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Society for Creative Anachronism - Principality of the Mists

Brewers' Guild Page

Web Site of the West Kingdom Brewers' Guild Branch in the Principality of the Mists*

...perpetually under construction...

Last updated 9-28-02
N.B.: For general information on the West Kingdom Brewers' Guild, please click here (use your browser "back" button to return).
There is also a great article by Master Brewer Crystal of the Westermark, OL in the Guild newsletter on the Kingdom guild site on the subject of heated beverages.


I am no longer serving as guild rep for the Mists, you can contact the current rep here. (Hope you've better luck contacting them than I have...sigh)

NOTE FOR CONTEST SUBMISSIONS: ALL Principality-level contest submissions must follow the same guidelines as Kingdom-level contests.


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George of Berwick's (mundane) homepage
A series of gruits brewed up at a Westermark "brew day" and sampled around Twelfth Night AS XXXV...

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*DISCLAIMER: This website is maintained solely for the use and enjoyment of members and guests of the Brewers' Guild. This is NOT a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism (or of the Kingdom of the West) and does not delineate official policy. In cases where there may be a discrepancy between this web site and a printed version of the same materials, any dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Portions of this web page (or pages it's linked to) are copyrighted ©. Please respect the rights of these copyright holders.