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Eden's Recent Pictures! (Updated 11/5/05)


Daddy and his Cinnamon Girl.

I love this shot.


Eden, Marcela, Sofia, and Aya Rose. Terrific friends. :-)

Taking a "cheese" break in San Francisco.

Rock Star.

Closeup...looking serious.

In San Jose after our family reunion.

Yard pics.

My ChickerBeeps.

Playing on Papa's tire swing.

Playing at Papa's.

Eden and Emma.

Looking at herself in the mirror.

After two math lessons, she goes solo. Pretty good, huh?


I love the expression on Aya Rose's face here.

Eden loves to dress up and asked Tutu for a wedding dress for dressup. Scary.

We didn't know she had this talent.

Another view.

At the duck pond in a field of flowers.

Strike...a pose.

Being a ham.

Being a drama queen.

Mommy and Eden. July 5, 2005.

Eden at the duck pond, November 3.

I love this.


What I'm doing now...

(*** indicates my latest feats.)

** I am learning the states and capitals. I can sound it out if I don't remember the name.

** I wake up and make a fashion decision. I'm very into style.

I can write all my letters, capitals and lowercase and I can
read simple words.

I love to shop. I love going to thrift stores and finding old dolls.

**I rock at Go Fish and Daddy's teaching me to play Poker.

See my little sister, Aya Rose.

Pics of my sister and me together.

See my mom's online store!


My 0-3 month pictures and what I was doing then.

My 3-6 pictures and what I was doing then.

See my family ad more pictures of li'l ol' me!

Eden Weekly Archives

July 2000

August 2000

September 2000

September-October 2000

July 2001-August 2002
August 2002-April 2004
Our Travels