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San Luis Obispo Senior High School

Class of 1975

25-Year Reunion - August 5-6, 2000

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Archived Messages (301 - 400)

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Record 400
Name: Berg Date: 16-Jun-00 04:12 PM

Kevin...It was Bruce (Heartly?) Berry crushed it. Matt...Mustang drive in with car hop's just like A&W. How about "Best Ever" downtown for lunch? Remember bouncing on the $25.00 waterbeds at Supersonic? My brother exploded one at the Anderson Hotel and got kicked out.

Record 399
Name: k watkins Date: 16-Jun-00 03:49 PM

Here's a trivia question for Laguna grads (especially since some of the early messages were about Barry Silva). Who backed Barry on guitar when he covered Gordon Lightfoot's ballad, "If You Could Read My Mind," at the Laguna talent show?

Record 398
Name: Robert E-mail:rcq1@jps,net Date: 16-Jun-00 03:19 PM

Matt I'am planning on being in SLO on friday around 9pm. It could be earlier if I-5 is running at full speed 85mph or %$#mph.

Record 397
Name: Robert Date: 16-Jun-00 03:26 PM

Another fine example of high school was a four pack of micky big mouth, after you got a cal poly to get it for you. How about the race to taco bell at noon,never got pulled over but should have been.

Record 396
Name: K Watkins Date: 16-Jun-00 03:23 PM

Thank you, Leeann, for saving me the trouble of a futile dig for Mr. Cook's time capsule. I see him every summer, so I'll ask him if he knows what became of the rest of the letters.------ I agree with Matt regarding the fun of a reunion. I went to the 10 and 20, and had a great time at both. Seems like everyone is excited to see each other, regardless of their former high school affiliations.----Matt: Speedy Burger is alive and well at the corner of 4th and Grand in Grover Beach, and it is really, really, really bad.

Record 395
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 02:17 PM

Hey Mike Berg....another vote for Beef Jerky. They have the best i've ever had. Here's one for the memory banks....anyone remember Mustang Drive Inn on Foothill? Colt , Philly and Mustang Burgers?

Record 394
Name: Mike Berg Date: 16-Jun-00 11:36 AM

A trip to SLO is worth it just to get my fingers on a stick of Cattanio Bro's Jerky! They sell here in San Diego but it cost more then gold and is not the same as a slice from Sandy's Liquer store on marsh. UMMMMMMMMM!

Record 393
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 16-Jun-00 11:24 AM

This message is to whoever is in charge of contacting our missing classmates. I pulled out my Senior Yearbook the other day and counted 351 students in the class of 1975. Our missing classmates list has 124 people on it. Does that mean that over 1/3 of our class doesn't even know about our reunion? I have sumbitted information on several people on the list, but they are still there. Is the list being updated when people are contacted? Some of the people on the list are living in SLO county, and are listed in the local phone book: Wes Dodds & Julie Poler(Dodds?), Jane French, Brian Bullock......Etc. Whatsuuuuuup.

Record 392
Name: Alan Gin Date: 16-Jun-00 09:31 AM

Greetings, all, from Hong Kong! I just got here after a 22-hour door-to-door trip. I'm be visiting my wife and daughter for the next five weeks, and I'll also be teaching a class. Ruth Taylor and I are also going to try to hook up. If you want to contact me, use the e-mail address that I'm giving with this message. I'll still be able to update the site from here, so feel free to make any additions or changes you want. Take care.

Record 391
Name: Carol E-mail: Date: 15-Jun-00 10:20 PM

Matt, I believe that Speedy Burger is past is the other famous little place off of Marsh Street...Scrubby and Lloyd's. This town's a changin'...

Record 390
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 15-Jun-00 07:54 PM

Hey all.....Robert..dont let a few remarks spoil the taste of Campus Donuts, or a Grande Burger from Speedy Burger. Both, worth the drive to SLO anyday. Todays motto "Smile More, Bitch Less". Well thats my everyday motto, so sue me. :)

Record 389
Name: Robert Quinlan Date: 15-Jun-00 07:48 PM

Alan I don't think it was to be posted four times?......

Record 388
Name: Robert Quinlan Date: 15-Jun-00 07:40 PM

After this last week I thought it was time i added my two cents worth. First I would like to thank all of the classmates that have taken time out of their lives to make the reunion a reality. As of 6-14-, I was interested in attending the 1975 Class Reunion. However after reading the latest attacks on other classmates I found things just don't change. The thought of driving six hours to sit in a bar and watch the same old clicks it not what I envisioned nor was looking forward to. I was looking forward to spending time with individules that have expanded intellectually and personally with the passing of twenty five years. We have all learned through trial by fire that life is not easy and that high school ill prepaired us for life's challenges. Istill hope that we can put away our bad experiences and reacquaint ourselves with old friends and also come away with some new ones. Let us be responsible and sensitive to others as if they were our own family.

Record 387
Name: Or Nut E-mail: Date: 15-Jun-00 12:40 PM

MJ- How many others can say they helped you into your "jammies"?

Record 386
Name: Alan Gin Date: 15-Jun-00 07:49 AM

Thanks to Michelle Brown, there is now a picture of Roz Ferrini in the memorial section.

Record 385
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 09:27 PM

Neil...welcome to the messaage board. And thanks for inviting more to get involved. I emailed Marc Thomas yesterday and challenged him to get involved. It would be excellent if we can get a 50% responce from our class. Thou that may be a dream.....dreams do come true.

