back to my favorites---the smaller silver ones) and did a few jumps and choreographic moves with them. He even responded to people calling out to him during the warm-up which is very rare for him.

Does he not have the silliest grin on his face?

Of course, I saw the entire Gladiator program through my camera lens except for the 3 axel (which was a beauty). I thought he skated it well but maybe not with as much intensity as some of the other versions. He doubled and had a funny landing on the loop but the other jumps (flip and toe---I'm guessing here---Julie?) were fine. Naturally, the highlight for me was the death scene. Yep, all the "rolls" were back and right in front of me. I took several pictures but kept thinking to myself, "All I'm seeing is black, there is no "definition", LOL. 

I usually take several pictures as Alexei takes his bows but this time I put the camera down and grabbed the snowman and card and waited for him to head for to the K&C. As he turned in that direction I yelled his name but he didn't hear me. One more time and louder did the trick. He looked over, saw me shaking the snowman and headed my way. Eeeeeeee!!!!!! I really only intended to hand him the card and snowman but as he got to me he reached out his arms so I got up and got my hug (but no, Klara, it wasn't a sweaty one, LOL)! Then instead of skating right away he continued to stand there as a guy from behind me (who Alexei obviously knew) came down to shake his hand. This gave me an extra few seconds to just look at him which I did and quite intently, LOL. As he skated off I gave my own little fist pump (YES!!!) and looked over in Julie's direction. She was waving and was obviously very excited FOR me.

Alexei DID win his match-up (it was with Tim, wasn't it, LOL?) but the World team lost (I think, LOL). At the end all the skaters were given candy canes with Hershey's Kisses in them (naturally) to throw at the audience as they skated around. The "little boy" in Alexei came out once again as he proceeded to "play" with his candy canes by "shooting" people with them and hanging them off his costume. That was so cute. I wasn't able to get a candy cane but did get a "high five" from Alexei as the skaters circled the rink.

Then, all too soon, it was over. Alas, there was not to be an Alexei encounter after the comp. Julie and I did get to see him as he left the arena, hopped in a silver Mercedes and sped off into the night. Doubt anything could have bested my much cherished hug at that point anyway. :)


Keeper of Alexei's Golden Highlights, His Gladiator Program and Costumes, His Hands, Broken Arrow Bodysuit, His Gray Ribbed Sweater Worn at SV and SA, Soon Costume, Chopin Costume, Lower Back, Skates, Jewelry, Triple Loop, Spiral, Cantilever Move, His Condo in New Jersey, His Apartment in Conn, His Bearskin Rug, His Handsome and Majestic Profile, and His Lingual Frenum