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Additions to Sargent's Artillery Who's Who

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World War Two Artillerymen Remembered:

807th Tank Destroyer Battalion 3" Guns

1994 photo of John Koumon, 807th TDBN
John Koumon: New York, NY; Utah Beach to Salzberg; 807th Tank Destroyer Bn Webpage. Completed Basic Training on 105mm Howitzers. Joined Company B, 807th TDBN in the Arizona Desert, learned fire direction. In the ETO, they used their towed 3" guns as artillery fire support for the infantry and provided counter-battery fire. Forward observer in France, exposed to German fire on top of the Maginot Line's forts as they plotted targets on their maps. The 807th spent 109 consecutive days on the line. Email [ ]

212th Armored Field Artillery, 6th Armored Division:

Officers, 212th AFA Bn, 6th Armored Div:

Lt.Col. Phillip H. Pope: Bn CO; Seattle, Wash. Silver Star. Photo
Major Arnold M. Anderson: Bn XO; Stevens Pt.,Wis., Silver Star; Photo
Major Silas R. Langlois; E. Fairhaven, Mass. Bronze Star.
Major Joseph W. Menges: Bn S3; W. Roxbury, Mass. Silver Star. Photo
Captain A. Porter Photo
Captain Flee Photo
Captain T. Page Photo
Lieutenant E. Grube Photo
LT W. Cobb Photo
LT Barck Photo
?R. Baker Photo

Rest in Peace Redlegs.

The men of the 212th who made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefield of Europe: PFC. CLARENCE L. ADAMS... PFC. RUSSELL H. CLEMENT... PVT. SAMUEL J. FACAS... PVT. MURRAY FISHMAN... PFC. WILLIAM B. HOLDER... SGT. RICHARD HOWLAND... 2LT. ALBERT M. JAGGER... CPL. MATTHEW J. KALAFSKY... TEC. 5 LESLIE H. KIRK... SGT. EDWARD W. McALPINE... SGT. JOHN P. QUINN... View WW2's 212th AFA Bn Homepage

The 275th Armored Field Artillery Battalion

View the 275thArmored Field Artillery Battalion Webpage. DeLoyd Cooper: 275th AFA Bn webmaster, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

The 63rd Infantry Division Artillery:

1LT James E. Robinson Jr., Medal of Honor, KIA: 6 April 1945, Germany. FO, Battery A, 861st FA Bn, 63rd Infantry.Photo & Biography

T/5 Charles D. Moody, A Battery, 861st Field Artillery Battalion, who was killed in action on 6 April 1945. His grandson Alan Moody is looking for anyone who might have information about his grandfather's wartime service.

Private Gerald "Jerry" R. Errair, Service Battery, 862d FA Bn, is in poor health [April 2000], emailed encouragement may be sent to gbourn1011. For Divarty Webpage Click .

PFC Anton Fuchs, B Btry, 862d FA Bn, 63rd Infantry; died 25 May 45. For Divarty Webpage Click . His grandson, Patrick Fuchs is seeking information [12 May 2000] at his e-mail address:

Captain Thomas E. Selby, Headquarters Battery, 862d FA Bn. His son David is looking for information about his father's wartime experiences. e-mail address: David Selby Sgt Joseph A. Boone, A Btry, 863rd FA Bn passed away in July 1998. You can contact his son Barney at the following e-mail or at mailing address: 10784 Morning Glory Drive,Dallas, TX [July 2000]

Bill Pouder: basic training at Camp Van Dorn with A Btry 863rd FA, but was shipped out to the Pacific theater. He would like to make contact with any of his Van Dorn buddies including: Pvt Wilfred R. Thorne, Cpl Frank O. Lenker, Pvt Dominic A Galuppi, Cpt Samuel Adams. Contact Bill

Thanksgiving Day with Service Battery, 718th FA Bn, 1944 at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi with SVC Battery Roster. Jim Consiglio copy of the menu.

More Battle of the Bulge Artillerymen:

Refer to: "Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge-Ardennes", Turner Publishing Co., c. 1991; ISBN: 1-56311-013-X. Phone#502-443-0121. The Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Society [PO Box 11129, Arlington, VA]

S/SGT William Macleod: B Btry 771st FA; Utah Beach to Czechoslovakia; 4.2 English Rifles, captured German 150mm, 155mm howitzers. Retired machinist, Doylestown, Pa.
John H. Grant, Jr.: B Btry, 16th FA Observation Bn; Utah Beach, August 1944; VIII Corps HQ, Luxembourg; retired US Army; Merrit Island, Florida.
1stSgt Thomas E. Grillo: B Btry/591st FA; 105mm; supported 424th Inf. at St.Vith; Korean era service; retired US Treasury agent 1978.

Korean War Artillerymen:

Battery C, Battery D, 542nd Field Artillery Battalion, 5th Armored Division, 1951, Camp Chaffee:

For Basic Training Yearbook with unit rosters and photographs please click on these links to the 5th Armored Division at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas in 1951. They trained with towed 105mm howitzers. 5th Armor, Camp Chaffee 1951 Webpage .

Email the Webmaster , a Wolfhound Veteran, 27th Inf Reg/25th Inf Division, Korea.

1. C Battery/542nd FA Bn Personnel
2. D Battery/542nd FA Bn Personnel
3. 542nd FA Bn Training Photos 1951
4. Major General David L. Ruffner , Commanding General, 5th Armored Division, 1951.
VMI, 1917; CPT, FA, France 1918, 103rd FA Regiment; CO 98th FA Bn, Ft. Lewis 1940; CO 183rd FA Regiment, 1942; Divarty CG, 10th Mountain Division, Po Valley Italy; Silver Star, Purple Heart.

B Battery, 143 Field Artillery, 40th Infantry Division, Camp Cooke, Ca. 1950 Website for Korean War Service
Photo of McCormick, Ronald G., Massachusetts B Battery, 143rd FA Korea.

Rest in Peace, Red Leg: Woomer, Clair D., Michigan KIA ROK

More World War Two Artillerymen Remembered:

Andre, Peter; Pioneer San Luis Obispo, California family; attorney, Santa Clara University & USC School of Law graduate; WW2 US Army Field Artillery; basic training at Camp Roberts, March 1942. Died, October 10, 2000, San Luis Obispo, age 82.

Paul Ramsing, serial #20407309, 78th Armored FA Bn, 2nd Armored Division, WWII. Contact his son

Thomas L McNamara 129th AA battalion Battery C in Ardennes,Central Europe,Normandy, N France andRhineland campaigns.At wars end, they were almost to the Danube...Email his son, Thomas L. McNamara Jr. at:

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United States Field Artillery Association Officers 2000

President: LG(ret) David E. Ott
V.P.: COL(ret) Anthony Pokorny
VP: LG(ret) Wilson A. Shoffner
VP: MG(ret) Fred F. Marty

Advisory Council

Generals(ret): Walter T. Kerwin Jr., John R. Guthrie, Donald R. Keith, Jack N. Merritt, Richard Neal [USMC], J.H.B. Peay, Robert W. Sennewald, Carl E. Vuono.

Lieutenant Generals(ret): John S. Crosby, Jerome H. Granrud, Willard W. Scott Jr., Richard W. Trefry

Major Generals(ret): Vincent E. Falter, Jerry C. Harrison

Brigadier Generals: William C. Bilo, Paul F. Pearson, Donald Whalen

Biographies updated 30 March 2001 (c) jpsargent 2000