Record 384
Name: Neil Date: 14-Jun-00 08:28 PM

David had better give me a call!! Or at least let me know where you are! How dare you come to my back door and not say hi!! I am in Fresno so get in touch ok?? God Bless, Neil

Record 383
Name: Neil McCracken Date: 14-Jun-00 08:02 PM

Michelle, I just read your message about Roz Ferrini and I just want to say thatnk you for your honesty and candor. I knew her pretty well and yes she did come from Mission. It was, and is a memory that I will carry for a life time. I did know all of those included in the memorial and I want to thank Alan for including them. Norris Picardo was also a very good friend and will be greatly missed. God Bless them all!! Neil

Record 382
Name: Lee Anne Date: 14-Jun-00 07:59 PM

Kevin...I was involved with Mr. Cook's time capsule. He had someone give me my letter at our five year reunion. Other than that, I have no idea what happened to the rest of them. May be one of us could contact him at the Adult Ed School. I also think a memoriam board is a nice idea. And yes Michelle Roz's death affected Mary-Jo (my younger sister - class of '77) and myself very much. I can't speak for any of the others involved in the accident, but you never forget. She was a very kind and talented soul. On a lighter note... thanks Alan for all your effort to bring us this web site.

Record 381
Name: Lee Anne Date: 14-Jun-00 07:59 PM

Kevin...I was involved with Mr. Cook's time capsule. He had someone give me my letter at our five year reunion. Other than that, I have no idea what happened to the rest of them. May be one of us could contact him at the Adult Ed School. I also think a memoriam board is a nice idea. And yes Michelle Roz's death affected Mary-Jo (my younger sister - class of '77) and myself very much. I can't speak for any of the others involved in the accident, but you never forget. She was a very kind and talented soul. On a lighter note... thanks Alan for all your effort to bring us this web site.

Record 380
Name: Neil McCracken Date: 14-Jun-00 07:54 PM

Walter...when you get Tim Woodman's e-mail address I would love to get it from you. He was a pretty good friend and I would love to blow him away by e-mail! Thanks, Neil

Record 379
Name: Neil McCracken Date: 14-Jun-00 07:40 PM

Mike Berg, Very well put...I must say, even though I will not be taking part in this reunion because I think it was poorly setup (no blame...just my opinion), I have got to commend you in your effort to draw out those that maybe be hurting from past experiences. This platform can do wonders for that type of healing and I also encourage any and all classmates, great or small, to come on in and enjoy the ride. (Also, my opinion and am, in no way, shape or form affraid to express my opinion when I feel strongly about something) Wish you the best and enjoy yourselves, always!! Neil

Record 378
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 03:52 PM

Hey Adam...yeah I hate it when people say that....but on the other hand, its a very true statement about living today. A smile and a firm handshake go along with me. And at the reunion...i intend to drink a cold beer, laugh a lot and remember all the good times....not the bad.

Record 377
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 03:35 PM

I wonder if Campus Donuts Deliver?

Record 376
Name: Carol C. E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 02:55 PM

As far as wet noodle whipping goes, at this point only 6 of us in the class directory have indicated that we are attending the reunion, which doesn't even constitute one full plate of pasta! Mike Berg, as a psychology student (or not) I agree with what you said in your last message. As far as Runto goes, I personally have enjoyed the mystery and am getting clues which are helping me to narrow down who Runto is... Pam Tuson, if you're reading--I have no problem with your participation, after all, you are talking about our classmates and your experiences with them. I especially appreciate you helpng out with spreading the word about the reunion...

Record 375
Name: Alan Gin Date: 14-Jun-00 02:35 PM

The Missing list has been updated. The following people have been added: Ginny Browne, Rick Farmer, Marc Thomas, Gary Roush, Diana Brazil, Rick Melton, Cathy Gilbert, Danyse Gilton, Stan Eriksen, Rob Matheny, LaRae Eatough, Tony Gorman, Helmuth Aukes, Denise Perozzi, Dan Coleman, Stan Mullis, Kathy Kellerman, Karen Kellerman, Lori Jones, Patti Soules, Ellen Barnes, John Silva, Kristi Bowen, Scott Thompson, Roger Miles, Karen Welch, Vicki McGuire, and Debby Speck. If you know where any of these people are, have them give their mailing address to someone (Chris Perello is probably best, or they can post their information here). They're considered missing because mail to them keeps getting returned.

Record 374
Name: Candy Ryan Date: 14-Jun-00 01:40 PM

Bless you Berg, a whiff of sanity in all this! Alan has done a fabulous job and I am extremely impressed and thankful that he has taken on the burden of providing all of us with an opportunity to communicate directly with old and new friends. The one inherent problem with e-mail is that the nuances of the spoken word get lost in the translation ...... i.e., the use of emoticons!! Can't we all just get along????? I hope so. Everyone keep posting please. As to any message Leslie Edmundson might have made .... she hardly even writes me her bestest bosom bud! You will recognize her quirky sense of humor when you see it. Love you all, :-)

Record 373
Name: Mike Berg Date: 14-Jun-00 11:50 AM

An open rant to SLOSH 75. In hindsight, High School was as painful an experience as many people have in their life. Think back to the people that never even had a chance to be one of the "in" people in any crowd. Maybe they looked funny. Maybe their parents or religious believes prevented them from participating in the many social events that make up three years in High school. We all experienced rejection from one group or another. Think of the most popular people at SLOSH. Maybe their life is total crap now. Some may fear they might not live up to our expectations now. I was very fortunate to have some friends and a girlfriend throughout high school. But I also remember being treated poorly by some classmates and teachers throughout high school. I remember treating some people poorly and I regret every mean or foul word that ever left my lips. To now find out some of those people are gone hurts even more. Alan Gin has given us all a great gift. This is the opportunity for many people to interact with each other and laugh about what was some pretty painful and delightful moments of our adolescence. We get to share our triumphs and our psyche of the time. Let’s all play nice and encourage others to get involved. A lot of people are hiding out there because the pain of those SLOSH memories is just too unbearable to relive. It takes gut’s to post from the heart on this page. I am trying to post from my heart and if someone want’s to judge me for that, I am way beyond caring about that person’s opinion and have no need for him or her in my life. The rest of you SLOSH 75 classmates, I want to know what I missed then and now and most of all I consider you my friends and invite you to consider yourselves my friends. To those who are hiding, get involved. Let the healing begin. We are all older then dirt now. I am finding a lot of nice people on this page and look at it as my second chance to be friends. I have grown up to be a nice guy. I am sure a lot of our classmates have done the same and we should encourage them to come on out and play. To do that this environment must be safe and fun. Let "Runto" ramble on. Runto is just a little scared and need’s his (or her) shield. As tempting as it may be, to post for someone who is not participating is wrong and should be pulled or identified. That is not "Big Brother" or a power trip. It is keeping the sight safe and fun and that my friend’s is what it is all about. That’s my opinion…………..I could be wrong!

