Eden 3-6 Months

Eden and Tutu on Easter.

Swimming for the first time!!!

5 months old.

Terrible accident at the creampuff factory!

The chef put a baby in the mixing bowl!

The baby ate all the profits for that whole year.

Hula Hula girl.

Someone's flirting with the camera.

Sunset on Eden's 5-month birthday.

What I'm doing now...

I can sit up all by myself!!!

I can roll like a ball all over the place.

I'm swimming now. I can even go underwater.

I laugh and smile regularly.

I finally fit into the cloth diapers Mommy got for me. She calls me "Little Cottontail."

If you grab my hands while I'm lying down, I'll stand -- if you keep holding my hands.

I can scoot from place to place.

I am SOOOO ticklish on my back and my sides. I'm "Tickle Me Eden!"


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