Record 372
Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 10:27 AM

Just to clarify my opinion (for what little it is still worth!), *I* never said that ONLY alums should post. I simply requested that folks use their actual and true identities when posting! Or, if the urge is just too strong, use a nickname if that allows you to be yourself more fully. Just don't pretend to be someone you are not! Bottom line I guess, we have very little control over this. It seems to be a great source of amusement for some, but not for me. I choose to wait until I can look each one of you in the eye, then we ALL shall be *truly* amused (when we see what the years have done to us)! Looking forward to seeing you (all) in August.

Record 371
Name: Runto E-mail:As if Date: 14-Jun-00 10:11 AM

Runto not go postal!

Record 370
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 09:43 AM

Seems like a lot of hot air blowing thru the message area lately. Turn those frowns upside down (don't you hate it when someone says that). Maybe you can arm yourselves with wet noodles and duke it out at the reunion, that is if anyone is still talking to one another by then. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not worry about who posted who!

Record 369
Name: Alan Gin Date: 14-Jun-00 09:34 AM

Jeff, you're entitled to your opinion, and you're free to express it here. I hope that you noticed that, except for the day or two when I flipped out, I haven't been deleting the anonymous posts (i.e., runto) anymore. The big objection that I have is posting using other people's names. What's the point of that? For example, why post a message using Leslie Edmondson's name?

Record 368
Name: Alan Gin Date: 14-Jun-00 09:21 AM

Pam, your previous message was not deleted. It's message #36 and it will be archived message #236.

Record 367
Name: Jeff B. Date: 14-Jun-00 09:06 AM

Alan Gin, you're a hypocrite-a fact which glaringly shows when you personally post a message asking for controversy, and when I reference that message, you delete it! (Unless you're going to claim that someone else deleted it under your name...) I don't see the purpose of posting anymore if you're going to flame any and all comments that don't serve your personal opinion. You allow profanity in the class directory, you allow alumni to post website addresses that lead directly to self-serving sales pitches, but you won't allow a little subversive verbal entertainment? So what if people post under false names? As long as it's in a playful manner and not abusive let the people defend themselves. Maybe you should rename this "Alan Gin's Idea of What the Class of 1975's Reunion Website Should Look Like". Of course, this post probably will never make it to the board since it doesn't quite align with your views. Enjoy your power, Big Brother!

Record 366
Name: Its Matt Again E-mail: Date: 14-Jun-00 07:51 AM

Pam....Post On Baby!!!

Record 365
Name: Pam "Roy's Little Sister" Tuson Date: 14-Jun-00 05:27 AM

Ooops, sorry quick PS. I have been notifing your classmates from the missing list as I find them, can the list be updated periodically. Thanks. (over and out)

Record 364
Name: Pam "Roy's Little Sister" Tuson Date: 14-Jun-00 05:12 AM

In reply to Candy's Post. I agree that alums really should be the ones to post...but alumns include all TIGERS. As I am an alumn too. My previous messages have been deleted, although they were more about asking for help from a fellow class (I'm class of '78). And spuing adoration for classmates of '75 that I adored as adopted family members. I loved and will miss Rex too, I was his little sister's best friend, and I was in their home daily. And as for Runto, I know him and he is an alumn also. Thank you for my being able to post this last note, if I am...I will resume just reading, as I feel my participation unwelcome.

Record 363
Name: Hey it's Matt E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 09:33 PM

OK....Campus Donuts...1st location was right on the street, then they moved behind. I walked or rode my bike to Teach school everyday from 3rd to 6th grade. I can remember eating HOT out of the oil glazed donuts and donut holes. That means i started enjoying those donuts in that is a long time ago. Walter....the fritters were pretty damn good. Hey Earl....i remember the sonic too, but it was also a 8 track tape shop before it was the super sonic, or maybe it was one in the same. I just remember how cool the black light posters were. Delite Bakery was awesome...but do you remember then the grocery store in Foothill Square Shopping center was called Purity? They had a bakery in there, cant remember the name, but they had 12" long pastries called butterhorn's. I cant even begin to describe the excellent taste or the sugar content. Next....City Lights on the Grade...hmmm if i remember right if you drove to the top of the grade, turned left at the top. Then went about 2/3 the way the top of that hill, there was a little rutty, rough, small dirt road that provided the best views of the SLO City Lights. Sandy D. (Class of 77) thanks for the memories. Nexxxt!!..Hey Roy T.,,,,my games of 500 were at Santa Rosa Park with the Lee Brothers Terry '74 and Larry "77, Jim "Rocky Thompson, Roger Warnes '74,and too many others. Well...thats enough...for now anyway!

Record 362
Name: tourn E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 08:20 PM

Roy T. -- 2 words, my friend : "blue" and "floodlight"

Record 361
Name: Earl Towle Date: 13-Jun-00 05:25 PM

One brief word in homage to the humble donut. I agree that the original Campus Donuts, the little one next to "Super Sonic" (the original head shop in SLO) produced the best donuts. The giant cinnamon rolls were fantastic and I'm sure are partly responsible for starting the athrosclerotic plaque in our arteries. But please, don't forget the old "Delite Bakery" next to Brown's Music (Brown's Music turned into a frozen yogurt shop but in those days no one had heard of frozen yogurt). As far as all this posting stuff is concerned, I do not object if anyone wants to post comments on the board. I do object to anyone representing themselves as someone else. No Runto, I do not object to the dark humor, the subversive, or the unpalatable. All are welcome as far as I'm concerned. High School web sites must represent the zeinth of banality, especially our high school. Still, it was our high school and nostalgia for our youth is a vein that runs deep, especially viewed through forty two year-old eyes.

Record 360
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 04:39 PM

Matt, San Luis High won. Jim "Rocky" Thompson's first championship. I forgot the score, but John Dodge's(73?) son singled in the winning run in the last inning. They say it was an GOOD game. About Scott Thompson, I don't think he's Jim's brother. I remember Jim at Hawthorne School. But I don't remember knowing Scott at Hawthorne.

Record 359
Name: Rount E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 03:01 PM

Runto bows to Campus donuts. Runto remembers well. Runto, however, did not let the donuts get the better of his girlish figure. Runto also doubts his number is up yet. Last Runto knew Scott was working for the Sheriff's office, and very happy.

Record 358
Name: Roy T. E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 02:47 PM

Hey Guys its me again. Just going over the enties for the past few days. First Rex will be missed We spent many of hours being foolish, lots of times with with the ones we hung with. I can remember the games of 500 on Sinshimer Field when you scored extra points if you could catch the ball while sliding head first through the mud. Boy dosen't that bring back memories. As for Scott Thompson the last time I ran into him he was working for the Sherrif's Dept. out of Templeton I beleive? It was the fair and you known how hectic those are. And last but not least Runto I think I have your number. Till next time hope everyones OK. Bye

Record 357
Name: Walter E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 02:24 PM

Thanks Matt I think I remember Rocky because he and Ed Cardoza tried to get me out of going to Jail the last time I drank in SLO, unfortunatly I got beligerent with them and the cop did his duty. Now as for you Runto. Sunshine donuts HA HA. the best Donuts were from Campus Donuts on Foothill and Santa Rosa Streets I ought to know cause I spent most of the summer there working after our Sophmore year. Man they had those big butterfly cinimon rolls and the best Apple fritters in the state. thats from a Conouseur of fine quality Donuts, And I have the body to prove it.

Record 356
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 01:00 PM

Truth from runto look, smell, and taste like dog shit. Don't step in it!

Record 355
Name: Agent X E-mail:Confidential Date: 13-Jun-00 12:13 PM

Runto is agent of truth. Truth must sometimes come anonymously so the message is not shot with the messenger. Truth is a dish best served cold and hard. Truth is not always welcome or understood, but it is always truth. Who remembers snow on the grade, or watching the city lights while the fog rolls in from Morro Bay, or burn offs down the main entrance, or Sunshine Donuts? Alan, send your killer virus...I am not afraid..for death await ye all, with great sharp nasty teeth..arrrgh!

Record 354
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 10:03 AM

Walter...great job on finding Tim Woodman. Rocky Thompson (Jim Thompson - Class of 74) is now teaching at SLOSH and is the Head Coach of the Baseball Team. We had Scott Thompson in our class, his brother, class of 76 was another Rocky Thompson. In fact.....where is Scott? The last i knew he was still in the SLO area...anyone have any info?

Record 353
Name: Walter E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 09:34 AM

Didn't Rocky Thompson Graduate with us? Hey Alan thanks for the messages to the sights to find people, I tried it on Sat and found Tim Woodman in Reno Nev. He is Manageing and runnning A car lot over there it was funny cause He and Marc Thomas are doing the same thing and in fact they got into it the same way, they both started out in A bank in the finance Dept. then got into the Car dealerships. The funny part is that neither one of them has been in contact with each other for the past twenty years. I hope to keep in touch with him. I'll e-mail him the the sight when he gets his e-mail address to me. thanks again for the assistance in contacting old friends.its been great. I was rather saddened by the passing of all those in the memorial. I remember all of them. They were all friendly and some were not often in the spotlight but will still be missed.

Record 352
Name: Candy Ryan Date: 13-Jun-00 07:50 AM

you guys are burning up the e-mails again. I agree that only alum should post but it is public and you can hardly prevent that unless Alan is completely ingenious and can slap down those who post fake messages. Its such a treat to review all the repartee from those folks I remember fairly well, or not at all. :) Matt, missed you passing through Big D, maybe next time. Leslie, you never write, you don't send flowers, you don't love me anymore! Just kidding, you know you were there for me last year when I needed backup, alls well now, healed up nicely. Won't be diving for a month or so unless I go stir crazy and jump on a plane to Couzmel! I'm still trying to figure out how I can get out there in Aug, but I haven't given up hope yet. Love ya

Record 351
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 13-Jun-00 12:00 AM

Hey did Rocky Thompson and the SLOSH Baseball Team do at Dodger Stadium? Let me know.

Record 350
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 01:39 PM

Correction: regarding Glenda Ruff, it must have been closer to two years ago that I last saw her. She was killed in a car accident in 1998.

Record 349
Name: Mike Berg Date: 12-Jun-00 10:59 AM

Kevin Bishop was truly a great friend of mine. I meet him in 6th grade when he moved to town from the central valley. Kevin could make me laugh like no other.We spent hours listening to "Fire Sign Theater". Kevin had some hard times in high school finding himself and dealing with his family's rejection of his chosen life style. His closest straight friends did not even know how hard his home life was.I lost track of Kevin after school until 1990. Scott Jenkins called me out of the blue to tell me Kevin was living in San Diego. I saw him right before the 1990 reunion. Kevin was very sick when I saw him. I tried to talk him in to going to the reunion but he thought to many people judge him. I went to the reunion and when I called to give him the update, his brother Mark told me Kevin was gone. I learned a lot from Kevin Bishop and I think of him often.We had some great times growing up.To all of you who knew Kevin, He loved you all. I am thankfull I got to see him one last time. I can still hear him laughing!

Record 348
Name: Runto E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 10:54 AM

Rex Fritz was a great friend. He was the most generous person I've known. I remember when he and I started a band with some friends. Rex wanted to play drums. I wanted to play drums. After much crying and carrying on ( hey, this was a LONG time ago!), Rex agreed to play guitar. He was Jordan before Jordan was even around. Rex couldn't play his guitar unless his tongue was encouraging every chord change. He was a great, self-taught player. When I think of Rex I also think of a night I slept over at his house with 2 or 3 other friends of ours. It was around Xmas and many of the neighbors had (foolishly) strung huge displays of seasonal lighting. We spent most of that night unscrewing bulbs from these displays. We cleverly hide these, at least 100 by THIS telling, in a suitcase in Rex's attic. Of course his dad found them and there was Hell 2 Pay, but we did a little growing up because of it. Here's to you, "Retz"!

Record 347
Name: tronu E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 10:28 AM

Look, folks, I can deal with being the crap magnet for the disgruntled few but I don't consider the transmitting of viruses to be a particularly effective, or ethical, site management tool. More male psyche stuff?

Record 346
Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 09:31 AM

Excellent idea, and again *Great Work* Alan. I did not know Roz Ferrini either (didn't she come to us from Mission School--and weren't all those kids from Mission such great people and real achievers?). But who among us was not affected by her death? I did know the other girls who were in the car (Lois, Val, Lee Anne, and Mary Jo) from Laguna and Teach school days. (Lee Anne, please correct me if I've remembered wrong.) I think I hurt more for those girls because they carry the pain of that memory forever. I was in Mr. Cook's 1st per. English class, where the rumors flew each day about Roz's condition. When she died it was unreal, unbelievable. And very sobering. I was a few days from my 16th birthday, but waited almost a year before getting my driver's license. These days whenever there is a tragic event, high schools call in counselors and make sure everyone has support and the opportunity to debrief, did anything like that happen for us in 1973? I remember wishing I could go to her funeral, but realizing I did not belong there. The sense of shared grief was tangible and still is after all these years. Alan, there is a lovely photo of Roz on p122 of our Soph yearbook.

Record 345
Name: turon E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 09:18 AM

You grown-ups go your way, I'll go mine. Earl- I'm kinda sorry that I posted, too. Carol K- Hope you've been taking notes, this is a first-rate study. Alan wants conflict and controversy ( thy name is Runto), but when his wish is answered everybody backs off at once. Also, take note of how the posters think nothing of being rude to an annonymous user, even though they know it's a member of their class. And Michelle, talk about the male psyche! You purport to want to understand it's workings yet when we were wallowing in it there for a few days, you immediatly suggested we keep it to ourselves. All you've learned is how to ignore it. Yes, I'm the loser you all hoped I'd be, lacking even the rudimentary courage neccessary to sign my real name. Yet I hope to draw inspiration from Alan, when he bravely offered to send a virus to anyone who didn't play right.

Record 344
Name: Adam E-mail: Date: 12-Jun-00 08:45 AM

I am very sorry to hear of the passing of Rex Fritz. I have known Rex since we were in 6th grade, in Mrs. Guyre's class. He was always doing something foolish, mostly to get attention from anyone who would give it to him. If you took the time to get to know him a little, you had a faithfull friend for life. Rex was a good guy, but not many people got to know him. I got to Know Glenda Ruff a little better over the last few years, as a client of mine. She was always great to visit with. I think she was working as a private investigator, or something like that. She still looked great the last time I saw her, which was last year. I will miss both Rex and Glenda very much.

Record 343
Name: Alan Gin Date: 12-Jun-00 12:07 AM

I'd like to formalize what people have been doing by making it the Question of the Week: What stories and/or memories do you have of the people on the memorial page? I didn't know any of them really well, so I'm unable to give an answer. Maybe some of you can help fill in the gaps for the rest of us.

Record 342
Name: Jeff B. E-mail: Date: 11-Jun-00 10:48 PM

Alan, if I told you, it wouldn't be a vacation.......and I'm just as addicted to this site as anyone. I'd known Rex from 4th grade. He and I hit it off right away, and while he spent his days getting teased and shot down trying to be friends with the few, and the popular you could never tell from the spirit that lived deep in that knucklehead's character. He was a good person, though he was too often and too easily pressured by those with less moral conviction. I lost him for awhile when he fell in with the "other" crowd but by graduation, we'd rebuilt the bridge. He was a great and trustworthy friend, a badass bowler(had the glove & powder & personalized ball!) a natural fisherman and an unflappable Lieutenant during the TP excursions. He went into the Navy before graduation, and subsequently became Captain of a nuclear submarine. I used to call him and ask his opinions on films such as "Hunt for Red October", and his favorite replies were "Buddy, you don't really want to know that.", and "Well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you!". He retired from the Navy at 40, and was living with his wife, Belinda and 6 (yep) kids in South Carolina, managing a Domino's Pizza while Belinda finished her term in the Navy. My life's better for having known him. Memo to Alan G.: I didn't post anything anonymously for M.Joe- I did post the Leslie E. note because I thought Hank's was a phony also-sorry Hank. As for the uproar by and for Runto, It's not me, but I know who "it" is, and I take full responsibility for putting "it" up to task, but only in response to Message #87 which was authored by a certain Alan Gin. So shoot me.........

Record 341
Name: Matt Morris E-mail: Date: 11-Jun-00 10:00 PM

Hey Earl..........well said!!

Record 340
Name: Earl Towle Date: 11-Jun-00 09:13 PM

A couple of quick notes. First, so far all of the postings attributed to me have been the genuine article and I take full responsibility for them. Next, regarding the "Memorial" site. I saw Ben Beauchamp just before he died, he was a gentle and sincere soul and I was touched by his searching- he had a girlfriend named Patty Butell who joined our highschool in the senior year. Ben and Patty were pretty close until the end. I have not seen Patty since the early 1980s. Regarding Roz Ferrini, I sat next to her in the SRI class in 10th grade and I had spoken with her in class before the fateful weekend (it was a tree at Achievement House by Cuesta College that got them). Roz was a very sweet person and, at a time when highschool students could be cruel or indifferent, she was always very nice. Sorry to hear about the passing of the others, I think noting that they were part of us and have passed on is very appropriate. To Kevin Watkins, yes I was in Mr. Cooks Creative Writing class that sealed the time capsule. I have an excellent 8 X 10 color photo of all of us standing together outside, drop me a note if you want to get a copy of it. I never heard another thing about the capsule, I wonder if we could find it? Do you remember the big wooden sign I made for the "paperback library" that hung in the hall? Finally, I am sorry that anyone feels the need to participate in this message board that was not a member of SLOSH '75, however, it is an open board and it is the net, if posting to a reunion site meets your needs I say post away but don't pretend to be someone other than yourself.

Record 339
Name: Alan Gin Date: 11-Jun-00 03:45 PM

You can see what I have for the memorial page by going to the class directory and clicking on the link "In Memoriam." Please let me know if you have any suggestions about how the page should look.

Record 338
Name: Carol C. E-mail: Date: 11-Jun-00 01:05 PM

ohhh...sad about Rex...Jeff was he living in this area? I also was affected by Glenda Ruff's death, even though we were friends way back in 10th grade. Life is precious and brief...

Record 337
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 11-Jun-00 10:56 AM

Hey Mary....Roz sat accross from me in 10th grade history class. I'll always remember the day in class after she died. Very few could even believe it had happen. I was just getting to know Roz. She was an excellent person. Thanks Mary for not letting us forget.

Record 336
Name: Mary Luis Date: 11-Jun-00 07:48 AM

Let's not forget Roz Ferrini in the memorial.

Record 335
Name: Matt E-mail: Date: 10-Jun-00 11:22 PM

Jeff....i am very sorry to hear about Rex. He was a nice guy, always had a smile.

Record 334
Name: Alan Gin Date: 10-Jun-00 11:00 PM

Jeff, where are you on vacation? And what are you doing on the Internet while you're on vacation? I'm sorry to hear that about Rex.

Record 333
Name: Jeff B. Date: 10-Jun-00 10:50 PM

Memo to Alan G.: I'm on vacation,this is a guest email address- Please enter Rex Fritz' name on the Memorial page- I'd really appreciate it. He died of a heart condition 3 years ago. Thanks-

Record 332
Name: Matt Morris Date: 10-Jun-00 10:34 PM

Hello all....time for a good Saturday Nite Posting!! Hey Jill....i left Pacheco after the 2nd grade. We moved into Teach School Area. I had Ms Warren in 2nd....i think Jim Rizzoli was in my class. SLO Brew will be a nice chance to visit Jill...see ya there. Hey Jennifer .....yeah i am still a nice guy...however i can get downright ugly when my softball team loses one in the last inning, like we did last nite.....but my sons Little League Team won i seem to have gotten over it quickly. For those of you with kids...isnt it funny how fast they forget a bad game as long as there is a snack after the game!! Hey Michelle, ditto about what you said!!! Now I can say i know Morgan. Thats it....that the ticket!

Record 331
Name: Jennifer Date: 10-Jun-00 06:54 PM

Matt Morris- you were always such a nice guy. Sounds like you still are. What friday nite are you talking about? Not last nite I hope, or Ive missed out again.

Record 330
Name: Michelle again E-mail: Date: 10-Jun-00 06:38 PM

...forgive me, but I forgot Tommy, Candy, Roy, Pam, Hank, Nora, Cliff, and Lee Anne. And I misspelled Marcee's name. My apologies to any I didn't mention who posted in the first 200 messages. Thanks to ALL of you who have joined in the fray, especially if you used your Real Identities!

Record 329
Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 10-Jun-00 06:23 PM

I have enjoyed reading and participating on this board. At the risk of sounding like a MOM, however, I will say that my definition of teasing is that both parties are still smiling! When that changes, it becomes simple rudeness. I also would not consider anyone an "Old Friend" if they continued to get their jollies by trying to make me mad. Personally, I am too old to want to spend the energy responding to folks who do that. Yes, I like and respect Joe very much, but the issue is bigger than that. What I have enjoyed most about this is the chance to dialog with Real People who shared that long-ago experience of SLOSH-iness with me. I don't really want to have to be always wondering if the messages are "fakes" or not. I guess I don't mind the aliases or nicknames because those are easy enough to ignore if I choose. But not knowing if it is the REAL Alan, Adam, Susanne, Matt, Jeff, Jill, Steve, Joe, Kevin, Mike, Mary, Dave, Earl, Carol, Walter, Marcie, Karen, Robert, or Robert's wife (sorry if I missed anyone) --well, this has dampened my enthusiasm for participating quite a bit. And if our goal is to get more people involved, I think this will be an inhibitor. Because, you know, it *does* take a bit of courage to share personal things and sign your own name to it! So, Alan, please do whatever you can, practically, to verify the authenticity of the message-senders. I suppose there will always be some who make it their goal to get around that, so be it. After all, I'm not really Michelle, I'm Morgan Fairchild....yeah, that's the ticket!

Record 328
Name: Jill L Date: 10-Jun-00 03:49 PM

Hey Matt M. - Did you go to Pacheco in the 6th grade? I was there in Mr. Ripp's class, but didn't remember if you were there that year. Now that would really be taxing the ole brain since that was 31 years ago. Looking forward to visiting at the brewery.

Record 327
Name: orntu E-mail: Date: 10-Jun-00 01:06 PM

Alan, you're right. Posting under another's name was a bit much. I apologize for my participation. Yes, having an alias makes me a snivelling coward, afraid of my own shadow, too embarassed to engage in honest discourse, etc, etc. Thank you for pointing that out.

Record 326
Name: tnuro E-mail: Date: 10-Jun-00 11:17 AM!

Record 325
Name: Matt Morris Date: 09-Jun-00 11:43 PM

Hey Jennifer ......good to see your Bio on the list. I lived near A & W...remember me coming there alot? Well it wasnt always for the hamburgers Jenn.....Hey everyone...things are looking good for those of us coming to the Friday nite gathering at SLO Brew. I spoke to the manager and we have half the downstairs pool table area. Hope to see you all there.

Record 324
Name: Kevin Watkins Date: 09-Jun-00 05:07 PM

Wow. I just got caught up on the messages. Bogus messages from fake names? This is interesting. Hey Marcie, thanks for correcting my memory--especially since sweet old Ben can't defend himself. What a great guy he was. Norm Coy was my neighbor in Avila, and I absolutely, positively remember that he had the flu the day of the "dash out the door and heave" game. Here's a question: Was anyone in Mr. Cook's creative writing class when we wrote letters to ourselves, had them sealed in a big can, and buried it near the SL letters on the hill above school? We were supposed to meet and dig it up in five years, I think. I'll bet no one ever did. If anyone from that class reads this, I'd like to go up there during the reunion weekend and try to find it.

Record 323
Name: untor Date: 09-Jun-00 04:48 PM

Alan- I think you owe us ALL a non-deleted explanation of why the delicate sensibilities of the esteemed Mr. Johnson should dictate the content of a "chat room" he doesn't even contribute to? Shouldn't the persons actually USING it decide what's proper and what's not? How many complaints did you actually receive? Count Joe's messages. Count those that mention Runto. What am I guilty of except having an alias and wanting to poke fun at an old friend?

Alan Gin responds: I don't want to continue this foodfight as a regular post, so I'm going to do it here. You're free to offend Joe's sensibilities as much as you want. That's not the problem that I have. What's not proper is to write things using other people's names, whether it's Joe, Adam, or Leslie Edmondson. I'm sure that most of the people USING this site, especially those using their REAL names, would agree. You're free to poke fun at anyone you want; I guess you find it easier to do from behind a cloak of anonymity.

Record 322
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 09-Jun-00 03:17 PM

Neil McCracken, Just read your bio. Stormin' Norman really was sick that game. Duane Beaulieu and I witnessed it. We were standing in the lobby, when Norm came running straight at us with his hand held over his mouth and vomit squirting between his fingers. Needless to say, we got out of his way real fast.

Record 321
Name: Alan Gin E-mail: Date: 09-Jun-00 11:20 AM

Here's a few matters that have been brought up previously:

1. Walter wanted to know if there was a way to find people on the missing list that could be shared so that some of you can help in finding them. Candy Ryan suggested the following resources:

Some problems are that you get a lot of possibilities when people have a common name (e.g., Michelle Black) and some of the women may be using a married name. The only success that I had was that I was able to locate Bruce Belton. But any help that you could give in finding the missing people would be appreciated.

2. My cousing Tommy wanted me to list everybody and their locations, so you could see where everyone is living. Chris Perello also wanted me to list everyone and indicate whether they were coming to the Reunion, so you could see who was coming. I'm going to do both. If you look at the Class Directory, you'll see that I've added a column to indicate whether people are going to attend the Reunion. I've entered in some information that people have mentioned previously. Send me a message about whether you're going to attend or state it on this message board. I'll also get information about the registrations from the Reunion Committee, as well as the location of some of the rest of our classmates.

3. Adam Corob suggested adding a memorial section on the website for our classmates who have died over the years. He listed the following people: Norris Picardo, Glenda Ruff, Ben Beauchamp, Kevin Bishop, and Jerry Gonzales. Does anybody know about anyone else?

Record 320
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 09-Jun-00 08:56 AM

Matt, I remember Robert Strauss. He lived on Sierra Way, by the old County Library off of Bishop St. A pretty nice guy, and a decent basketball player. As I recall, he went to South America for a while during school. I don't know what has happened to him since then.

Record 319
Name: Matt Morris Date: 09-Jun-00 07:34 AM

Hello alot of messages! Ive been in Richmond, VA all week. Good to hear from Marcie Hood. Marcie, do you remember me, you and Ann Zeverly walking to school in Pachaco Days? There was also Robert Strauss, who moved away and then came back for a short period of time in High School. He was a violin master, quite a change from the Robert i knew as a kid. Anyone else remember him? Well i have to run folks...see ya soon!!

Record 318
Name: Alan Gin Date: 09-Jun-00 01:34 AM

Here is a public apology to Mike Berg. I didn't mean in message 109 to imply that I thought he had done anything wrong. Sorry about that Mike. There wasn't anything wrong with what you said as "Kahuna." I'm sorry that my message may have suggested otherwise. This apology would have come sooner, except I was out of town most of today.

My apologies to the rest of you, too, if I overreacted a bit. You should go back to using the names that we have come to know and love you by. I'm trying to finish a couple of projects before I go to visit my wife and daughter in Hong Kong next week, so I'm a little stressed right now. The last thing I need to do now is to try to identify the fake messages on this board. Should I just let the fake messages go? Several of us have already fallen for some of the fakes, responding to them as if they were real. Is this a problem? What if someone gave a fake answer to this week's Question of the Week and attributed it to someone else?

We need someone to get us back on track by changing the subject.

Record 317
Name: Carol Cementina E-mail: Date: 08-Jun-00 06:04 PM

I'll use my maiden name in case someone doesn't know who in the heck "Kowalski" is... Alan, no need to say sorry for your censorship... the only reason we even get to do this is because of your brilliance, generosity and hard work. We really appreciate it!

Record 316
Name: unknown E-mail: Date: 08-Jun-00 03:48 PM

testing your abilities Alan

Record 315
Name: Susanne May Date: 08-Jun-00 11:54 AM

Ha! If you think more Class if '75 women in this chat space is going to bring any amount of sanity, you have the wrong class! We have had 25 years to perfect our abilities to drive the males in our lives crazy. Just ask my husband. And, I didn't even have to take a class in it.

Record 314
Name: Mike Berg E-mail: Date: 08-Jun-00 11:12 AM

Hi Guy's What is going on? Please, let's not take the world too seriously. I think a lot of this stuff has been very healing for some folk's. I don't think Kahuna wrote anything offensive. Just having some fun with tricky Dick. No harm ment, none should be taken. Hope every one will continue to check in and I will try to keep "Kahuna" off of the net. C Ya

Record 313
Name: Alan Gin Date: 08-Jun-00 11:18 AM

Michelle, I think the women of the Class of 1975 need to come in and restore sanity to this place.

Record 312
Name: Alan Gin Date: 08-Jun-00 09:54 AM

It turns out that the messages posted earlier here today, supposedly by Adam Corob and Jeff Bringle, were fakes too. They were posted by the person going by name runto.

Record 311
Name: Michelle Brown E-mail: Date: 08-Jun-00 09:09 AM

I feel it necessary to state my opinion for the record. I do NOT feel that The Committee (or anyone else for that matter) is obligated in any way to provide information on themselves. I completely respect everyone's right to privacy, and don't think anyone's info of any kind should be published here without their express permission and participation. EVEN IF it is posted in some other public place! ( I have to admit I'm beginning to doubt the wisdom of all the things I've decided to share--this is a completely public place, even though we may feel like we are chatting at some party back in SLO-town) I would extend a warm invitation for others to join us because I'm interested in reconnecting. BUT no-one should be teased and badgered into joining in, or feel judged because they choose not to! Let's make this a safe and fun place to get to know each other again, NOT an adolescent journey down "stud row" please! And so I must apologize again if I contributed to that atmosphere. I sincerely and publicly thank The Committee for freely giving of your time to put together a reunion for the rest of us to enjoy. I hope you all have a thick skin and a good sense of humor. Did you realize it was gonna be like running for public office? And especially to Alan Gin, *thanks* for being a good papa to this crowd. Oh, by the way, I signed my last post Michelle BROWNIE.That was really me if anyone was confused.

Record 310
Name: Adam Corob E-mail: Date: 08-Jun-00 08:57 AM

Hey Joe, Join the party. I'm sure that lots of people would like to hear from you.

Record 309
Name: Alan Gin Date: 07-Jun-00 11:23 PM

Thanks for letting me know that Jeff. I was just about to go back and record the code that comes in with each message that identifies where the message is coming from. I probably would have picked that up eventually. Look, everybody, as the manager of this site, I have had complete control over the messages that were posted on this board. I could have deleted any message at any time. But I've let things go because people seemed to be enjoying themselves and there weren't many problems. But it now seems that some people can't control themselves, even after the passage of 25 years (it is possible, though, that this is being done by someone who is not in our class). So I'm going to have to do some censoring, and I'm going to delete any message that:

1. Uses someone else's name and/or e-mail address.

2. Uses a fake or anonymous name (so no more messages from runto).

3. If you want to use some other name, please let everyone know. For example, message 103 from Kahuna is from Mike Berg.

Sorry about this everyone.

Record 308
Name: Jeff B. Date: 07-Jun-00 10:42 PM

Way to go, Alan! Reunion message boards are serious business. There's absolutely no room for blatantly defamatory or abusive third party postings! Just make sure you send a REAL killer virus, like one that causes the perpetrator's browser to only accept emails from Committee Members! Yow!! By the way, I'm the source of that compliment from Leslie E. Cruzen..........

Record 307
Name: Alan Gin Date: 07-Jun-00 10:25 PM

To the people who have been posting messages under Joe Johnson's name: Unless you can post a message from Joe's computer itself, forget it. Just using his name and e-mail address won't do it. I have the ability to know if messages are coming from different computers. And if I know that, how long do you think it will take me to send your computer a killer virus if you keep this up?

Record 306
Name: Joe Johnson (the real one) E-mail:mjjohnson@ Date: 07-Jun-00 05:01 PM

You know, I'm trying to have a sense of humor about the fake messages attributed to me and all the goading, etc., but frankly it is a little annoying. I'll stand by for the usual recriminations, and poof, we'll be back in high school! Thanks, Al, for letting me know! Keep up the good work.

Record 305
Name: Tommy G. E-mail: Date: 07-Jun-00 04:36 PM

Al, I was just thinking. Would it be possible to list EVERYBODYS name (not the missing) and their city in the directory? They could add their E-mail or bio later. It would be to fun know where everybodys located.

Record 304
Name: Mary Luis Date: 07-Jun-00 04:21 PM

I just read some of the messages for the first time. It is great to hear what everyone is up to. I know how those old high school flames and memories still make us smile. I guess nothing lost if we are still smiling! I know that I won't make it to the reunion, but "hello" to all those 'old' friends. Take care!

Record 303
Name: Kahuna E-mail: Date: 07-Jun-00 11:48 AM

Nixon? Great Man?

Record 302
Name: Susanne May Date: 07-Jun-00 07:27 AM

Wow! I haven't been able to read messages since the first and there were so many! And it is good to hear from some new people. I can't remember having a crush on anyone in high school. But I do remember slow dancing with Jeff Chase once. I doubled with Richard Saltzman. He was the tallest guy I have ever danced with. It was wonderful to feel so short! I looked back through the messages in my yearbook. No hot messages there. So that was the story of my high school life right there! Great to hear from everyone!

Record 301
Name: Jill L. Date: 06-Jun-00 09:14 PM

Hi Marcee - Wow the brownie story surfaces again. And I gave Kevin credit for having a great memory. I guess you have been following the message board for awhile since that is one of the archieved messages. Remember Sue Horton at the other end of your street? Ever hear from her, she is missing out on our message board! Nice to hear from you.